Why young Democrats love Sanders and really don’t like Clinton

And 70% of the country has said they will NEVER vote for a socialist. And, for the record, I like him and think he'll make a great Secretary of Labor. He'll just never be president. I don't like being set up to lose.

Clinton will get crushed in the general election. She has way too much baggage, not to mention many of Sanders' supporters will not back her if she wins.

Like Obama did? :rofl:
RW's are trying to make Bernie the Trump of the Democratic party. Run Bernie Run !

he won't get the nomination.
Like Obama did? :rofl:

If Clinton wins the nomination you will regret your bad decision after Trump or Cruz wins the presidency.
Sorry but neither of them have a snowball's chance in hell of winning over Hillary.

She has too much baggage for those that will not vote for her anyway. Most of the country simply does not care, particularly if Trump is on the other ticket. He will drive voters to Hillary.
Like Obama did? :rofl:

If Clinton wins the nomination you will regret your bad decision after Trump or Cruz wins the presidency.

given the anti-choice, mysoginist, divisive, theocratic choices your party offers, anything is a good decision who isn't a republican.

neither trump nor cruz will ever win the presidency.

you do understand that neither even got half of the "base", right?
given the anti-choice, mysoginist, divisive, theocratic choices your party offers, anything is a good decision who isn't a republican.

Not liking Clinton automatically makes me a conservative? I'm trying to convince Clinton supporters to vote for the only real progressive running. Bernie Sanders is tied with Clinton nationally even though she still has all of the name recognition. Bernie's popularity if exploding, and if he makes it to the general election he will be unstoppable. I implore you to learn about Bernie and reconsider your decision.

They believe Bernie will forgive their student loans.

Yep and as much as I would love for the government to wave their hands and suddenly eradicate the $60k I'm paying off it's never going to happen.
I think government needs to just go with a flat one time interest rate of 10% on the life of the loan. Borrow 60, pay back 66.
Bullshit,If a rich man can get a low interest loan for investment, then students should also.I had a student loan in 1980, it was a 2% loan from the govt. I paid 30 dollars every quarter till paid...
The young kids favor Bernie cause he wants to shake up the standard MO of Washington.He is preaching a revolution in politics, and the kids are wanting a change from the stagnant divided status quo of the current and past administrations....And he will legalize pot, which kids want also...And so do I and have wanted the establishment of Washington shook up and rattled into action..
They believe Bernie will forgive their student loans.

Yep and as much as I would love for the government to wave their hands and suddenly eradicate the $60k I'm paying off it's never going to happen.
I think government needs to just go with a flat one time interest rate of 10% on the life of the loan. Borrow 60, pay back 66.
Bullshit,If a rich man can get a low interest loan for investment, then students should also.I had a student loan in 1980, it was a 2% loan from the govt. I paid 30 dollars every quarter till paid...

Rich people have collateral.
What collateral do students have?

Can't afford college, get a job, save your money until you can afford it.
They believe Bernie will forgive their student loans.

Yep and as much as I would love for the government to wave their hands and suddenly eradicate the $60k I'm paying off it's never going to happen.
I think government needs to just go with a flat one time interest rate of 10% on the life of the loan. Borrow 60, pay back 66.
Bullshit,If a rich man can get a low interest loan for investment, then students should also.I had a student loan in 1980, it was a 2% loan from the govt. I paid 30 dollars every quarter till paid...

Rich people have collateral.
What collateral do students have?

Can't afford college, get a job, save your money until you can afford it.

That "work until you have it" mentality will undermine the American talent pool greatly.

Yes, some will get by--but much than the hacks will fail.. The current deal with private banks an investors demanding a return,is better

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