
Donald Trump tries damage control after offer to foreign spies - CNNPolitics

Why should Trump not accept foreign aid? It's how he got elected in the first place. So he just gave Russia and North Korea and China an open invitation to try and get him elected again. So what? It's just Trump being Trump, as Sarah Huckabuck says "He's an unconventional President."

Unconventional just like Nixon. And Nixon was a crook! Bigly

Donald trump shouldn’t win one blue state. If he does there’s something wrong with Americans who don’t vote.

The problem is a lot of people who don’t like him are bad citizens who can’t be bothered to vote. They’ve been convinced their vote doesn’t count.

These people are also very easily convinced that trumps opponents are bad just because republicans say so. Pelosi, kamal, Elizabeth warren, sleepy joe, etc. trump needs a nickname. Plaintiff don
Donald Trump tries damage control after offer to foreign spies - CNNPolitics

Why should Trump not accept foreign aid? It's how he got elected in the first place. So he just gave Russia and North Korea and China an open invitation to try and get him elected again. So what? It's just Trump being Trump, as Sarah Huckabuck says "He's an unconventional President."

Unconventional just like Nixon. And Nixon was a crook! Bigly
He funneled money to a law firm to hire foreign agents??
Donald trump shouldn’t win one blue state. If he does there’s something wrong with Americans who don’t vote.

The problem is a lot of people who don’t like him are bad citizens who can’t be bothered to vote. They’ve been convinced their vote doesn’t count.

These people are also very easily convinced that trumps opponents are bad just because republicans say so. Pelosi, kamal, Elizabeth warren, sleepy joe, etc. trump needs a nickname. Plaintiff don
Read the Book: The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness and see how that informs your understanding about people who vote/don't vote, and why.

Then come back and let me know your thoughts.

Note: Feel free to take 1 week or 2 and listen to the audio book if sitting and reading isn't your thing.
Donald trump shouldn’t win one blue state.

if he wins it, that makes it a red state

But he won the battle ground states....hahaha. The moment he won FL and PA it was over
Which is the same moment Ritchie Maddow’s face took on the look of a dyke suffering acutely severe constipation. A magnificently beautiful look for someone so deserving IMO.

Lol I'll never forget the demoquacks utter disbelief that night. Freaking priceless....and they still have raging butthurt
Donald Trump tries damage control after offer to foreign spies - CNNPolitics

Why should Trump not accept foreign aid? It's how he got elected in the first place. So he just gave Russia and North Korea and China an open invitation to try and get him elected again. So what? It's just Trump being Trump, as Sarah Huckabuck says "He's an unconventional President."

Unconventional just like Nixon. And Nixon was a crook! Bigly
Ze Trumpenführer can zoo no wrong OP!

Zoo you understand?
Donald Trump tries damage control after offer to foreign spies - CNNPolitics

Why should Trump not accept foreign aid? It's how he got elected in the first place. So he just gave Russia and North Korea and China an open invitation to try and get him elected again. So what? It's just Trump being Trump, as Sarah Huckabuck says "He's an unconventional President."

Unconventional just like Nixon. And Nixon was a crook! Bigly
If anyone in power said they would not listen to the "dirt" on their opponent is lying big time! After receiving the info, they can contact the FBI, as Trump said, or just ignore it and wonder what the same country is offering their opponents. Of course, anyone would listen. It's what you do with the information that makes it a crime.

Democrats can act holier than thou when sitting with Christopher Steele and feeding false info to the FISA court.
Donald Trump tries damage control after offer to foreign spies - CNNPolitics

Why should Trump not accept foreign aid? It's how he got elected in the first place. So he just gave Russia and North Korea and China an open invitation to try and get him elected again. So what? It's just Trump being Trump, as Sarah Huckabuck says "He's an unconventional President."

Unconventional just like Nixon. And Nixon was a crook! Bigly
You do realize it was HILLARY who sought out foreign help to take out the opposition. Poor yards are projecting again
Donald trump shouldn’t win one blue state.

if he wins it, that makes it a red state

But he won the battle ground states....hahaha. The moment he won FL and PA it was over
Which is the same moment Ritchie Maddow’s face took on the look of a dyke suffering acutely severe constipation. A magnificently beautiful look for someone so deserving IMO.

Lol I'll never forget the demoquacks utter disbelief that night. Freaking priceless....and they still have raging butthurt

Yeah, ain’t it beautiful!
Donald Trump tries damage control after offer to foreign spies - CNNPolitics

Why should Trump not accept foreign aid? It's how he got elected in the first place. So he just gave Russia and North Korea and China an open invitation to try and get him elected again. So what? It's just Trump being Trump, as Sarah Huckabuck says "He's an unconventional President."

Unconventional just like Nixon. And Nixon was a crook! Bigly
Ze Trumpenführer can zoo no wrong OP!

Zoo you understand?
Is that a new ghetto accent?
Post #7 didn't have the stones nor intelligence to quote form the book but commanded us to genuflect to a chickenshit syllabus? Fascism.

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