Why weren't both Bushes impeached and/or tried for war crimes?

No one liked Hussien.

Says who? He kept the lid on that cesspool. Both Bushes committed more atrocities than Saddam ever did.
Saddam thanks you for your support, but regrets to inform you he's dead for his crimes against his people.

You cried when he was executed, didn't you?
No one liked Hussien.

Says who? He kept the lid on that cesspool. Both Bushes committed more atrocities than Saddam ever did.

Saddam killed half a million Kurds in Operation Anfal. His war with Iran cost a million dead. The sanctions that kept Saddam "in the box" killed half a million Iraqis, most of them children.

At most, the Iraq War killed 100,000 Iraqis (forget the BS Lancet Reports) and 5000 Americans. Which is a tragedy, but leaving Saddam in power would have been just as bad. Keeping the lid on the cesspool forgets that there were 26 million people in this "cesspool".
Pffft. They're just brown people. It's not like the left cares about them -- especially since they don't vote Democrat. :cool:
No..he committed Treason against the United States by making a deal with Iran to keep the hostages in custody until after the election. That's a big deal.

And Obama didn't "phooked" up the economy. That was done by Bush. And royally. With a lot of help from Reagan and a little help from Clinton.

He made no deal. If anything, he let it be known that his first act as President would be to secure the release of the hostages by any means necessary

i keep asking Shallow what the Iranians got out of this supposed deal. Reagan was nothing but the biggest pain in the ass to all their plans throughout the 80's.

It strikes me that if you aren't going to get something (reagan didn't even completely unfreeze their assets), you don't make a deal like that.
No..he committed Treason against the United States by making a deal with Iran to keep the hostages in custody until after the election. That's a big deal.

Only to you and your unmedicated mind. The "October Surprise" BS has been debunked a long time ago. It also flies in the face of logic. Why wouldn't the Iranians have exposed the deal a long time ago? Especially after Reagan put the Kaybosh on their attempts to close off the straights of Hormuz in 1986? Why would the Iranians make a deal to get weapons SIX YEARS LATER? They needed those weapons in 1980, not 1986.

Your whole conspiracy theory falls apart when you realize the Iranians didn't get anything for their trouble.

The Iranians kept the hostages because Carter didn't negotiate with them in good faith. He dragged out the crisis to beat Ted Kennedy, but when it dragged on and on, he wanted a deal and the Iranians weren't going to oblige him. HIs sanctions wrecked their economy (and ours, for that matter).

Carter was weak,and once the Iranians realized they could screw with him, they did.

But they weren't going to take a chance with Reagan. That guy was supposedly a warmonger who wanted to blow shit up.

And Obama didn't "phooked" up the economy. That was done by Bush. And royally. With a lot of help from Reagan and a little help from Clinton.

You talk to business people, and why they aren't hiring even though their employees are overworked and stressed out, and they will tell you it's because of the uncertainty the Community Organizer has set into place, not shit that went down 3 years ago.

Oh bullshit. The Iranians let the hostages go 20 minutes after Reagan was inaugurated and in his apology he admits that there were talks with the Iranians by his people. When the fuck did that occur? In that 20 minute gap? Neat trick.

Talk to business people? :lol: I worked for the NYSE until june for 13 years. It's part of the "new way". They ain't hiring because it's cheap and there's more profit in either going overseas..or overworking people. That's been going on for quite some time...but the numbers haven't been reflecting it. Carly Fiorina was one of the first to implement the whole "synergy" thing by firing some 30K HP employees and moving their jobs overseas. Many companies have followed suit. No CEO gives a rat's ass about their employees. The Unions are broke..and they can pretty much do what they want. And thats the way they want it. As do all Conservatives. Worked till death until 50..fired..dead by 60.

Grats boys. :clap2:
They were.

Stopping genocide is always a good thing.

And you are kind of right..Congress denied those presidents the use of troops. They gave them missiles and bombs.

Which worked out in the end. :lol:

Oh, sure it did.

Last time I checked, the Balkans are still messed up, and really, putting Al Qaeda alligned rebels in charge of Libya and encouraging more islamist takeovers isn't going to improve our position all that much.

When was the last time you checked. I was there 3 years ago. Looked fine.
I think it would have been...awkward...for President Obama to pursue war crimes against President Bush given that Obama is in clear violation of the Constitution by waging wars without the approval of Congress. Obama isn't going to get anywhere near the idea of prosecuting war crimes.

And exactly what war did Obama wage without Congressional approval? He definitely extended Bush's war in Afghanistan and he certainly didn't pull the military out of Iraq according to plan. But I'm unaware of another war in another place.

