Why weren't both Bushes impeached and/or tried for war crimes?

Giving Saddam the "green light" to invade Kuwait and then attacking him after he did. It's laid out on the first page of this thread.

Well except that Bush never did any such thing. This belongs in conspiracy theories.

Yes, he did - through Baker and Glaspie. That has been confirmed.

CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL: Classified Cable Proves US Ok'd Saddam's Kuwait Invasion | Veterans Today

Read the article, did not see the green light.

the thing is that describes every president we have had for the past 50 years that should have been tried for war crimes.dont forget,Nixon and Clinton both started fake and phony wars to get the american peoples attention away from their scandals they were involved in.

Like all presidents,the Bushs will never be tried because politicians ESPECIALLY presidents,get away with crimes everyday we could never get away with.havent you heard?
Why weren't both Bushes impeached and/or tried for war crimes?

Bush Sr. was asked by allies to help out after an illegal invasion. He did everything right. Of course, he was a WWII Officer, Former head of the CIA, Vice President and President. Highly qualified.

Bush Jr. was a lush and former drug addict. Lied about being arrested when he went into office. Lied the country into war. Turned a surplus into a disastrous deficit. Left Americans to die in New Orleans. Saw weapons in Iraq that didn't exist. Ignored people in New Orleans that we could see on TV. Started Solyndra. All by himself, but nearly brought down the entire country.

the thing is that describes every president we have had for the past 50 years that should have been tried for war crimes.dont forget,Nixon and Clinton both started fake and phony wars to get the american peoples attention away from their scandals they were involved in.

Like all presidents,the Bushs will never be tried because politicians ESPECIALLY presidents,get away with crimes everyday we could never get away with.havent you heard?

What war did Clinton start?
Indicting GWB for war crimes would establish a dangerous – some would say to National security – precedent by which future presidents might be prosecuted – including the current occupant of the WH.

Ordinarily your posts are among the most aware and literate here.

What happened?
Are you brain-dead, Lakhota? Why do you think a national and an international reporter were fired and a book publisher resigned over lies the media spread about President Bush? The truth be known, Democrats lied about President Bush and YOU bought the farm.

Don't question conservatives over YOUR idiocy and that of the leaders in your party who have been lying their asses off about President Bush since he announced his run for the presidency in 1999. That's fourteen stinkin' years, and they're still lies because they have no truth in them, and that has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

He can't be arrested for what Republicans handed him. Worse, they want him to fail. Which means they want the country to fail. But we knew that. It's not like they're quiet about it.
Are you brain-dead, Lakhota? Why do you think a national and an international reporter were fired and a book publisher resigned over lies the media spread about President Bush? The truth be known, Democrats lied about President Bush and YOU bought the farm.

Don't question conservatives over YOUR idiocy and that of the leaders in your party who have been lying their asses off about President Bush since he announced his run for the presidency in 1999. That's fourteen stinkin' years, and they're still lies because they have no truth in them, and that has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

What conservatives? The filthy god damned scum who doubled the national debt after 2000 are about as conservative as the bobbleheaded cocksucker that tripled it in the 1980s.

But I digress...

What lies have been told about the filthy god damned draft dodging haflwit chickenhawk scum from Tejas?

He can't be arrested for what Republicans handed him. Worse, they want him to fail. Which means they want the country to fail. But we knew that. It's not like they're quiet about it.
He was given what he and the democrats did.

Obama has much bigger failures than that.

Good to see you posting a link from that nutter, Alex Jones, Lahackota. :thup:

He can't be arrested for what Republicans handed him. Worse, they want him to fail. Which means they want the country to fail. But we knew that. It's not like they're quiet about it.

Perhaps because the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate has ramped up the use of drone strikes, rderp.

Since Obama took office, media outlets have reported more than 300 drone strikes in Pakistan targeting al-Qaeda or the Taliban, outnumbering the Bush administration’s drone strikes five to one.

Obama drone strikes: The president ordered more than George W. Bush - Slate Magazine
When is Obama going to be tried for war crimes? He is using drones and conducting the same wars.
Are you brain-dead, Lakhota? Why do you think a national and an international reporter were fired and a book publisher resigned over lies the media spread about President Bush? The truth be known, Democrats lied about President Bush and YOU bought the farm.

Don't question conservatives over YOUR idiocy and that of the leaders in your party who have been lying their asses off about President Bush since he announced his run for the presidency in 1999. That's fourteen stinkin' years, and they're still lies because they have no truth in them, and that has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Liekotha is chief of the shitting bull tribe didn't you know that?

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