Why would anyone object to Virginia’s new gun laws?

And that universal backroad check being undefined. I bet they do that so it will be language in a bill that can be defined later. Very dangerous. Imagine if they tried to pass a bill that said all free speech was subject to universal review and left vague like that.
You are grasping at straws. As a licensed owner and carrier, I reject your straw-man slippery slope argument.

Until it's you. You fall into the Fudd class with talk like that. You are licensed until the day you get a divorce in which you typically have a restraining order against you and you get caught with that licensed gun in your possession. Then you are just a fellon, yes, that's settled hash in SCOTUS, but does an avrage cop know that or care? Or a pissed off X or guy at work says you got a gun and you are talking crazy. Or your loacal PD grabs some crap you posted off line and red flag laws your gun. Sure you can go to court and fix it. If you got the $$$. It's not an issue for you because you haven't had an issue for now. These laws are about separating citizens from their guns period.

Next he will tell us that they will let him keep his shotgun and deer rifle after they ban AR-15s.....
They will not ban AR-15s in Tennessee, much less my rifles, shotguns, handguns, bow, or hunt/survival knives here. Suggest you move.

Yes......Blacks suffering from democrat party jim crow laws should have just moved....
I don't think I was around when the Jim Crow laws were passed. I am unsure of the time-frame. I do know that back in the day (way before i, my parents or grandparents were born), even uneducated slaves, ran away with nothing but the clothes on their backs, when staying was to reprehensible to continue. They sought sanctuary in the free states. Do you bring it up because you are a lesser man, because yesterday was celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, or just to pitch something out that I never voted for? Whatever, it is not an effective argument.
Paranoia is a false flag excuse for not trying to do anything at all. I bought all of mine completely legal. The small dealer did not seem to have difficulty with complying with the law and still maintaining his standing and an honest law abiding citizen and business owner. I easily passed state and DHS standards for carry permit and maintain personal proficiency regularly on my own. You should also. If regulations of this type interfere with legitimate private owner sales and transfers, private owners should cease to be party to transfers or take the simple steps to comply.

Sorry.....guns are a Right and they are personal property. We already have laws that allow us to arrest people deliberately supplying guns to criminals. If you have to ask the state for permission to transfer a gun, it isn't a Right.
Straw-man / improper description. You are not asking for permission to sell or transfer. You (by compliance) are insuring, you are not transferring to a known risk, doing your part to prevent you having something to do with supporting domestic or international terrorism, criminal activity, or passing weapons to those mentally or emotionally unfit to be trusted with them. If your neighbor left his loaded gun available for his kid, who got mad and shot your kid, would you hold your neighbor responsible? Same in society. You are morally or legally responsible for every bullet you fire or weapon that leaves your control at least for first level.

Sorry....any fee for the exercise of a Right is a violation of the Constitution.....

If my neighbor left his gun out we have laws that deal with that......the Constitution doesn't protect negligence.....

The criminal already knows they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and we can already arrest them.....

So...according to your theory, all computer and electronic device sales need to have background checks before they are completed.....right? Before you are allowed to by an Ipad, computer, laptop, or any other tablet......you must have a criminal background check, since computer criminals are often sentenced such that they can't use computer anymore. Dittos making sure you aren't selling a computer to a child molester, a terrorist or a convicted identity thief...right?

You are morally responsible for every tap on a key board that leaves your control....so from this point forward, Best Buy, Amazon will conduct background checks on all sales...right?
Computer sales? What a straw man. That won't even stand up with props, much less scare the crows you fear.

No, exactly the same thing.......sex trafficking, identity theft, terrorism, murder.....all are aided and abetted by easy access to computers.......so according to you, a background check to purchase a computer is no big thing....
Grasping at straws to even try to create a straw man. Try something else.
You are grasping at straws. As a licensed owner and carrier, I reject your straw-man slippery slope argument.

Until it's you. You fall into the Fudd class with talk like that. You are licensed until the day you get a divorce in which you typically have a restraining order against you and you get caught with that licensed gun in your possession. Then you are just a fellon, yes, that's settled hash in SCOTUS, but does an avrage cop know that or care? Or a pissed off X or guy at work says you got a gun and you are talking crazy. Or your loacal PD grabs some crap you posted off line and red flag laws your gun. Sure you can go to court and fix it. If you got the $$$. It's not an issue for you because you haven't had an issue for now. These laws are about separating citizens from their guns period.

