Why weren't both Bushes impeached and/or tried for war crimes?

Oh bullshit. The Iranians let the hostages go 20 minutes after Reagan was inaugurated and in his apology he admits that there were talks with the Iranians by his people. When the fuck did that occur? In that 20 minute gap? Neat trick.

You are making a stretch between, "Some Iranian talked to some Reagan fuctionary" (and was probably told he wouldn't get any better deal out of Reagan) and "Reagan conspired with the Iranians and the Iranians agreed to the scheme even though they got absolutely n othing out of it...

This is where logic fails. The Iranians really couldn't afford to wait until Reagan. Saddam was invading their country right now. Because they couldn't get spare parts for their American made weapons and the Ayatollah's had purged Royalist officers, Saddam was making pretty good progress in the first few weeks of the war. Their international assets were frozen and they couldn't sell their oil on the open market. They were really going to wait to MAYBE get a better deal from Reagan, whom you guys all told us was looking for an excuse to blow someone up.

But let's take your silly argument to it's logical conclusion. YOu are an Iranian functionary. What am I going to possibly promise you to keep the hostages for another three months or more? Three months, Saddam could be in Tehran.

You just don't think things through, do you?

Talk to business people? :lol: I worked for the NYSE until june for 13 years. It's part of the "new way". They ain't hiring because it's cheap and there's more profit in either going overseas..or overworking people. That's been going on for quite some time...but the numbers haven't been reflecting it. Carly Fiorina was one of the first to implement the whole "synergy" thing by firing some 30K HP employees and moving their jobs overseas. Many companies have followed suit. No CEO gives a rat's ass about their employees. The Unions are broke..and they can pretty much do what they want. And thats the way they want it. As do all Conservatives. Worked till death until 50..fired..dead by 60.

Grats boys. :clap2:

Oh, wow, man, another genius from wall street. I am always amazed by people who get on the internet and tell us what great successes they were. (or are.) Seriously, it's like the guy who gets on the internet and tells us how large his male member is... and about as believable.

Anyway, to the point. You know why companies won't hire older workers? Because they can sue for age discrimination if you try to bounce their asses, that's why. So simple enough solution, don't hire an old person to start with. THis is what you guys have created, a anti-business climate, and you wonder why the move to China.
Oh, sure it did.

Last time I checked, the Balkans are still messed up, and really, putting Al Qaeda alligned rebels in charge of Libya and encouraging more islamist takeovers isn't going to improve our position all that much.

When was the last time you checked. I was there 3 years ago. Looked fine.

There are nine national entities where Yugoslavia used to be, and they are all dirt poor. Good going. Glad we stopped the genocide that wasn't happening so we could have the poverty that is.

Hey, you know what else the Balkans are. Pretty much the nest of Muslim Extremism in Europe...

Clinton will be remembered for "Impeached for a blowjob". He really didn't do anything else. Deal with it. When they do his statue, his pants should be around his ankles with Monica on her knees.
Obama's biggest failure was and is letting Bush Jr. and Cheney off the hook for their war crimes and various crimes against humanity. Obama now owns their crimes

The next level of liberalism, criminalizing not being liberal.

Unlike the Democrats, I'm actually against the wars, all of them all the time, not just when my party's not in power. But we need to change our ways, not criminalize disagreeing with the left.
What makes this illegal?except saddam didn't have any idea how to train a military? Why are arab militaries so weak?
Wow more thought provoking Lakhota commentary....man this guy does a lot of deep thinking...my pubic hair has more thoughts than him
Wow more thought provoking Lakhota commentary....man this guy does a lot of deep thinking...my pubic hair has more thoughts than him

As usual - all personal and no substance. Try refuting the facts in the OP.
Indicting GWB for war crimes would establish a dangerous – some would say to National security – precedent by which future presidents might be prosecuted – including the current occupant of the WH.

Just what we need, impeachment hearings for any future POTUS. Any idea how many people would like to see Obama impeached? Of course most lunatics that call for impeachment don't understand that you can't just impeach a standing president because you disagree with him/her.
Indicting GWB for war crimes would establish a dangerous – some would say to National security – precedent by which future presidents might be prosecuted – including the current occupant of the WH.

Just what we need, impeachment hearings for any future POTUS. Any idea how many people would like to see Obama impeached? Of course most lunatics that call for impeachment don't understand that you can't just impeach a standing president because you disagree with him/her.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Bush impeachment was off the table - and Obama has been protecting him ever since he left office. Osama bin Laden was planning big stuff while Ken Starr and the House Republicans were trying to burn the Clinton at the stake. I remember it clearly - and I wondered what the hell they were thinking as they distracted American focus away from Osama bin Laden as they engaged in politics of personal destruction.

