WI Teachers Union: Making You an Offer You Can't Refuse


There is a store in my neighborhood that has a sign in the window, "Proud Supporters of the Tea Party". I never once thought as I avoided shopping there that they were being extorted in to displaying that sign but this thread makes me wonder.


well, i'm sure someone would have pointed out that kind of thuggery if it was part of an organized campaign.

like you, for example.

Thuggery is illegal, is it not?
dr drock's got the moronic answers covered in this thread, but thanks for stopping by.

you're a peach.

Gee, Del....when you can't debate....you really can't debate.

when there's nothing to debate, there's no point to it.

if you want to defend blatant extortion of merchants by a union, knock yourself out. i'm not going to waste my time trying to change your mind.
you root for your team no matter what-if it was the rnc or a corp doing this, you'd be up in arms.

i know it and you know it.

i will cry myself to sleep later, though, if that helps.
Extortion is illegal, is it not?
i'm sure you'll be able to link the post where i even mentioned legality.

no, bullying is morally repugnant to me. try to keep up.
Boycotts are bullying?

it's not a boycott, it's a threat. as i told you several pages ago, you can dance that pig around all you want, but it's still a pig. the union is attempting to bully individuals into overtly supporting their cause, regardless of their own position or lack of one on the subject of collective bargaining, by threatening to withold their business. do you think that's right?

that's a rhetorical question. don't bother answering it.
Gee, Del....when you can't debate....you really can't debate.

when there's nothing to debate, there's no point to it.

if you want to defend blatant extortion of merchants by a union, knock yourself out. i'm not going to waste my time trying to change your mind.
you root for your team no matter what-if it was the rnc or a corp doing this, you'd be up in arms.

i know it and you know it.

i will cry myself to sleep later, though, if that helps.
Extortion is illegal, is it not?

ooh, you got me.

give yourself a pat on the back and then go find where i said what the union is doing is explicitly illegal. i'll be sure to choose my words more carefully in the future, given your strict usage standards.

when there's nothing to debate, there's no point to it.

if you want to defend blatant extortion of merchants by a union, knock yourself out. i'm not going to waste my time trying to change your mind.
you root for your team no matter what-if it was the rnc or a corp doing this, you'd be up in arms.

i know it and you know it.

i will cry myself to sleep later, though, if that helps.
Extortion is illegal, is it not?

ooh, you got me.

give yourself a pat on the back and then go find where i said what the union is doing is explicitly illegal. i'll be sure to choose my words more carefully in the future, given your strict usage standards.

Now, now, del....just asking if the term you used, "extortion" is illegal or not. Didn't mean to upset you.
Forcing people to self-select for the boycott is, yes.

Forcing people? How are they being forced? Are they not allowed to say NO?
They're not being allowed to stay neutral.

You put the sign up or get boycotted.

That's bullying and borderline extortion.

You are assuming that they can pull off a boycott....which is interesting since it has been brought up quite a bit here that the large MAJORITY of people do NOT support the unions. And yet, you seem to think a union boycott is going to be some humungous stick.

(Let us also assume that you think of all boycotts as bullying and borderline extortion, right?)
Doesn't matter whether they can pull it off or not...It's bullying and borderline extortion to even attempt it.
Extortion is illegal, is it not?

ooh, you got me.

give yourself a pat on the back and then go find where i said what the union is doing is explicitly illegal. i'll be sure to choose my words more carefully in the future, given your strict usage standards.

Now, now, del....just asking if the term you used, "extortion" is illegal or not. Didn't mean to upset you.

don't flatter yourself :lol:
Gee, Del....when you can't debate....you really can't debate.

when there's nothing to debate, there's no point to it.

if you want to defend blatant extortion of merchants by a union, knock yourself out. i'm not going to waste my time trying to change your mind.
you root for your team no matter what-if it was the rnc or a corp doing this, you'd be up in arms.

i know it and you know it.

i will cry myself to sleep later, though, if that helps.
Extortion is illegal, is it not?

Why yes... yes it is. And here's a case where someone's sick of unions being given a pass on it.
Who the hell is Anita Bryant, is that Kobe's sister? j/k but really who is that

And thanks del for saying you answered then pretending you dont have the time to quote it. neat trick
Who the hell is Anita Bryant, is that Kobe's sister? j/k but really who is that

And thanks del for saying you answered then pretending you dont have the time to quote it. neat trick

i have plenty of time, and never pretended otherwise; i choose not to use it to do things for anonymous assclowns on the interwebz.

see how that works, skippy?

every time you tell a lie, jesus kills a kitten. tsk, tsk
Didn't say any laws were broken.

Hey!...Here's an idea!....How 'bout they ask "participating" businesses to hang a portrait of Uncle Joe or Chairman Mao in their shop windows?

If a consumer refuses to go to a shop unless their demands are met, then the shop owner has a decision to make, doesn't he? I've been to churches that actually published directories of "Christian Businesses" for their members to do business with, along with standards the businesses had to meet to make that directory. Heck, one of the local churches actually invited in local business owners to address the congregation, provided their conduct and business dealings met the church in question's views.

Short story: If you support Capitalism, and if you support Free Speech and Free Assembly, this is what you get. If you don't like this, you're free to hike it over to some other country where this kind of behavior isn't legal.

And the whole association of communism with folks you disagree with has been out of style since the 1950's. Get a new trick.
Churches post businesses to do business with based on principals, it is not telling them to not shop there. When you equate christianity with communism it shows your ignorance. If you accept socialist behavior maybe you are a socialist?

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