By the way, the job of bringing articles of impeachment do not originate with the Office of the President. The power to impeach resides solely with Congress. The reason - impeachment proceedings are expressly reserved for a President.

Of course, whether or not this country ever has the guts to truthfully deal with those two lying cheating bastards (Bush & Cheney), Spain and Italy have. Currently in both countries, Bush and Cheney were adjudged war criminals. Should either ever set foot in these countries, they will be immediately arrested and jailed for their crimes against humanity. Good for them! Shame on us.

Further proof how corrupt we've become as a people and a nation.
As we know lefty stooges threatened impeachment a lot in Bush's last few years in office, but never got serious about it. IMO because they knew they didn't have the goods. Or, to put it another way, if they thought they had a chance of succeeding they'd have done it in a minute. So instead they kept throwing it out there as part of their strategery to paint all Republicans negatively for the '08 election. And a lot of dimwits bought it.
I think it would have been...awkward...for President Obama to pursue war crimes against President Bush given that Obama is in clear violation of the Constitution by waging wars without the approval of Congress. Obama isn't going to get anywhere near the idea of prosecuting war crimes.

And exactly what war did Obama wage without Congressional approval? He definitely extended Bush's war in Afghanistan and he certainly didn't pull the military out of Iraq according to plan. But I'm unaware of another war in another place.

By the way, the job of bringing articles of impeachment do not originate with the Office of the President. The power to impeach resides solely with Congress. The reason - impeachment proceedings are expressly reserved for a President.

Of course, whether or not this country ever has the guts to truthfully deal with those two lying cheating bastards (Bush & Cheney), Spain and Italy have. Currently in both countries, Bush and Cheney were adjudged war criminals. Should either ever set foot in these countries, they will be immediately arrested and jailed for their crimes against humanity. Good for them! Shame on us.

Further proof how corrupt we've become as a people and a nation.

Oh brother... take a few more bong hits there Beavis.
I can guarantee you it was not because the Democrats decided to take "the high road."
I think it would have been...awkward...for President Obama to pursue war crimes against President Bush given that Obama is in clear violation of the Constitution by waging wars without the approval of Congress. Obama isn't going to get anywhere near the idea of prosecuting war crimes.

And exactly what war did Obama wage without Congressional approval? He definitely extended Bush's war in Afghanistan and he certainly didn't pull the military out of Iraq according to plan. But I'm unaware of another war in another place.

By the way, the job of bringing articles of impeachment do not originate with the Office of the President. The power to impeach resides solely with Congress. The reason - impeachment proceedings are expressly reserved for a President.

Of course, whether or not this country ever has the guts to truthfully deal with those two lying cheating bastards (Bush & Cheney), Spain and Italy have. Currently in both countries, Bush and Cheney were adjudged war criminals. Should either ever set foot in these countries, they will be immediately arrested and jailed for their crimes against humanity. Good for them! Shame on us.

Further proof how corrupt we've become as a people and a nation.

SCOTUS justices can be impeached too, if you're keeping score at home.

Be careful what can 'O worms you open libs. Both presidents Bush had full cooperation and permission from congress for boots on the ground. Democrats later pretended to be bystanders or members of the jihad when they undermined the Military effort and called Soldiers and Marines "murderers and terrorists". Senate majority leader Harry Reid should have been arrested for treason when he tried to influence the morale of the troops on the eve of the "troop surge" by telling them the "war (in Iraq) was lost". For the record Harry Truman did not receive permission from congress for Korea. How many civilians was Bill Clinton responsible for killing with his "wag the dog" bombing of Yugoslavia?
I can guarantee you it was not because the Democrats decided to take "the high road."

Well my theory is that Democrats have their spines surgically removed and replaced with wet noodles.

Obama's biggest failure was and is letting Bush Jr. and Cheney off the hook for their war crimes and various crimes against humanity. Obama now owns their crimes.
It's funny how you think Bush and Obama are different. They're both puppets of the International Bankers that own them.

Remember when Bush I and Clinton went on a speaking tour together? When The Bamster leaves office, yer gonna' see Bush II and Obama tour together too.

It'll be called the "Americans Are Suckers/We Got Away With It" tour.
I think it would have been...awkward...for President Obama to pursue war crimes against President Bush given that Obama is in clear violation of the Constitution by waging wars without the approval of Congress. Obama isn't going to get anywhere near the idea of prosecuting war crimes.

And exactly what war did Obama wage without Congressional approval? He definitely extended Bush's war in Afghanistan and he certainly didn't pull the military out of Iraq according to plan. But I'm unaware of another war in another place.

