Oregon Sheriffs Defy Voters, Refuse to Enforce New Gun-Control Measure

Yep. These are Constitutional elected offices in that state and the many counties. They got a duty and a right to make sure this could, would, or would not pass constitutional muster before they start enforcing. This should automatically trigger a court challenge, by their action. It is one of those states, where hard to predict, but I would suppose the challenge would be in Federal, not state court.

They do not determine what laws they will follow. They enforce it until the courts rule otherwise. Why shouldn't private citizens be allowed to chose what laws they will obey.
They do not determine what laws they will follow. They enforce it until the courts rule otherwise. Why shouldn't private citizens be allowed to chose what laws they will obey.
When all 36 sheriffs of the 36 counties agree on something like this, it relates to the constitutionality of what they are being told to do by popular vote. Make no mistake, their oath includes the State of Oregon, but also to the Constitution of the United States of America. When it is this easily a 2nd amendment issue, they are standing together in defense of the Constitution until the constitutionality is ruled. Simply chuck their oath and do as they are told? Sorry. There aren't 36 hard core right wing Sheriffs willing to go against the Constitution in that whole state. All of them disregarding their oaths and simply following instructions like little robots, is pretty unlikely.

That is my assessment, but hey, I have always been a big supporter of the Constitution.
Another example of the lawless right’s contempt for our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the will of the people.

The right’s war on democracy continues.
We aren't a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. Regardless of any law voted into existence by the populace, none trump the authority of the Constitution.
We aren't a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. Regardless of any law voted into existence by the populace, none trump the authority of the Constitution.
Nothing about us being a Constitutional Republic prevents us from also being a Representative Democracy. Those terms describe different aspects of our government you Dipshit. 😄
Good to see the police are now deciding on what laws they want to enforce. I'm sure that won't lead to any problems.
Nope. The constitution says the courts rule on constitutionality of laws.
Not an elected sheriff.
All law enforcement officers have a duty to assess the constitutionality of an law they are tasked to enforce, and a similar duty to not enforce those they believe violate the constitution.
Especially the elected ones,
All law enforcement officers have a duty to assess the constitutionality of an law they are tasked to enforce, and a similar duty to not enforce those they believe violate the constitution.
Especially the elected ones,
I’m looking at the constitution and I don’t see where it places sheriffs above the Supreme Court.

Because they’re not.
We will be working hard to get this NEW law overturned in the courts. In the meantime, bravo to these Sheriffs!! :clap:

The Second Amendment is to be respected over state laws, to the best of my knowledge of the Constitution. In America, the Sheriffs and Law Enforcement Officers have to take an oath to follow the Constitution of the Uited Statesand its amendments. They were just doing their job to make it clear they are obedient to their oaths, bless 'em.
The Second Amendment is to be respected over state laws, to the best of my knowledge of the Constitution.
Yes. The 2nd limits the actions of the states.
In America, the Sheriffs and Law Enforcement Officers have to take an oath to follow the Constitution of the Uited Statesand its amendments. They were just doing their job to make it clear they are obedient to their oaths, bless 'em.
"Protect and defend the constitution of the United states"
This means they have a duty to not enforce laws they believe are unconstitutional.
They do not determine what laws they will follow. They enforce it until the courts rule otherwise. Why shouldn't private citizens be allowed to chose what laws they will obey.
No citizen is required to follow any illegal law and no law enforcement officer has to enforce an illegal law.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the lands and trumps all other laws. It clearly says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The measure passed in Oregon is an infringement and is illegal and should not be enforced or adhered to.

By the way Moon Bat. Now that we have you on record as saying that all laws must be enforced how about President Potatohead not enforcing the immigration laws at the border? Shouldn't he be impeached for that?

How about all these asshole Democrat Prosecutors in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes that refuse to prosecute crimes against minorities?

How about the Democrat turds that will not follow the laws against abortion?

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