Why white Christian nationalists are in such a panic

Nope, the Absolute Truth you continually reject. Psalms 14:1 describes you and your ilk: "The FOOL in his heart says 'there is no G-d'".
What does god have to do with America?

Did the founders wander in the desert for forty years before finding the promised land?
We will never surrender our rights and will never go back into the closet! That is why every gay and trans person should own a gun!
No one wants you to 'go back into the closet'...

Just stop targeting young, highly impressionable, mentally under-developed children.
Exactly. We have to drill it into their heathen heads that there is a God.

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“In some sense, White evangelicals’ desperate efforts to cling to political power and demand adherence to a set of outdated cultural norms only make the problem worse. Not many 20-year-olds (part of the most diverse, inclusive generation in history, one steeped in climate science and tech) would leap at the prospect of living in a state where abortion is unattainable, gays are ostracized and secularism is bashed.

But the demographic clock cannot be turned back. No one can claim to be patriotic defenders of democracy when they decide their declining numbers justify anti-democratic voter suppression or even violence. In short, MAGA White Christians have painted themselves into a corner where the majority rejects their outlook and anti-majoritarian tactics cannot keep them in power forever. A dramatic transformation would need to happen for this movement to return to pluralistic politics.”

Hence the right’s efforts to establish Republican minority rule, to oppose immigration, to suppress votes, and to disenfranchise voters of color.
Those Christians believe in God, they are pure evil! :omg:
Bumper sticker I once saw.

"Jesus, please protect me from your followers."
All the OTHER problems the world has seen over the millennia from religion are DIFFERENT.

THIS time it will be BETTER.

Because THEY know the TRUTH.

All the OTHER problems the world has seen over the millennia from religion are DIFFERENT.

THIS time it will be BETTER.

Because THEY know the TRUTH.

I agree that the system needs fixing as noted at the bottom of your posts. :)
The right’s agenda of racism, bigotry, and hate, of illiberal anti-democratic voter suppression, and of anti-immigrant nativism will ultimately fail.

Indeed, conservative reactionaries always fail.
The giddiness of replacing someone while not being as good is a death knell.
“In some sense, White evangelicals’ desperate efforts to cling to political power and demand adherence to a set of outdated cultural norms only make the problem worse. Not many 20-year-olds (part of the most diverse, inclusive generation in history, one steeped in climate science and tech) would leap at the prospect of living in a state where abortion is unattainable, gays are ostracized and secularism is bashed.

But the demographic clock cannot be turned back. No one can claim to be patriotic defenders of democracy when they decide their declining numbers justify anti-democratic voter suppression or even violence. In short, MAGA White Christians have painted themselves into a corner where the majority rejects their outlook and anti-majoritarian tactics cannot keep them in power forever. A dramatic transformation would need to happen for this movement to return to pluralistic politics.”

Hence the right’s efforts to establish Republican minority rule, to oppose immigration, to suppress votes, and to disenfranchise voters of color.

LOL! ^^^The guy enthusiastically supporting the white supremacist, neo-Nazi Azov battalion wants to talk about "white Christian nationalists".

Self-awareness FAIL.
“In some sense, White evangelicals’ desperate efforts to cling to political power and demand adherence to a set of outdated cultural norms only make the problem worse. Not many 20-year-olds (part of the most diverse, inclusive generation in history, one steeped in climate science and tech) would leap at the prospect of living in a state where abortion is unattainable, gays are ostracized and secularism is bashed.

But the demographic clock cannot be turned back. No one can claim to be patriotic defenders of democracy when they decide their declining numbers justify anti-democratic voter suppression or even violence. In short, MAGA White Christians have painted themselves into a corner where the majority rejects their outlook and anti-majoritarian tactics cannot keep them in power forever. A dramatic transformation would need to happen for this movement to return to pluralistic politics.”

Hence the right’s efforts to establish Republican minority rule, to oppose immigration, to suppress votes, and to disenfranchise voters of color.
I agree that the demographics do not look encouraging thanks to illegal migration and liberal brainwashing in the public schools

But the irony is that the more that God haters succeed in destroying Christian America the closer they bring us to the physical return of Christ as Lord and Master, aka the Kingdom of Christ

I hate it that it may happen on my watch, but if it does at least I will have the last laugh on my enemies
What does God (FIFY) have to do with America?

Did the founders wander in the desert for forty years before finding the promised land?
The founders didn't establish a 'religious' government any more than Joseph did when he rose to power in Egypt. However, the 'children of Israel' became great and prosperous in Egypt until they were oppressed and enslaved. This is happening again to the latter-day descendants of Israel, those evil white folks.
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This is one of the stupidest fucking posts I have ever read. OP, you need some serious fucking anger therapy.
American of color won’t allow themselves to be marginalized; the right’s efforts to suppress votes and disenfranchise voters of color will ultimately fail.
American of color won’t allow themselves to be marginalized; the right’s efforts to suppress votes and disenfranchise voters of color will ultimately fail.
So they elect a bunch of liberal white people to do for them what they refuse to do for themselves. I would say they have been and continue to marginalize themselves. Blacks should eliminate the liberal middlemen and take control of their own future.
American of color won’t allow themselves to be marginalized; the right’s efforts to suppress votes and disenfranchise voters of color will ultimately fail.
And yet you forget that most POC are Conservative pro life Christians and anti queer marriage

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