Why Your Boss is Dumping Your Wife


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I curse the day this pos president was born.

Why your boss is dumping your wife
Companies are dropping health coverage for spouses to cut costs

Companies have a new solution to rising health-insurance costs: Break up their employees’ marriages.

By denying coverage to spouses, employers not only save the annual premiums, but also the new fees that went into effect as part of the Affordable Care Act. This year, companies have to pay $1 or $2 “per life” covered on their plans, a sum that jumps to $65 in 2014. And health law guidelines proposed recently mandate coverage of employees’ dependent children (up to age 26), but husbands and wives are optional. “The question about whether it’s obligatory to cover the family of the employee is being thought through more than ever before,” says Helen Darling, president of the National Business Group on Health. See: When your boss doesn’t trust your doctor.

While surcharges for spousal coverage are more common, last year, 6% of large employers excluded spouses, up from 5% in 2010, as did 4% of huge companies with at least 20,000 employees, twice as many as in 2010, according to human resources firm Mercer. These “spousal carve-outs,” or “working spouse provisions,” generally prohibit only people who could get coverage through their own job from enrolling in their spouse’s plan.

MORE: Why your boss is dumping your wife - MarketWatch
Yeah..that's the President's fault alrighty..


It sure is.

Yeah..it has nothing to do with the overpaid CEO's who make these decisions.

You guys seem to forget that before the ACA..people were getting kicked off healthcare for "pre-existing" conditions, whatever the fuck that means.

It's funny how you guys put money ahead of lives..unless of course it's in the womb of some poor woman that just got raped by her drunken uncle.

Yeah..that's the President's fault alrighty..


It sure is.

Yeah..it has nothing to do with the overpaid CEO's who make these decisions.

You guys seem to forget that before the ACA..people were getting kicked off healthcare for "pre-existing" conditions, whatever the fuck that means.

It's funny how you guys put money ahead of lives..unless of course it's in the womb of some poor woman that just got raped by her drunken uncle.


The majority of Americans were in favor of their healthcare plans before Obamacare.
Once this government bottomless pit is fully implemented, I doubt Americans will ever feel the same way again.
I curse the day this pos president was born.

Why your boss is dumping your wife
Companies are dropping health coverage for spouses to cut costs

Companies have a new solution to rising health-insurance costs: Break up their employees’ marriages.

By denying coverage to spouses, employers not only save the annual premiums, but also the new fees that went into effect as part of the Affordable Care Act. This year, companies have to pay $1 or $2 “per life” covered on their plans, a sum that jumps to $65 in 2014. And health law guidelines proposed recently mandate coverage of employees’ dependent children (up to age 26), but husbands and wives are optional. “The question about whether it’s obligatory to cover the family of the employee is being thought through more than ever before,” says Helen Darling, president of the National Business Group on Health. See: When your boss doesn’t trust your doctor.

While surcharges for spousal coverage are more common, last year, 6% of large employers excluded spouses, up from 5% in 2010, as did 4% of huge companies with at least 20,000 employees, twice as many as in 2010, according to human resources firm Mercer. These “spousal carve-outs,” or “working spouse provisions,” generally prohibit only people who could get coverage through their own job from enrolling in their spouse’s plan.
MORE: Why your boss is dumping your wife - MarketWatch

Companies (both owners and management) have been looking for ways to cut business costs (including salary AND benefits of employees) in order to increase profits (and THEIR share of the pie, of course) for many years now. That's why the income of the top 10% has been continuously rising for the last 30 years at a healthy clip even as wages for the 90% have remained flat even as productivity gains have increased markedly.

The fact is that corporate abuses of their work forces has been going on in this country for a LONG time and THAT is the reason why you end up reading stories about increased regulations because gov't is continuously trying to respond to (and put an end to) some of the more outrageous practices of corporations who will either

A. look for loop holes in the law to exploit or
B. have loops holes inserted into laws in the first place

in order to do the very kind of things that profit them while outraging average people. You've probably heard of some of those outrages before. You know, like taking employee pension plans because there's no specific law to prevent it etc.

You want to think Obama is responsible for employers cutting spouses from health plans when costs have been skyrocketing for years? I'm sure that employers are MORE than happy to have you blame Obama if that will help them shift not only costs but blame on to some other person or entity.
You want to think Obama is responsible for employers cutting spouses from health plans...?

Yep. His plan was to shove it at Congress in the egregious white paper form of 5 reams of paper in fine print, and give them less than a month to read, understand, and decide on it.

The bright idea to tell Congress not to read the paper so "we can find what's in the paper" was a few bricks short of a load.

Guinea Pig Government is bad.
Princess Nancy was right....
Now we are really gonna find out what's in this piece of legislation...
I've read some pretty convincing projections about the Unionization of Hospitals clause that will make the healthcare act cost more than 5 times what its progenitors claimed it would cost. That was not pointed out clearly to Congress, and that's what is to be discovered as it rolls out.

That also means strikes will put ill people at unconscionable risks if benefit demands are not met on a regular basis, no matter what happens to the economy.

The Health Care Act seems quite unsustainable as we learn one thing after another.

It is destroying another private industry--the Insurance business. Their rates and reductions to the consumer are unbelievable already, and they're not going to get better when health care rises 500% very shortly.

