Why's an adult and child having sex bad? (rings Pavlovian bell)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Now, before your heads explode or you slip and fall salivating let me explain the complete question.

Seeing only the title of this thread, your heartrate likely quickened, the blood in your body flowed around faster, your adrenaline began to pump and you basicly became very excited. But why?

Why are people's reaction to questions of this type so predictable? Is the answer objectively and irrefutably known? Is the answer, "because it's bad." or "because it's illegal." or something else?

If we read a news headline about some adult getting busted for having sex with a minor most of us start imagining ways to execute or violently punish the perpetrator. But does that same reaction occur if we read a headline about a typical New York City mugging, or robbery, or petty theft? Probably not if only because those don't often become headlines at all. Did any of us ever imagine creative ways to execute a purse-snatcher?

If a majority of people in the USA are religious, and of those the majority is some sort of Christian, then the majority should have no objections whatsoever to adults and children having sex together. In fact, while the Bible forbids many things, it seems to have forgotten about adults and children having sex. In Jewish tradition, and upheld through the centuries, the age at which a Jewish boy can consent to marriage (and thus sex) is 13, and girls at 12. If we run with the narrative this means a Jew centuries old (Moses lived to be 800) can marry a girl of 12.

While many things upset God, none do so more than robbery (say theft with violence.) This angers God so much He wiped out every living thing on the planet except for Noah, his family, and some animals. But there are numerous passages condoning rape, enslavement of girls, and even murder of girls and boys of "children's" ages. But no where does it say you can't have sex with them.

So why is the public reaction to headlines about adult-child sex such a hot button if most are of a religion that doesn't have a problem with that? And if not a person who believes in gods, many of us still have a problem with it. But in our case, why?

Some scientists have pointed out that our brains don't finish maturing and developing until we're in our 20s. But if we use that fact as the basis for our objections, then the age for sexual consent should be 20-25. And a problem with it is this: if we use mental maturity and brain development, what about the very old and neurlogically impaired, what about mentally handicapped people, and others who simply exhibit lower-than-chronological-aged IQs? Should you have some minimum IQ before you're granted certain legal rights? And then of course is the problem with how we're letting 'mentally impaired' people drive at 16.

The fact remains we have an irrational, almost automatic, and predictable response to adults and children having sex together. Whether they did or not, the merest possibility is enough to set our reaction in motion.

We only do things we've been taught to do, or learned to do on our own, have been conditioned to do, or have an instinctual impetus for doing. We learn best and the most by imitation. As such we learn how to speak listening to parents speak, and how to do various things by watching and imitating/repeating them. If people's reactions to certain things are easily predictable isn't it that they've been conditioned to do them and thus are predictable?

Any human easy to predict is easy to manipulate. That's not a good thing. Think about it. This wasn't about whether adults having sex with kids is bad. It was about how you react to it and other questions.
Exploitation of minors makes everyone hot under the collar, religious or not; except for those who exploit minors due to a profit motive, or sadism, or pedophilia. Or combinations thereof.

This is one of those issues with near universal agreement.

/ end thread

Regards from Rosie
I believe this young man lays out the case against child rape better than I could.

Worth the read.

Brutal abuse of Britain s most exciting pianist James Rhodes Daily Mail Online

Rape of my childhood: It's the publishing sensation of the year. The brutal abuse of Britain's most exciting pianist by his prep school PE teacher - and how his ex wife tried to ban his book about it
  • Concert pianist James Rhodes has revealed the horrifying sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his PE teacher

  • From the age of six he was raped repeatedly by Peter Lee at the Arnold House School over five years
  • The traumatic experience haunted him for the rest of his life until he finally found solace in music
  • He is now able to share his story after the Supreme Court lifted his ex-wife's injunction banning his biography
Children should have a childhood and not be exploited for the pleasure of some adult who cannot maintain these types of relationships in the adult world. You cannot be serious with this sick crap.
The fact remains we have an irrational, almost automatic, and predictable response to adults and children having sex together. Whether they did or not, the merest possibility is enough to set our reaction in motion.

This reaction has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with the fact that children are benefited, in no way, by sex with adults.
From a child's perspective on why it is bad to be raped by an adult.

"Abuse. What a word. Rape is better.

Abuse is when you tell a traffic warden to f*** off. It isn’t abuse when a 40-year-old man forces himself into a six-year-old boy. That doesn’t even come close to abuse. That is aggressive rape.

It leads to multiple surgeries, scars (inside and out), tics, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, suicidal ideation, vigorous self-harm, alcoholism, drug addiction, gender confusion, sexuality confusion, paranoia, mistrust, compulsive lying, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative identity disorder (the shinier name for multiple personality disorder) and on and on and on.