By the way, the job of bringing articles of impeachment do not originate with the Office of the President. The power to impeach resides solely with Congress. The reason - impeachment proceedings are expressly reserved for a President.

Of course, whether or not this country ever has the guts to truthfully deal with those two lying cheating bastards (Bush & Cheney), Spain and Italy have. Currently in both countries, Bush and Cheney were adjudged war criminals. Should either ever set foot in these countries, they will be immediately arrested and jailed for their crimes against humanity. Good for them! Shame on us.

Further proof how corrupt we've become as a people and a nation.

Libya, Pakistan, Yemen...

U.S. Tried but Failed to Kill Yemeni Cleric - WSJ.com

Congressmen Condemn Obama Attack on Congressional War Powers

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2HOs3UsONI]President Obama and the War in Libya | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 3/29/11 - YouTube[/ame]
I think it would have been...awkward...for President Obama to pursue war crimes against President Bush given that Obama is in clear violation of the Constitution by waging wars without the approval of Congress. Obama isn't going to get anywhere near the idea of prosecuting war crimes.

And exactly what war did Obama wage without Congressional approval? He definitely extended Bush's war in Afghanistan and he certainly didn't pull the military out of Iraq according to plan. But I'm unaware of another war in another place.

By the way, the job of bringing articles of impeachment do not originate with the Office of the President. The power to impeach resides solely with Congress. The reason - impeachment proceedings are expressly reserved for a President.

Of course, whether or not this country ever has the guts to truthfully deal with those two lying cheating bastards (Bush & Cheney), Spain and Italy have. Currently in both countries, Bush and Cheney were adjudged war criminals. Should either ever set foot in these countries, they will be immediately arrested and jailed for their crimes against humanity. Good for them! Shame on us.

Further proof how corrupt we've become as a people and a nation.

Oh brother... take a few more bong hits there Beavis.

Bongs are so out of style, but a few more hits of fresh air sounds good.

Bet you're one of those all fucked up on the Lord types.

I may be Beavis, but you clearly are Butthead.
You'll have to explain how his conduct is "treasonous". He's colored in the lines and played by the book all along.

Not like Reagan..who really did commit treason.

Riiiight. Reagan did commit Treason against the Sandinistas... poor babies.

I don't care if Obama "played by the book". The point is, he's phooked up the economy the worst I've seen in my life. 9% unemployment. $4.00 gasoline. 4 Trillion in new debt. Downgraded credit status.

In the classic words of Darth Vader, "You've failed me for the last time!" This clown needs to be thrown out so hard he bounces.

No..he committed Treason against the United States by making a deal with Iran to keep the hostages in custody until after the election. That's a big deal.

And Obama didn't "phooked" up the economy. That was done by Bush. And royally. With a lot of help from Reagan and a little help from Clinton.

Pray tell how did an unelected individual who was running for the Presidency manage to convince the Iranians, who by this bizarre logic of yours, must have adored a Republican American candidate versus a Democrat candidate for POTUS tO hold the American hostages until after the election.

I'll cue twilight zone music and wait for your explanation and proof.

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I think it would have been...awkward...for President Obama to pursue war crimes against President Bush given that Obama is in clear violation of the Constitution by waging wars without the approval of Congress. Obama isn't going to get anywhere near the idea of prosecuting war crimes.

And exactly what war did Obama wage without Congressional approval? He definitely extended Bush's war in Afghanistan and he certainly didn't pull the military out of Iraq according to plan. But I'm unaware of another war in another place.

By the way, the job of bringing articles of impeachment do not originate with the Office of the President. The power to impeach resides solely with Congress. The reason - impeachment proceedings are expressly reserved for a President.

Of course, whether or not this country ever has the guts to truthfully deal with those two lying cheating bastards (Bush & Cheney), Spain and Italy have. Currently in both countries, Bush and Cheney were adjudged war criminals. Should either ever set foot in these countries, they will be immediately arrested and jailed for their crimes against humanity. Good for them! Shame on us.

Further proof how corrupt we've become as a people and a nation.

Oh brother... take a few more bong hits there Beavis.
Yep, the sheer stupidity of liberals these days is downright comical.

And now we're finding out today that there is only 1 hospital left standing in Tripoli, to serve 2 million people, thanks to Obama and the UN destroying all the rest of 'em......FOX news showed a 3 year old gunshot victim die right before our very eyes this morning, because there were no hospitals or aid stations to take him too.

Who's a fuckin' war criminal?:eusa_whistle:
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