Why You Should Work Rather Than Observe MLK Day

We didn't celebrate MLK Negro Day. We did, however, celebrate the birthday of Robert E. Lee, a great American Patriot fighting against government oppression.
When they first were talking about making MLK's birthday a holiday, I made jokes that we'd see a "Martin Luther King Day White Sale", because we don't respect any other holidays after a certain point. People were not amused.

Rest assured, last night on the radio, I heard a sleazy car dealership doing a MLK Day sale.
We didn't celebrate MLK Negro Day. We did, however, celebrate the birthday of Robert E. Lee, a great American Patriot fighting against government oppression.

Lost Cause Puppet says what?

Oh thank you Mistress UDC. may I have another?
We didn't celebrate MLK Negro Day. We did, however, celebrate the birthday of Robert E. Lee, a great American Patriot fighting against government oppression.

You mean Robert E. Lee the traitor. I wonder why racist don't go to work on MLK Day.

Lee's family signed the Declaration of Independence. The traitors were the NE Republicans that used the government to steal from the South. Kind of like what the asshole Democrats are trying to do nowadays.

If you had anything more than a Jr High School understanding of the Civil War you would know things like that.

That filthy Neggra MLK was a Communist and that is about as traitorous as it comes to America.
For a little more than a decade and a half, during the most active part of the Civil Rights Movement in America, Martin Luther King Jr. stood in front of the cameras and crowds as a public example of the better angels of our nature. In private, however, King was of a very different character.

A Plagiarized Doctoral Dissertation

When people discovered that this young street politician also had a Ph.D. in systematic theology from Boston University, his words took on a new weight; here was an educated man who could articulate what was perhaps the central social problem in America, and do so with an expert’s grasp of history and society.

It was King’s impressive academic credentials, as much as anything else, that put him at the forefront of the early Civil Rights Movement.

Those credentials, however, are under a shadow. In order to be considered for a Ph.D., graduate students generally must write a book-length paper called a dissertation. This work is expected to be original research in the field and must contribute to the scholarship of the student’s field in order to be accepted.

King’s review panel accepted his 1955 dissertation – A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman – and awarded him a doctorate.

Decades later, however, it was revealed that King had copied paragraphs wholesale from other sources without attributing them in his dissertation. In academic circles, this is called plagiarism, and it’s usually enough to get your credentials revoked.

A Boston University committee met to review the case in 1991, and found significant “authorship issues” with the dissertation, but advised against revoking the late Dr. King’s credentials. They did, however, attach a letter to the paper with a summary of their findings, which remains there to this day.

Other Charges of Plagiarism

It would be easy to write off a single case of unattributed copying in a single document — that is, if it had actually been a single case. According to Reverend Larry H. Williams, who had been King’s best friend in the 1940s, the first public sermon Martin Luther King ever delivered was also plagiarized.

King delivered the sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, and as Williams later recounted, he drew large sections of it straight from another sermon, called “Life Is What You Make It,” by Harry Emerson Fosdick.

Independent reviewers, many of them deeply sympathetic to King and his legacy, have since found that in King’s first book, Stride Toward Freedom, he heavily copied without attribution, and that he routinely appropriated others’ work without credit in his assignments at college.

Ironically, most of King’s public speeches and papers are currently protected by copyright, which means that using any of them without permission could get you sued by Intellectual Properties Management, the exclusive licensor of his works.

King married Coretta Scott in 1953, and they seem to have been happy with each other until his death in 1968. A shared belief in civil rights helped their marriage remain a happy one: Scott had been an anti-segregation activist herself early on, and the two seemed to have a genuine affection for each other.

Another, less happy element that kept the couple together was Scott’s ability to turn a blind eye to the countless affairs that King had while he was on the road.

The FBI began tapping King’s phones in the spring or summer of 1963, and later planted bugs in hotel rooms where he stayed when on the road. Initially, the FBI worried about communist infiltration of King’s group, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), because of his association with known (former) communists such as Stanley Levison.

What came through on the tapes wasn’t communist plotting, however, but intense, nearly constant sexual activities with countless women he met on his travels.


Getty ImagesCoretta Scott King leads a march with King’s successor, Ralph Abernathy, a few days after King was shot.

The recordings, and the incidents they revealed, shocked the FBI. Many times, King recruited multiple women – who appear to have been a mix of groupies and prostitutes, and who may have been paid with SCLC money – for post-speech trysts that ranged from plain 1-on-1 encounters to orgies involving half a dozen people.

Several other clergymen in his entourage were typically present for these indiscretions, according to King’s closest friend Ralph Abernathy, who drew criticism for airing King’s dirty laundry in his 1989 memoirs.

