Why young Democrats love Sanders and really don’t like Clinton

they like him because they're idealistic and they think he can actually do what he says he wants.

bless their little hearts.

He absolutely can if the momentum that brings him into office also changes who controls congress. Do you honestly think Republicans are going to work with Hillary Clinton?
I posted this link in another thread the other day to Hillary's campaign finance reports.

Sen. Hillary Clinton: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator Career | OpenSecrets

It appears that Millenials are seeing what a lot of the party elders are conveniently ignoring. While many Democrats continue to criticize the Republicans as being in the pocket of Wall Street, the Democrats very own anointed candidate is the biggest corporate whore of anyone running on both sides of the aisle.

Why young Democrats love Sanders and really don’t like Clinton

1. Here connection to Wall Street is a distraction and Bernie Sanders is correct to point this out. Hillary Clinton is trying to spin it but anyone with a brain can see through her nonsense, and understand she is owned by Wall Street and is part of the problem and not the solution.

2. Clinton Supporters are not becoming rabid. You have Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem belittling women voters that are young for not support Hillary Clinton, and this will not get them to support her but instead push them even further away and could keep them from even casting a ballot in the General Election ( If Clinton is the Nominee ) or go third party.

3. Clinton has too much baggage and is going to be the target of the GOP for impeachment if she win the National Election, and the young voter understands this.

The Democratic Party would be wise to just run Sanders and see if he can win because Hillary is not going to win a General Election because of the fact she is just not liked as much as her supporters believe and using a poll this early will not convince me otherwise...
They believe Bernie will forgive their student loans.

Yep and as much as I would love for the government to wave their hands and suddenly eradicate the $60k I'm paying off it's never going to happen.
But they might just wave their hands and erase the debt.
i would imagine that young democrats would rather be forced to watch Hardball for 14 days in a row than vote for/go to a Hillary event
They believe Bernie will forgive their student loans.

Yep and as much as I would love for the government to wave their hands and suddenly eradicate the $60k I'm paying off it's never going to happen.
But they might just wave their hands and erase the debt.
i would imagine that young democrats would rather be forced to watch Hardball for 14 days in a row than vote for/go to a Hillary event
Welcome to voting against the other party, while holding your nose.
They believe Bernie will forgive their student loans.

Yep and as much as I would love for the government to wave their hands and suddenly eradicate the $60k I'm paying off it's never going to happen.
This is why I haven't gone to college or taken out a loan. What good is a career if I spend most of the money I make from it on paying off an astronomically high student loan?

Page 28 of the March 2016 Consumer Reports said that 41% of millennials owe, on average, $30,700 in college debt.
They believe Bernie will forgive their student loans.

Yep and as much as I would love for the government to wave their hands and suddenly eradicate the $60k I'm paying off it's never going to happen.
I think government needs to just go with a flat one time interest rate of 10% on the life of the loan. Borrow 60, pay back 66.

What you're suggesting would be a fee, not interest. Interest doesn't work the way you're describing.
They believe Bernie will forgive their student loans.

Yep and as much as I would love for the government to wave their hands and suddenly eradicate the $60k I'm paying off it's never going to happen.
This is why I haven't gone to college or taken out a loan. What good is a career if I spend most of the money I make from it on paying off an astronomically high student loan?

Page 28 of the March 2016 Consumer Reports said that 41% of millennials owe, on average, $30,700 in college debt.
That's actually nothing compared to what they owe as their share of the national debt.
They believe Bernie will forgive their student loans.

Yep and as much as I would love for the government to wave their hands and suddenly eradicate the $60k I'm paying off it's never going to happen.
This is why I haven't gone to college or taken out a loan. What good is a career if I spend most of the money I make from it on paying off an astronomically high student loan?

Yeah THAT is why.

They believe Bernie will forgive their student loans.

Yep and as much as I would love for the government to wave their hands and suddenly eradicate the $60k I'm paying off it's never going to happen.
I think government needs to just go with a flat one time interest rate of 10% on the life of the loan. Borrow 60, pay back 66.

What you're suggesting would be a fee, not interest. Interest doesn't work the way you're describing.
Flat interest VS accumulating interest. If you were older {no offense} you would remember the days of flat interest.
The question should be - why are they so-called "young democrats"? Are all young people "young democrats"? Well, most of them have been indoctrinated by our leftist educational system, so the answer is a resounding yes. Now that that's out of the way, Hillary and Bernie both want more government control over the people, which makes the question irrelevant. Either one of these clowns will weaken this country.
This thing could get very interesting and an election cycle you might wish to leave your kids at home. Donald Trump is a bare-knuckled street fighter. He takes no prisoners. I just read, and something I had thought about before, that should both Donald and Hillary get their party's nominations, that Donald has lined up some of the women Bill Clinton has been accused of sexually abusing. The Donald plans to hit the campaign trail and trot these women out at his campaign events to tell their stories to the young women who were not around when Bill was on his sexual rampage. They will tell how Hillary tried to destroy them. Hillary has let herself in for a world of hurt.
"Why young Democrats love Sanders and really don’t like Clinton"

Because they're young.

The same thing occurred in '92 with Tsongas; NH is as meaningless now as it was then – whomever the winners are will be forgotten by the end of March, along with Iowa and New Hampshire.

It's as if for most on USMB it's their first presidential election.
They believe Bernie will forgive their student loans.

Yep and as much as I would love for the government to wave their hands and suddenly eradicate the $60k I'm paying off it's never going to happen.
I think government needs to just go with a flat one time interest rate of 10% on the life of the loan. Borrow 60, pay back 66.

Better yet, get government out of the student loan business.
Maybe all young Democrats saw Hillary coughing and peeing a little too much for a woman who wants to be President?
they like him because they're idealistic and they think he can actually do what he says he wants.

bless their little hearts.

He absolutely can if the momentum that brings him into office also changes who controls congress. Do you honestly think Republicans are going to work with Hillary Clinton?

No matter how much momentum he can't overcome the gerrymandering in the House. Democrats would need to get 25% more votes than republicans in order to get the House. That isn't happening.

And 70% of the country has said they will NEVER vote for a socialist. And, for the record, I like him and think he'll make a great Secretary of Labor. He'll just never be president. I don't like being set up to lose.
And 70% of the country has said they will NEVER vote for a socialist. And, for the record, I like him and think he'll make a great Secretary of Labor. He'll just never be president. I don't like being set up to lose.

Clinton will get crushed in the general election. She has way too much baggage, not to mention many of Sanders' supporters will not back her if she wins.

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