Next he will tell us that they will let him keep his shotgun and deer rifle after they ban AR-15s.....
They will not ban AR-15s in Tennessee, much less my rifles, shotguns, handguns, bow, or hunt/survival knives here. Suggest you move.

Yes......Blacks suffering from democrat party jim crow laws should have just moved....
I don't think I was around when the Jim Crow laws were passed. I am unsure of the time-frame. I do know that back in the day (way before i, my parents or grandparents were born), even uneducated slaves, ran away with nothing but the clothes on their backs, when staying was to reprehensible to continue. They sought sanctuary in the free states. Do you bring it up because you are a lesser man, because yesterday was celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, or just to pitch something out that I never voted for? Whatever, it is not an effective argument.

No, you say that if people don't like the fact that their gun rights are infringed in one state, they should simply move to another state.....so, according to that logic, if Blacks in the south didn't like Jim Crow.....a set of laws in violation of their Constitutional Rights...they should have simply moved......

Do you understand that the new Virginia laws will ban "military style" guns? Do you understand what that means?

The AR-15 is not a military weapon...is not used by our military or any military.....they want to ban it on that definition as a "Military style" gun. The 5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun is an actual military weapon...it isn't a "Military style," weapon...it is an actual military weapon....dittos the deer hunting rifle...in use with our military all around the world......this is why you are a fool......if they are allowed to ban a civilian rifle like the AR-15 using moronic definitions......they can come back for shotguns and deer rifles and you won't have a leg to stand on....
Sorry.....guns are a Right and they are personal property. We already have laws that allow us to arrest people deliberately supplying guns to criminals. If you have to ask the state for permission to transfer a gun, it isn't a Right.
Straw-man / improper description. You are not asking for permission to sell or transfer. You (by compliance) are insuring, you are not transferring to a known risk, doing your part to prevent you having something to do with supporting domestic or international terrorism, criminal activity, or passing weapons to those mentally or emotionally unfit to be trusted with them. If your neighbor left his loaded gun available for his kid, who got mad and shot your kid, would you hold your neighbor responsible? Same in society. You are morally or legally responsible for every bullet you fire or weapon that leaves your control at least for first level.

Sorry....any fee for the exercise of a Right is a violation of the Constitution.....

If my neighbor left his gun out we have laws that deal with that......the Constitution doesn't protect negligence.....

The criminal already knows they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and we can already arrest them.....

So...according to your theory, all computer and electronic device sales need to have background checks before they are completed.....right? Before you are allowed to by an Ipad, computer, laptop, or any other tablet......you must have a criminal background check, since computer criminals are often sentenced such that they can't use computer anymore. Dittos making sure you aren't selling a computer to a child molester, a terrorist or a convicted identity thief...right?

You are morally responsible for every tap on a key board that leaves your control....so from this point forward, Best Buy, Amazon will conduct background checks on all sales...right?
Computer sales? What a straw man. That won't even stand up with props, much less scare the crows you fear.

No, exactly the same thing.......sex trafficking, identity theft, terrorism, murder.....all are aided and abetted by easy access to computers.......so according to you, a background check to purchase a computer is no big thing....
Grasping at straws to even try to create a straw man. Try something else.

It hits the nail on the head, and you can't refute it.........
Until it's you. You fall into the Fudd class with talk like that. You are licensed until the day you get a divorce in which you typically have a restraining order against you and you get caught with that licensed gun in your possession. Then you are just a fellon, yes, that's settled hash in SCOTUS, but does an avrage cop know that or care? Or a pissed off X or guy at work says you got a gun and you are talking crazy. Or your loacal PD grabs some crap you posted off line and red flag laws your gun. Sure you can go to court and fix it. If you got the $$$. It's not an issue for you because you haven't had an issue for now. These laws are about separating citizens from their guns period.

Next he will tell us that they will let him keep his shotgun and deer rifle after they ban AR-15s.....
They will not ban AR-15s in Tennessee, much less my rifles, shotguns, handguns, bow, or hunt/survival knives here. Suggest you move.

Yes......Blacks suffering from democrat party jim crow laws should have just moved....
I don't think I was around when the Jim Crow laws were passed. I am unsure of the time-frame. I do know that back in the day (way before i, my parents or grandparents were born), even uneducated slaves, ran away with nothing but the clothes on their backs, when staying was to reprehensible to continue. They sought sanctuary in the free states. Do you bring it up because you are a lesser man, because yesterday was celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, or just to pitch something out that I never voted for? Whatever, it is not an effective argument.