If you think too few people had private health care before, I'd be surprised that if in 3 years we had 20% with private health care insurance.

This disaster is loaded, because people were not told it was the highest tax hike in history, and they will have a smaller paycheck which will disable them from rising food, housing, clothing, and recreation costs.
Princess Nancy was right....
Now we are really gonna find out what's in this piece of legislation...
I've read some pretty convincing projections about the Unionization of Hospitals clause that will make the healthcare act cost more than 5 times what its progenitors claimed it would cost. That was not pointed out clearly to Congress, and that's what is to be discovered as it rolls out.

That also means strikes will put ill people at unconscionable risks if benefit demands are not met on a regular basis, no matter what happens to the economy.

The Health Care Act seems quite unsustainable as we learn one thing after another.

It is destroying another private industry--the Insurance business. Their rates and reductions to the consumer are unbelievable already, and they're not going to get better when health care rises 500% very shortly.

If you think too few people had private health care before, I'd be surprised that if in 3 years we had 20% with private health care insurance.

This disaster is loaded, because people were not told it was the highest tax hike in history, and they will have a smaller paycheck which will disable them from rising food, housing, clothing, and recreation costs.

More unionized health care workers also create another crony-dependency faction to provide campaign donations to the Dems.

Cuz That's What It's All About.
Princess Nancy was right....
Now we are really gonna find out what's in this piece of legislation...
I've read some pretty convincing projections about the Unionization of Hospitals clause that will make the healthcare act cost more than 5 times what its progenitors claimed it would cost. That was not pointed out clearly to Congress, and that's what is to be discovered as it rolls out.

That also means strikes will put ill people at unconscionable risks if benefit demands are not met on a regular basis, no matter what happens to the economy.

The Health Care Act seems quite unsustainable as we learn one thing after another.

It is destroying another private industry--the Insurance business. Their rates and reductions to the consumer are unbelievable already, and they're not going to get better when health care rises 500% very shortly.

If you think too few people had private health care before, I'd be surprised that if in 3 years we had 20% with private health care insurance.

This disaster is loaded, because people were not told it was the highest tax hike in history, and they will have a smaller paycheck which will disable them from rising food, housing, clothing, and recreation costs.

More unionized health care workers also create another crony-dependency faction to provide campaign donations to the Dems.

Cuz That's What It's All About.
If that is so, the Democrats should have recused themselves from voting on the Health Care Act. Using bills to acquire kickbacks in the form of campaign contributions is quid quo pro, which I believe is against the law as accepting gifts from foreign governments. Maybe I'm wrong?
No, you're not wrong. But our government no longer represents The People. It represents The Government.
Believe me this is no accident. The Democrats have wanted to do this for decades and they know edactly what will happen. Barney Frank let the cat out of the bag when he said Obamacare isn't universal healthcare but it's a good first step. He's right. As people get dropped from their healthcare at work and cannot get it on their own due to the price, the government will swoop in with a universal coverage plan and with the way Obamacare is written, in les than a decade everyone will be on this plan because the insurance companies wil have to charge too much for most people to afford coverage.

This is all by design but most people don't even realize that the entire job of government for at least the last 100 years has been to get all of your money from you. Once they have your money, they give you a pittance back and you're grateful to that generous government. Just look at Europe and you'll see what the Democrats want to do to us.
Believe me this is no accident. The Democrats have wanted to do this for decades and they know edactly what will happen. Barney Frank let the cat out of the bag when he said Obamacare isn't universal healthcare but it's a good first step. He's right. As people get dropped from their healthcare at work and cannot get it on their own due to the price, the government will swoop in with a universal coverage plan and with the way Obamacare is written, in les than a decade everyone will be on this plan because the insurance companies wil have to charge too much for most people to afford coverage.

This is all by design but most people don't even realize that the entire job of government for at least the last 100 years has been to get all of your money from you. Once they have your money, they give you a pittance back and you're grateful to that generous government. Just look at Europe and you'll see what the Democrats want to do to us.

No offense, but I think you're falling for the same dubious promises that give the progressives false hope. PPACA isn't an attack on the insurance industry, it's a bailout. The insurance industry is essentially being granted federal cartel powers and mandated customers. Things will change, and for the worse, but the insurance industry will weather the storm. That's what this is all about.
Believe me this is no accident. The Democrats have wanted to do this for decades and they know edactly what will happen. Barney Frank let the cat out of the bag when he said Obamacare isn't universal healthcare but it's a good first step. He's right. As people get dropped from their healthcare at work and cannot get it on their own due to the price, the government will swoop in with a universal coverage plan and with the way Obamacare is written, in les than a decade everyone will be on this plan because the insurance companies wil have to charge too much for most people to afford coverage.

This is all by design but most people don't even realize that the entire job of government for at least the last 100 years has been to get all of your money from you. Once they have your money, they give you a pittance back and you're grateful to that generous government. Just look at Europe and you'll see what the Democrats want to do to us.

No offense, but I think you're falling for the same dubious promises that give the progressives false hope. PPACA isn't an attack on the insurance industry, it's a bailout. The insurance industry is essentially being granted federal cartel powers and mandated customers. Things will change, and for the worse, but the insurance industry will weather the storm. That's what this is all about.

Only until the insurance gets too expensive and people get dtopped in droves only be gobbled up by big government healthcare.

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