I went, literally overnight, from a dancing, spinning, gigglingly alive kid who was enjoying the safety and adventure of a new school, to a walled-off, cement-shoed, lights-out automaton.

It was immediate and shocking, like happily walking down a sunny path and suddenly having a trapdoor open up and dump you into a freezing cold lake.

You want to know how to rip all the child out of a child? F*** him. F*** him repeatedly. Hit him. Hold him down and shove things inside him.

Tell him things about himself that can only be true in the youngest of minds before logic and reason are fully formed and they will take hold of him and become an integral, unquestioned part of his being.

The point of sharing these sticky, toxic words is simply this: that first incident in that locked gym closet changed me irreversibly and permanently.

From that moment on, the biggest, truest part of me was quantifiably, sickeningly different."

Brutal abuse of Britain s most exciting pianist James Rhodes Daily Mail Online

Here's the baby that was fucked over and over and over.


James, pictured playing the piano aged seven, had been an exceptionally talented pianist from a young age

And blessedly as a healed adult with the support of family and friends.


The concert pianist, pictured outside the Supreme Court in London with his wife Hattie Chamberlin and his friend actor Benedict Cumberbatch, has finally won the right to tell his story
Let me just say that if the thought of an adult and a child having sex doesn't ring your pavlovian bell, your bell is broken.
We protect innocence so they can remain children for as long as they need to. Sex steals their childhood from them.

There was a time when 30 or 40 was our maximum age limit. So we were in a hurry to grow up. Puberty = adulthood. Soon as you could make babies you were an adult. We are past that time period now. We can afford to appreciate being a child longer. Being naive being who still believes in fairy tales like God and Santa. And it's wrong to make them grow up faster than they need to.
The fact remains we have an irrational, almost automatic, and predictable response to adults and children having sex together. Whether they did or not, the merest possibility is enough to set our reaction in motion.

It's hard wired into most human beings to want to protect the young. Let's say the age of consent was 13. I don't know many men who would have a change of heart and say "Well cool, I can go have sex with 13 year olds now!!!!" It's not who we are as a species. This is not to say that a lot of men wouldn't go out and pursue little girls/boys. Those men are sexual deviants. They will always exist, but it's not the norm.

Society hasn't conditioned me to not sexually desire children, I wasn't told "Chris you shouldn't have sex with underage children, it's bad!" There came a time in my life when I became aware of the innocence of children (17-18 years old?) My hormones were raging, but at no point did I ever think about being with a little 12/13/14 year old girl. Again society didn't tell me that, it just wasn't in me. I had ZERO desire. I think that is the case with most males/females.

The reaction to pedophiles is predictable, because as a species we are hard wired to protect the young from such acts. Sex is a very intimate and powerful act and most healthy adults understand this. It's deviant behavior to desire young children. Plain and simple.

To answer your question, the reaction is predictable because the behavior is abhorrent to normal, healthy, functioning adults. Society doesn't say so, who we are as a species says so.
The fact remains we have an irrational, almost automatic, and predictable response to adults and children having sex together. Whether they did or not, the merest possibility is enough to set our reaction in motion.

It's hard wired into most human beings to want to protect the young. Let's say the age of consent was 13. I don't know many men who would have a change of heart and say "Well cool, I can go have sex with 13 year olds now!!!!" It's not who we are as a species. This is not to say that a lot of men wouldn't go out and pursue little girls/boys. Those men are sexual deviants. They will always exist, but it's not the norm.

Society hasn't conditioned me to not sexually desire children, I wasn't told "Chris you shouldn't have sex with underage children, it's bad!" There came a time in my life when I became aware of the innocence of children (17-18 years old?) My hormones were raging, but at no point did I ever think about being with a little 12/13/14 year old girl. Again society didn't tell me that, it just wasn't in me. I had ZERO desire. I think that is the case with most males/females.

The reaction to pedophiles is predictable, because as a species we are hard wired to protect the young from such acts. Sex is a very intimate and powerful act and most healthy adults understand this. It's deviant behavior to desire young children. Plain and simple.

To answer your question, the reaction is predictable because the behavior is abhorrent to normal, healthy, functioning adults. Society doesn't say so, who we are as a species says so.

I've noticed that who I'm attracted to has also changed as I've gotten older. When I was 20, I could never imagine being attracted to a 40 year old man. When I was 40, I couldn't imagine being attracted to a 20-year-old. My attraction has consistently been to men who are in my same age group. I can see that someone who is young is physically beautiful or handsome, but I'm not sexually interested in them. I think that when people's attraction sticks for some reason, that's because they are in some way deviant. It's not normal. There is something in our wiring that causes our physical attraction to follow our maturity process.
The fact remains we have an irrational, almost automatic, and predictable response to adults and children having sex together. Whether they did or not, the merest possibility is enough to set our reaction in motion.

