Why Won’t McCain Show Up for SCOTUS Vote?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Or resign so someone else can?

Because he’s showing his true colors as a true RINO. It shouldn’t surprise anybody.

If McCain’s illness prevents him from voting, and he really puts country first, then why is he hanging on to his Senate seat and possibly jeopardizing the success of this nomination? There is nothing stopping him from resigning and allowing the governor of Arizona from appointing a successor who is perfectly capable of going to Washington and participating in this and other votes.

McCain is 81 years old. Imminent death is enough of a consideration for him that he’s supposedly given directives about who can and cannot attend his funeral. What is gained at this point by clinging to his Senate seat but not doing his Senate job?

Unless, of course, McCain is doing this out of spite because he detests Donald Trump.

But he puts country first, so that can’t be it.

Can it?

From https://canadafreepress.com/article/if-country-is-first-why-wont-mccain-show-up-for-scotus-vote...or-resign-so#When:12:15:00Z
McCain will deny Trump anything he can.

Trump sought it, and McCain brought it.

Trump is on his knees begging as McCain unbuckles his trousers.
Or resign so someone else can?

Because he’s showing his true colors as a true RINO. It shouldn’t surprise anybody.

If McCain’s illness prevents him from voting, and he really puts country first, then why is he hanging on to his Senate seat and possibly jeopardizing the success of this nomination? There is nothing stopping him from resigning and allowing the governor of Arizona from appointing a successor who is perfectly capable of going to Washington and participating in this and other votes.

McCain is 81 years old. Imminent death is enough of a consideration for him that he’s supposedly given directives about who can and cannot attend his funeral. What is gained at this point by clinging to his Senate seat but not doing his Senate job?

Unless, of course, McCain is doing this out of spite because he detests Donald Trump.

But he puts country first, so that can’t be it.

Can it?

From https://canadafreepress.com/article/if-country-is-first-why-wont-mccain-show-up-for-scotus-vote...or-resign-so#When:12:15:00Z

Trump has put Trump first.
He could give a flying fuck about this country.
He's making billions.
China gave him a loan for $500M to build a resort in Indonesia.(Trump Indonesia project is linked to Belt and Road Initiative)
He's never put his businesses in a trust.
His whore daughter had been given 34 trademarks from China since Trump took office.

He's the sell-out.
Not McCain.
Or resign so someone else can?

Because he’s showing his true colors as a true RINO. It shouldn’t surprise anybody.

If McCain’s illness prevents him from voting, and he really puts country first, then why is he hanging on to his Senate seat and possibly jeopardizing the success of this nomination? There is nothing stopping him from resigning and allowing the governor of Arizona from appointing a successor who is perfectly capable of going to Washington and participating in this and other votes.

McCain is 81 years old. Imminent death is enough of a consideration for him that he’s supposedly given directives about who can and cannot attend his funeral. What is gained at this point by clinging to his Senate seat but not doing his Senate job?

Unless, of course, McCain is doing this out of spite because he detests Donald Trump.

But he puts country first, so that can’t be it.

Can it?

From https://canadafreepress.com/article/if-country-is-first-why-wont-mccain-show-up-for-scotus-vote...or-resign-so#When:12:15:00Z

Don't worry. DINO Manchin will make up for it.
McCain would vote....but his heel spurs are just too painful
McCain just doesn't want to let go. He has a brain tumor. His thinking isn't all that good at the best of times.
This makes perfect sense. Let's attack a man with brain cancer for having brain cancer. Let's begrudge him his need to attend to his health.

Of course, if he's so negligent as to offend the constitution, the Senate has the power to expel him. So chalk this one as another win for the constitution.
Sadly, it's likely that McCain is unable to function as a senator due to his brain tumor but his left wing leaning handlers are still operating in their RINO capacity and keeping him from doing the will of the people who elected him. The guy should retire gracefully while he still can and turn over the reins to somebody who can do the job.
I still think he's basically a vegetable and his "handlers" are giving out the statements...lets see a current picture

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