No, you say that if people don't like the fact that their gun rights are infringed in one state, they should simply move to another state.....so, according to that logic, if Blacks in the south didn't like Jim Crow.....a set of laws in violation of their Constitutional Rights...they should have simply moved......

Do you understand that the new Virginia laws will ban "military style" guns? Do you understand what that means?

The AR-15 is not a military weapon...is not used by our military or any military.....they want to ban it on that definition as a "Military style" gun. The 5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun is an actual military weapon...it isn't a "Military style," weapon...it is an actual military weapon....dittos the deer hunting rifle...in use with our military all around the world......this is why you are a fool......if they are allowed to ban a civilian rifle like the AR-15 using moronic definitions......they can come back for shotguns and deer rifles and you won't have a leg to stand on....
They withdrew the law banning on military styled weapons and it wasn't because they thought it would pass or be constitutional. It would have done neither. Do you live in Virginia?
You're butthurt over the process.

I am angry because my RKBA is being infringed. The whole purpose of NYC's process isn't safety but to discourage people from applying by making it too expensive and too time consuming.
And that has absolutely nothing to do with Virginia or what Virginians want, but thanks for playing.

It has to do with what Gun control advocates, including Virginian ones, want leading to eventual bans on the private ownership of firearms.

It's one big fight, despite your pathetic attempt to divide and conquer.
Nobody is looking to ban guns

We are looking at closing paths criminals use to obtain guns

Bullshit. Why should we trust you?

Why does it take me 3-6 months and $500 in fees just to keep a handgun in my apartment?
Marty, for what it's worth, I do see your point. And it's more than a little ironic that when NYC passed their gun laws, they probably were const under Miller which was the most recent sup ct opinion at the time, but it really didn't have much to do with an individual right to a hand gun or shotgun in your own home.

My guess is the crime reduction came more from sentencing laws that made gun related crimes a very bad idea, and a much increased prosecution rate.
You're butthurt over the process.

I am angry because my RKBA is being infringed. The whole purpose of NYC's process isn't safety but to discourage people from applying by making it too expensive and too time consuming.
And that has absolutely nothing to do with Virginia or what Virginians want, but thanks for playing.

It has to do with what Gun control advocates, including Virginian ones, want leading to eventual bans on the private ownership of firearms.

It's one big fight, despite your pathetic attempt to divide and conquer.
Nobody is looking to ban guns

We are looking at closing paths criminals use to obtain guns
Passing more laws will not stop criminals from getting a gun. Criminals don't obey laws. That's why they're called criminals.
Of course they will

Cut off every supply line you can
I am angry because my RKBA is being infringed. The whole purpose of NYC's process isn't safety but to discourage people from applying by making it too expensive and too time consuming.
And that has absolutely nothing to do with Virginia or what Virginians want, but thanks for playing.

It has to do with what Gun control advocates, including Virginian ones, want leading to eventual bans on the private ownership of firearms.

It's one big fight, despite your pathetic attempt to divide and conquer.
Nobody is looking to ban guns

We are looking at closing paths criminals use to obtain guns

Bullshit. Why should we trust you?

Why does it take me 3-6 months and $500 in fees just to keep a handgun in my apartment?
Marty, for what it's worth, I do see your point. And it's more than a little ironic that when NYC passed their gun laws, they probably were const under Miller which was the most recent sup ct opinion at the time, but it really didn't have much to do with an individual right to a hand gun or shotgun in your own home.

My guess is the crime reduction came more from sentencing laws that made gun related crimes a very bad idea, and a much increased prosecution rate.

Broken window policing was the policy put in under Guiliani and Bratton that turned the tide.
Straw-man / improper description. You are not asking for permission to sell or transfer. You (by compliance) are insuring, you are not transferring to a known risk, doing your part to prevent you having something to do with supporting domestic or international terrorism, criminal activity, or passing weapons to those mentally or emotionally unfit to be trusted with them. If your neighbor left his loaded gun available for his kid, who got mad and shot your kid, would you hold your neighbor responsible? Same in society. You are morally or legally responsible for every bullet you fire or weapon that leaves your control at least for first level.

Sorry....any fee for the exercise of a Right is a violation of the Constitution.....

If my neighbor left his gun out we have laws that deal with that......the Constitution doesn't protect negligence.....