It's hard wired into most human beings to want to protect the young. Let's say the age of consent was 13. I don't know many men who would have a change of heart and say "Well cool, I can go have sex with 13 year olds now!!!!" It's not who we are as a species. This is not to say that a lot of men wouldn't go out and pursue little girls/boys. Those men are sexual deviants. They will always exist, but it's not the norm.

Society hasn't conditioned me to not sexually desire children, I wasn't told "Chris you shouldn't have sex with underage children, it's bad!" There came a time in my life when I became aware of the innocence of children (17-18 years old?) My hormones were raging, but at no point did I ever think about being with a little 12/13/14 year old girl. Again society didn't tell me that, it just wasn't in me. I had ZERO desire. I think that is the case with most males/females.

The reaction to pedophiles is predictable, because as a species we are hard wired to protect the young from such acts. Sex is a very intimate and powerful act and most healthy adults understand this. It's deviant behavior to desire young children. Plain and simple.

To answer your question, the reaction is predictable because the behavior is abhorrent to normal, healthy, functioning adults. Society doesn't say so, who we are as a species says so.

I've noticed that who I'm attracted to has also changed as I've gotten older. When I was 20, I could never imagine being attracted to a 40 year old man. When I was 40, I couldn't imagine being attracted to a 20-year-old. My attraction has consistently been to men who are in my same age group. I can see that someone who is young is physically beautiful or handsome, but I'm not sexually interested in them. I think that when people's attraction sticks for some reason, that's because they are in some way deviant. It's not normal. There is something in our wiring that causes our physical attraction to follow our maturity process.
I'm still sexually attracted to college cheerleaders. I'm 50 years old and most 50 year old women are a big turn off to me. I'm going to be single for the rest of my life unless I win the lottery.
The fact remains we have an irrational, almost automatic, and predictable response to adults and children having sex together. Whether they did or not, the merest possibility is enough to set our reaction in motion.

It's hard wired into most human beings to want to protect the young. Let's say the age of consent was 13. I don't know many men who would have a change of heart and say "Well cool, I can go have sex with 13 year olds now!!!!" It's not who we are as a species. This is not to say that a lot of men wouldn't go out and pursue little girls/boys. Those men are sexual deviants. They will always exist, but it's not the norm.

Society hasn't conditioned me to not sexually desire children, I wasn't told "Chris you shouldn't have sex with underage children, it's bad!" There came a time in my life when I became aware of the innocence of children (17-18 years old?) My hormones were raging, but at no point did I ever think about being with a little 12/13/14 year old girl. Again society didn't tell me that, it just wasn't in me. I had ZERO desire. I think that is the case with most males/females.

The reaction to pedophiles is predictable, because as a species we are hard wired to protect the young from such acts. Sex is a very intimate and powerful act and most healthy adults understand this. It's deviant behavior to desire young children. Plain and simple.

To answer your question, the reaction is predictable because the behavior is abhorrent to normal, healthy, functioning adults. Society doesn't say so, who we are as a species says so.

I've noticed that who I'm attracted to has also changed as I've gotten older. When I was 20, I could never imagine being attracted to a 40 year old man. When I was 40, I couldn't imagine being attracted to a 20-year-old. My attraction has consistently been to men who are in my same age group. I can see that someone who is young is physically beautiful or handsome, but I'm not sexually interested in them. I think that when people's attraction sticks for some reason, that's because they are in some way deviant. It's not normal. There is something in our wiring that causes our physical attraction to follow our maturity process.
Well said. We can all appreciate the beauty of a young girl/boy, but normal people (for lack of a better word) don't have that switch that goes off that makes them desire the child sexually.
Brits are almost as strange looking as Americans from the deep south.
I have worked with hundreds of sexually abused men and women as a therapist. To say children are not harmed by sexual exploitation by adults is fucking ridiculous.
Now, before your heads explode or you slip and fall salivating let me explain the complete question.

Seeing only the title of this thread, your heartrate likely quickened, the blood in your body flowed around faster, your adrenaline began to pump and you basicly became very excited. But why?

Sounds like transference on your part...just creating these threads clearly arouses you.

Any human easy to predict is easy to manipulate. That's not a good thing. Think about it. This wasn't about whether adults having sex with kids is bad. It was about how you react to it and other questions.

They aren't mutually exclusive...that you want to attempt to separate them is a lame attempt to make it appear we're just a bundle of emotions who can't think logically. Bullshit. It's pretty cut and dry for most of us, and don't equate the passion of instinctively protecting the young and innocence with some sort of ignorance regarding human behavior.

Oh, and you're twisted.:cuckoo:


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