According to Abernathy, just about everybody attached to King believed in Christian moral precepts, but they had a hard time keeping to them. When King traveled to Oslo to receive the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize, for example, two of his associates nearly got themselves kicked out of the hotel when staff caught them chasing nearly naked prostitutes through the halls.

King was especially fond of arranging sex with women he met at his speeches. According to one of his associates, both black and white women would pass King their phone numbers or hotel room keys minutes after meeting him. Nobody who knew him then seems to remember an occasion when he passed up such an invitation.

These escapades eventually became common knowledge. Interviewed in private years later, even Jackie Onassis admitted that Robert Kennedy had told her all about the FBI recordings, and that what he knew appalled her. Some anonymous person at the FBI even sent copies of the tapes to both King and his wife.

King allegedly brushed off the exposure with a remark about being surprised that they knew so much about him, while Scott later claimed that she couldn’t make out what she heard and ignored the whole thing. Years later, Scott told an interviewer that she never asked King about infidelity; she didn’t want to bother him over a thing like that, she said.

The Violent End

Win McNamee/Getty Images

Perhaps the most lurid tale of King’s relationships with other women comes from the last night of his life. In his 1989 book about the Civil Rights Movement, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, King’s closest friend Ralph Abernathy wrote that he, King, and a few friends left the Masonic Temple where King had delivered his last speech to get some drinks and attend a party.

King reportedly disappeared into a bedroom at the party with a young woman and didn’t come out until around 1 a.m. Abernathy and King then left the house together and returned to the Lorraine Motel, where a female state legislator awaited him. King again disappeared into a bedroom with the woman while Abernathy stretched out to get some sleep.

At around 8 a.m. that morning, according to Abernathy, King shook him awake and asked for his help dealing with a third woman who, he said, had been waiting for him all night long and was very angry.

Abernathy followed King back to his room and witnessed an argument between the pair that quickly turned physical. He claims that the two struggled briefly, and that King eventually struck the unnamed woman hard enough to knock her across the bed, and that she left soon after.

The date was April 4, 1968. Around 10 hours later, just after 6 p.m., King stepped out onto the balcony for a cigarette and was shot by a sniper. Ralph Abernathy held him until he died, and then waited more than 30 years – until he was near death himself – to write what he knew about Martin Luther King Jr.
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We didn't celebrate MLK Negro Day. We did, however, celebrate the birthday of Robert E. Lee, a great American Patriot fighting against government oppression.

You mean Robert E. Lee the traitor. I wonder why racist don't go to work on MLK Day.

Lee's family signed the Declaration of Independence. The traitors were the NE Republicans that used the government to steal from the South. Kind of like what the asshole Democrats are trying to do nowadays.

If you had anything more than a Jr High School understanding of the Civil War you would know things like that.

That filthy Neggra MLK was a Communist and that is about as traitorous as it comes to America.

The only filth is a racist POS like you. Lee was a traitor to this country and should have been shot for treason.
I always try to work on a phony holiday. Guy stood by Castro and Kruchev when they had 1,400 nuclear warheads pointed at the United States. Fuck him.
MLK Day of Service

I bet you admired and loved JB Stoner. I am curious to know what you thought about Trump siding with Putin and going against American intelligence agencies.
Trump didn’t and at least never supported Soviet style communism.
When they first were talking about making MLK's birthday a holiday, I made jokes that we'd see a "Martin Luther King Day White Sale", because we don't respect any other holidays after a certain point. People were not amused.

Rest assured, last night on the radio, I heard a sleazy car dealership doing a MLK Day sale.
I heard Churches Fried Chicken on the radio. They were pushing an MLK Day special.
I always try to work on a phony holiday. Guy stood by Castro and Kruchev when they had 1,400 nuclear warheads pointed at the United States. Fuck him.
MLK Day of Service

I bet you admired and loved JB Stoner. I am curious to know what you thought about Trump siding with Putin and going against American intelligence agencies.
I admire Booker T. Washington.
I always try to work on a phony holiday. Guy stood by Castro and Kruchev when they had 1,400 nuclear warheads pointed at the United States. Fuck him.
MLK Day of Service

I bet you admired and loved JB Stoner. I am curious to know what you thought about Trump siding with Putin and going against American intelligence agencies.
Trump didn’t and at least never supported Soviet style communism.

No he just supports Putin.
I always try to work on a phony holiday. Guy stood by Castro and Kruchev when they had 1,400 nuclear warheads pointed at the United States. Fuck him.
MLK Day of Service

I bet you admired and loved JB Stoner. I am curious to know what you thought about Trump siding with Putin and going against American intelligence agencies.
I admire Booker T. Washington.

:abgg2q.jpg: I am pretty sure nobody believes that :bsflag:

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