The criminal already knows they can't buy, own or carry a gun, and we can already arrest them.....

So...according to your theory, all computer and electronic device sales need to have background checks before they are completed.....right? Before you are allowed to by an Ipad, computer, laptop, or any other tablet......you must have a criminal background check, since computer criminals are often sentenced such that they can't use computer anymore. Dittos making sure you aren't selling a computer to a child molester, a terrorist or a convicted identity thief...right?

You are morally responsible for every tap on a key board that leaves your control....so from this point forward, Best Buy, Amazon will conduct background checks on all sales...right?
Computer sales? What a straw man. That won't even stand up with props, much less scare the crows you fear.

No, exactly the same thing.......sex trafficking, identity theft, terrorism, murder.....all are aided and abetted by easy access to computers.......so according to you, a background check to purchase a computer is no big thing....
Grasping at straws to even try to create a straw man. Try something else.

It hits the nail on the head, and you can't refute it.........

A firearm has only one use, even in target practice. The same is not true of computers.

But most uses of a firearms are perfectly legal and most restrictions hinder legal ownership more than illegal ownership. But that's not really the issue either. It's more about how big is the restriction. In Marty's case, it's pretty big.
And that has absolutely nothing to do with Virginia or what Virginians want, but thanks for playing.

It has to do with what Gun control advocates, including Virginian ones, want leading to eventual bans on the private ownership of firearms.

It's one big fight, despite your pathetic attempt to divide and conquer.
Nobody is looking to ban guns

We are looking at closing paths criminals use to obtain guns

Bullshit. Why should we trust you?

Why does it take me 3-6 months and $500 in fees just to keep a handgun in my apartment?
Marty, for what it's worth, I do see your point. And it's more than a little ironic that when NYC passed their gun laws, they probably were const under Miller which was the most recent sup ct opinion at the time, but it really didn't have much to do with an individual right to a hand gun or shotgun in your own home.

My guess is the crime reduction came more from sentencing laws that made gun related crimes a very bad idea, and a much increased prosecution rate.

Broken window policing was the policy put in under Guiliani and Bratton that turned the tide.
That would be my take, and I was in and out of NYC at the time.
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.
I think you might live in the wrong country, you can’t infringe on my rights.. sorry buddy
States rights. Don’t move to New York City. You won’t like the gun laws there. And it’s all very constitutional
No gun laws are constitutional. You are a liar.
What a right wing nut job thinks is unconstitutional is not what a moderate republican thinks.

The problem is Trump is appointing extremists to the courts and they see things more your way.
Interpreting the constitution as written is not extremist, only a commie/fascist would say that.
I am angry because my RKBA is being infringed. The whole purpose of NYC's process isn't safety but to discourage people from applying by making it too expensive and too time consuming.
And that has absolutely nothing to do with Virginia or what Virginians want, but thanks for playing.

It has to do with what Gun control advocates, including Virginian ones, want leading to eventual bans on the private ownership of firearms.

It's one big fight, despite your pathetic attempt to divide and conquer.
Nobody is looking to ban guns

We are looking at closing paths criminals use to obtain guns
Passing more laws will not stop criminals from getting a gun. Criminals don't obey laws. That's why they're called criminals.
Of course they will

Cut off every supply line you can
Suddenly criminals will begin obeying laws? Why?
It has to do with what Gun control advocates, including Virginian ones, want leading to eventual bans on the private ownership of firearms.

It's one big fight, despite your pathetic attempt to divide and conquer.
Nobody is looking to ban guns

We are looking at closing paths criminals use to obtain guns

Bullshit. Why should we trust you?

Why does it take me 3-6 months and $500 in fees just to keep a handgun in my apartment?
Marty, for what it's worth, I do see your point. And it's more than a little ironic that when NYC passed their gun laws, they probably were const under Miller which was the most recent sup ct opinion at the time, but it really didn't have much to do with an individual right to a hand gun or shotgun in your own home.

My guess is the crime reduction came more from sentencing laws that made gun related crimes a very bad idea, and a much increased prosecution rate.

Broken window policing was the policy put in under Guiliani and Bratton that turned the tide.
That would be my take, and I was in and out of NYC at the time.

I was mugged twice, 1989 on the 7 train, and 1993 outside my high school. In 1986 or so we had our house broken into, and the guy hid in out attic overnight and robbed us again after we left for work/school in the morning.

