'Why will nobody kiss me?' Dylan Mulvaney's man-to-girl transition has…left her [sic] lonely

I stand by my position that Mulvaney never "transitioned." He's faking this for money and fame.

In one video he is pictured in tight shorts asking us to "normalize the bulge. Normalize that women have bulges."

So yeah...still a man in every single way. Gosh I wonder why straight guys don't want that and gay guys don't either???
Conservatives have had a problem with sexuality since the turn of the century. No, not that one, the one that was 123 years ago. Stringent adhering to purity has been their mantra ever since then. I guess that they are all descendants of the Puritans.

Whatever it is, I know that they weren't particularly fond of the: "If it feels good , do it." phrase in the '60s. "Make love, not war" used to send them into fits of John Birchism. We, as all of the plants and animals that God created, have a sex drive in our brains. It's there so that we won't forget to procreate. We're pretty much horny all of the time. The wife, missionary position, and build a large family is fine. There's nothing wrong with that. But, where does hiding in the locked bathroom, fapping to photos of MTG fit into the big picture?
Conservatives have had a problem with sexuality since the turn of the century. No, not that one, the one that was 123 years ago. Stringent adhering to purity has been their mantra ever since then. I guess that they are all descendants of the Puritans.

Whatever it is, I know that they weren't particularly fond of the: "If it feels good , do it." phrase in the '60s. "Make love, not war" used to send them into fits of John Birchism. We, as all of the plants and animals that God created, have a sex drive in our brains. It's there so that we won't forget to procreate. We're pretty much horny all of the time. The wife, missionary position, and build a large family is fine. There's nothing wrong with that. But, where does hiding in the locked bathroom, fapping to photos of MTG fit into the big picture?
I'm conservative but don't pretend to be as pure as snow. The fact is liberals also have a problem with sexuality so don't use a broad brush to express your misguided views on this.
I'm conservative but don't pretend to be as pure as snow. The fact is liberals also have a problem with sexuality so don't use a broad brush to express your misguided views on this.
Sexuality is bi-partisan. It also has nothing to do with religion.
Conservatives have had a problem with sexuality since the turn of the century. No, not that one, the one that was 123 years ago. Stringent adhering to purity has been their mantra ever since then. I guess that they are all descendants of the Puritans.

Whatever it is, I know that they weren't particularly fond of the: "If it feels good , do it." phrase in the '60s. "Make love, not war" used to send them into fits of John Birchism. We, as all of the plants and animals that God created, have a sex drive in our brains. It's there so that we won't forget to procreate. We're pretty much horny all of the time. The wife, missionary position, and build a large family is fine. There's nothing wrong with that. But, where does hiding in the locked bathroom, fapping to photos of MTG fit into the big picture?
I am going to go out on a limb here, Dogbreath, and say that you are a high as a kite and have the IQ of a dildo.
I honestly wonder who trans people think will be interested in them romantically after they transition.

It’s kind of sad. Everyone deserves someone. Being alone on top of their pre-existing mental problems can’t help anything.
Conservatives have had a problem with sexuality since the turn of the century. No, not that one, the one that was 123 years ago. Stringent adhering to purity has been their mantra ever since then. I guess that they are all descendants of the Puritans.

Whatever it is, I know that they weren't particularly fond of the: "If it feels good , do it." phrase in the '60s. "Make love, not war" used to send them into fits of John Birchism. We, as all of the plants and animals that God created, have a sex drive in our brains. It's there so that we won't forget to procreate. We're pretty much horny all of the time. The wife, missionary position, and build a large family is fine. There's nothing wrong with that. But, where does hiding in the locked bathroom, fapping to photos of MTG fit into the big picture?
try jerking to photos of Hillary or nancy pelosi or Maxine waters....just doesnt work dude
I'm guessing there is a lot of fetish porn featuring trannies, and these freaks think porn is real life, being neutered sexless Burb Brats with no social life. They think they're going to get laid all the time if they mutilate themselves.
I never heard of this freak before today, when he came up in a vague reference in a post in some other thread. And then, later the same day, I randomly stumbled across this article, following a chain of links on some other unrelated topic.

So, what did he think the effect was going to be, on his prospects for romantic/sexual relationships? Did he imagine that heterosexual men would accept a mutilated man as a substitute for a woman? Did he imagine that heterosexual women, who might have been interested in him as a man, might still be interested now that he's had himself mutilated into a mockery of a woman? Did he imagine that lesbians might be interested in him? [See also: cotton ceiling]

Who does he imagine would be romantically/sexually interested in a fucked-up man, mutilated into a mockery of a woman?

That article makes it almost seem that he's trying to appeal to older pedophiles, who are interested in fucking little girls. Good luck with that.

Now the trans poster girl has revealed how her personal relationships have fallen apart, that she [sic] struggles to get a date — and is still to be kissed 'as a girl'.



She [sic] laments a moribund romantic life, and says that all her [sic] matches on the exclusive dating app Raya seem to have second thoughts and reject the pairing before they even go on a date.
'I still haven't been kissed as a girl. And I assumed that I would have had that happen before day 365,' Mulvaney lamented.
'Every day, I'm realizing that probably won't happen.'

I lived in a gay neighborhood in LA (West Hollywood) and I've had a few transfemale acquaintances (spare me the jokes, please) . Those who were pre-op that I knew, I did my best to persuade them to not get the operation. Thing is, and I tried to convince them, that it is better for them to be an effeminate male than to totally transition, because, like you say, no heterosexual male is going to find a post op 'female' sexually attractive (I sure as heck don't) and a gay man is not going to find a post-op trans attractive, (for obvious reasons). But there are gay men who find effeminate males attractive, so their chances at romance are better if they don't fully transition. Besides, genital mutilation, not only is it appalling, it's bad for your health.

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