Why You Should Start Taking Millennials Seriously

The low info older far right reactionaries are dying off rapidly now, so the millennials votes will be more important.
That they will outnumber religious far right social cons in the electorate in 2016 is a big, serious deal.

Big jump in number of millennials living with parents reported - LA Times

While living in there basements.


Just think of all the real-world experience they'll being to the voting booth.........:rofl:.

They will be taking are of the half dead old white goats in nursing homes

Not if they don't get their asses out of our basements?

Big jump in number of millennials living with parents reported - LA Times
That they will outnumber religious far right social cons in the electorate in 2016 is a big, serious deal.

Big jump in number of millennials living with parents reported - LA Times

While living in there basements.


Just think of all the real-world experience they'll being to the voting booth.........:rofl:.

They will be taking are of the half dead old white goats in nursing homes

It is so nice living in a culture that values its older members; enjoy working from the womb to the tomb (if you're lucky enough to have a job that is) because your MF'in inheritance has already been spoken for.........:muahaha:.

Feel better?

Now lets all watch the old goat crackers attack NPR for the report

Or we can watch Batshit Boy play the racist ~ again.

Nobody is watching NPR.

You dont watch NPR you listen
That kinda depends of what drugs you're taking. :D
Don't watch any vids other than music and cute animals.

Take the millennials seriously, because they will probably vote massively for the left in 2016 if the GOP does not reach out to them.

57% are white.

The remaining 43% consists of numerous "other" groups. Some Black; some Latino; some one or another flavor of Asian; some Native American; some who don't fit any of those and a growing minority Simian.
I'm interested in just how weird things can get. With the global climate about to unleash it's fury, lunatic Islamists ready to blow us all to kingdom come, and now this thing with the millenials, things seem like they're going to make for some really good TV. :thup:
I'm interested in just how weird things can get. With the global climate about to unleash it's fury, lunatic Islamists ready to blow us all to kingdom come, and now this thing with the millenials, things seem like they're going to make for some really good TV. :thup:

Only if you're into Godzilla foot stomping scenes.........:lol:....................

If any race or ethnic origin or whatever doesn't like how America is changing, tough.

No one can stop History, Doom, Fate, whatever you want to call it; and whining about it is immature.
Anyone who uses 'simian' as you do are simply dismissed as unworthy.

Herny, the world is changing for you, you don't like it, and tough to be you.
because they will certainly come into control as the majority in future elections and they will be true believers in government as a protector and provider of themselves; They will be far and away more liberal than the Baby Boom generation or even Gen X.

They disdain "nationalism" and patriotism, and they will have no memory, even once removed of how the world got into WWI and II and so will help create all the same conditions due to that lack of historical awareness.

Actually, if this board is any indication, its the Pootarian tee potties who believe in treason over country. It really is the radical right that is anti-patriotism and actively works for the downfall of the US.
Some ones afraid we're gonna win in November :lol:

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