I remember the tail end of the bad old days in NYC.
I am angry because my RKBA is being infringed. The whole purpose of NYC's process isn't safety but to discourage people from applying by making it too expensive and too time consuming.
And that has absolutely nothing to do with Virginia or what Virginians want, but thanks for playing.

It has to do with what Gun control advocates, including Virginian ones, want leading to eventual bans on the private ownership of firearms.

It's one big fight, despite your pathetic attempt to divide and conquer.
Nobody is looking to ban guns

We are looking at closing paths criminals use to obtain guns
Passing more laws will not stop criminals from getting a gun. Criminals don't obey laws. That's why they're called criminals.
Of course they will

Cut off every supply line you can
Well, imo, it's more about making it very painful to sell a gun to a criminal. Background checks are part of that. Straw sales. But they are all incomplete. That doesn't necessarily make them unconst. But the real solution is to kill or lock up for a very long time anyone illegally using a firearm.
Sensible legislation

Virginia gun laws: What sparked Richmond gun rally tied to neo-Nazis?

Three bills passed the state Senate on Thursday: A limit to one handgun purchase per month, a requirement for universal background checks on gun sales and a rule allowing localities to ban guns in some public areas.

A limit on sales. Govt has no right to know about private sales. Only socialist anti gun people like these kind of laws. Not surprised that you call them sensible.
Government has a right to regulate commerce

You make a practice of selling guns to criminals, government has a right to know

Go after the criminals then. Stay away from law abiding citizens who do private sales.
Go after the criminals then. Stay away from law abiding citizens who do private sales.

It's the private sales with no documentation or checks that make guns available to criminals.

No, not at all. That's the lib go to reason which isn't true.
And that has absolutely nothing to do with Virginia or what Virginians want, but thanks for playing.

It has to do with what Gun control advocates, including Virginian ones, want leading to eventual bans on the private ownership of firearms.

It's one big fight, despite your pathetic attempt to divide and conquer.
Nobody is looking to ban guns

We are looking at closing paths criminals use to obtain guns
Passing more laws will not stop criminals from getting a gun. Criminals don't obey laws. That's why they're called criminals.
Of course they will

Cut off every supply line you can
Suddenly criminals will begin obeying laws? Why?
I’m not going to sell a criminal a gun, are you?
They can if there are no background checks
They can if they can buy on the secondary market
It has to do with what Gun control advocates, including Virginian ones, want leading to eventual bans on the private ownership of firearms.

It's one big fight, despite your pathetic attempt to divide and conquer.
Nobody is looking to ban guns

We are looking at closing paths criminals use to obtain guns
Passing more laws will not stop criminals from getting a gun. Criminals don't obey laws. That's why they're called criminals.
Of course they will

Cut off every supply line you can
Suddenly criminals will begin obeying laws? Why?
I’m not going to sell a criminal a gun, are you?
They can if there are no background checks
They can if they can buy on the secondary market
Criminals break into homes. Criminals buy guns on the black market. You are very naive.
Nobody is looking to ban guns

We are looking at closing paths criminals use to obtain guns
Passing more laws will not stop criminals from getting a gun. Criminals don't obey laws. That's why they're called criminals.
Of course they will

Cut off every supply line you can
Suddenly criminals will begin obeying laws? Why?
I’m not going to sell a criminal a gun, are you?
They can if there are no background checks
They can if they can buy on the secondary market
Criminals break into homes. Criminals buy guns on the black market. You are very naive.
That's true that gun criminals buy stolen guns from other gun criminals. But if the gun criminal who is arrested is given an option of an extra ten years unless he names the gun criminal who sold a gun w/o a background check, and the gun criminal who sold the gun gets some punishment …. then it would inhibit gun selling among criminals.
Passing more laws will not stop criminals from getting a gun. Criminals don't obey laws. That's why they're called criminals.
Of course they will

Cut off every supply line you can
Suddenly criminals will begin obeying laws? Why?
I’m not going to sell a criminal a gun, are you?
They can if there are no background checks
They can if they can buy on the secondary market
Criminals break into homes. Criminals buy guns on the black market. You are very naive.
That's true that gun criminals buy stolen guns from other gun criminals. But if the gun criminal who is arrested is given an option of an extra ten years unless he names the gun criminal who sold a gun w/o a background check, and the gun criminal who sold the gun gets some punishment …. then it would inhibit gun selling among criminals.
I would think that most guns criminals use are stolen.

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