Iraq was worthy of impeachment and war crimes charges - of both Bush presidents.
Indicting GWB for war crimes would establish a dangerous – some would say to National security – precedent by which future presidents might be prosecuted – including the current occupant of the WH.

Just what we need, impeachment hearings for any future POTUS. Any idea how many people would like to see Obama impeached? Of course most lunatics that call for impeachment don't understand that you can't just impeach a standing president because you disagree with him/her.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Bush impeachment was off the table - and Obama has been protecting him ever since he left office. Osama bin Laden was planning big stuff while Ken Starr and the House Republicans were trying to burn the Clinton at the stake. I remember it clearly - and I wondered what the hell they were thinking as they distracted American focus away from Osama bin Laden as they engaged in politics of personal destruction.

Iraq was worthy of impeachment and war crimes charges - of both Bush presidents.

And what were the crimes of GH Bush? I know what you think GW's crimes were. This ought to be good.
Just what we need, impeachment hearings for any future POTUS. Any idea how many people would like to see Obama impeached? Of course most lunatics that call for impeachment don't understand that you can't just impeach a standing president because you disagree with him/her.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Bush impeachment was off the table - and Obama has been protecting him ever since he left office. Osama bin Laden was planning big stuff while Ken Starr and the House Republicans were trying to burn the Clinton at the stake. I remember it clearly - and I wondered what the hell they were thinking as they distracted American focus away from Osama bin Laden as they engaged in politics of personal destruction.

Iraq was worthy of impeachment and war crimes charges - of both Bush presidents.

And what were the crimes of GH Bush? I know what you think GW's crimes were. This ought to be good.

Giving Saddam the "green light" to invade Kuwait and then attacking him after he did. It's laid out on the first page of this thread.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Bush impeachment was off the table - and Obama has been protecting him ever since he left office. Osama bin Laden was planning big stuff while Ken Starr and the House Republicans were trying to burn the Clinton at the stake. I remember it clearly - and I wondered what the hell they were thinking as they distracted American focus away from Osama bin Laden as they engaged in politics of personal destruction.

Iraq was worthy of impeachment and war crimes charges - of both Bush presidents.

And what were the crimes of GH Bush? I know what you think GW's crimes were. This ought to be good.

Giving Saddam the "green light" to invade Kuwait and then attacking him after he did. It's laid out on the first page of this thread.

Well except that Bush never did any such thing. This belongs in conspiracy theories.
And what were the crimes of GH Bush? I know what you think GW's crimes were. This ought to be good.

Giving Saddam the "green light" to invade Kuwait and then attacking him after he did. It's laid out on the first page of this thread.

Well except that Bush never did any such thing. This belongs in conspiracy theories.

Yes, he did - through Baker and Glaspie. That has been confirmed.

CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL: Classified Cable Proves US Ok'd Saddam's Kuwait Invasion | Veterans Today
You'll have to explain how his conduct is "treasonous". He's colored in the lines and played by the book all along.

Not like Reagan..who really did commit treason.

Riiiight. Reagan did commit Treason against the Sandinistas... poor babies.

I don't care if Obama "played by the book". The point is, he's phooked up the economy the worst I've seen in my life. 9% unemployment. $4.00 gasoline. 4 Trillion in new debt. Downgraded credit status.

In the classic words of Darth Vader, "You've failed me for the last time!" This clown needs to be thrown out so hard he bounces.

No..he committed Treason against the United States by making a deal with Iran to keep the hostages in custody until after the election. That's a big deal.

And Obama didn't "phooked" up the economy. That was done by Bush. And royally. With a lot of help from Reagan and a little help from Clinton.

Yeah, Bush was behind 9/11 and the 2000 and 2004 elections were fixed, Obama is really not born in this country and Elvis is alive living with JFK.

You guys get nuttier all the time.
Giving Saddam the "green light" to invade Kuwait and then attacking him after he did. It's laid out on the first page of this thread.

Well except that Bush never did any such thing. This belongs in conspiracy theories.

Yes, he did - through Baker and Glaspie. That has been confirmed.

CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL: Classified Cable Proves US Ok'd Saddam's Kuwait Invasion | Veterans Today
Ron Paul is a loon, as are you.:cuckoo:

Careful what you wish for. Obama is just as guilty if not worse with the drone program. How the US can justify what Obama has done and is doing is beyond rational. Yes, enhanced interrogation techniques were used under Bush but that isn't killing a person in the ME from Arizona. It isn't killing Americans without any due process. It isn't killing a 16 year old American who wasn't a terrorist or a threat. In comparison, and I am sure you will not agree, what Obama has done is far worse then what any of those links said Bush did.

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