WI Teachers Union: Making You an Offer You Can't Refuse

Who the hell is Anita Bryant, is that Kobe's sister? j/k but really who is that

And thanks del for saying you answered then pretending you dont have the time to quote it. neat trick


Anita Bryant was a beauty queen and actress who got involved with the Billy Graham crusades. During the 70's she became the spokes person for the Florida Orange Growers. She got in involved with Falwell's "moral majority" and spoke out against the homosexual movement.

GLAD launched a boycott of Florida Orange Juice to pressure the growers to fire Bryant. The boycott fizzled and had no effect.

BUT then the party media got involved. It was the first time I ever had seen a fully coordinated party blitz to destroy a person. The party newspapers, NY Times and Washington Post ran daily attacks on Bryant. The party newscasters, Peter Jennings and Dan Rather opened every segment with attacks on her, even Johnny Carson did his duty for the party on the Tonight Show.

Sure, we've seen this many times since with people like Sarah Palin, but I had never witness an unrelenting attack like that before that time. The party had denounced her and named her as an enemy, and every single facet of media attacked.

I didn't even agree with her, but I was still shocked that such a thing could happen in a country which I had at the time naively thought was free.
ooh, you got me.

give yourself a pat on the back and then go find where i said what the union is doing is explicitly illegal. i'll be sure to choose my words more carefully in the future, given your strict usage standards.

Now, now, del....just asking if the term you used, "extortion" is illegal or not. Didn't mean to upset you.

don't flatter yourself :lol:

I try not to. So, I tickled you a little.....a win/win, isn't it?
Who the hell is Anita Bryant, is that Kobe's sister? j/k but really who is that

And thanks del for saying you answered then pretending you dont have the time to quote it. neat trick


Anita Bryant was a beauty queen and actress who got involved with the Billy Graham crusades. During the 70's she became the spokes person for the Florida Orange Growers. She got in involved with Falwell's "moral majority" and spoke out against the homosexual movement.

GLAD launched a boycott of Florida Orange Juice to pressure the growers to fire Bryant. The boycott fizzled and had no effect.

BUT then the party media got involved. It was the first time I ever had seen a fully coordinated party blitz to destroy a person. The party newspapers, NY Times and Washington Post ran daily attacks on Bryant. The party newscasters, Peter Jennings and Dan Rather opened every segment with attacks on her, even Johnny Carson did his duty for the party on the Tonight Show.

Sure, we've seen this many times since with people like Sarah Palin, but I had never witness an unrelenting attack like that before that time. The party had denounced her and named her as an enemy, and every single facet of media attacked.

I didn't even agree with her, but I was still shocked that such a thing could happen in a country which I had at the time naively thought was free.

Poor, poor Anita Bryant. :lol::lol::lol: Even she regretted what she had done when she realized she had been used by her then-husband for right wing political reasons.
Does anybody else notice the bogosity of comparing Boycotting Anita Bryant for something she actually said vs. threatening shopkeepers with a boycott if they don't Say What The Unions Want Them To Say?
Does anybody else notice the bogosity of comparing Boycotting Anita Bryant for something she actually said vs. threatening shopkeepers with a boycott if they don't Say What The Unions Want Them To Say?

The point is that the boycott doesn't mean much, but the party propaganda machine can and does destroy people.
Video here: Was WEAC-Fox Valley Letter Seeking Support or Threatening Boycot - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News

News accounts reveal that the Fox Valley chapter of WEAC has e-mailed local businesses, asking them to show their support for collective bargaining privileges by putting a poster in their business’ window. The union’s e-mail suggests the posters will help members with “substantially less discretionary money to spend” know where to shop.


This behavior is unworthy of teachers who are entrusted with educating Wisconsin’s children. They might as well be demanding protection money, just like Al Capone.

(Union) Gangs of Wisconsin - Kyle Olson - Townhall Conservative

first pinheads like you make me wonder why anyone would be a teacher.
your parents are liars , they use to say teacher were the most under paid under appreciated of all the professions
yet not you call them over paid lazy bastards ..

I wish they had the balls to just quit , them the fire department and the cops .

but you'll defend the morons on wall street that lost pensions and ruined peoples life and say they need those huge bonuses .

I wish they had the balls to just quit , them the fire department and the cops .

Not bloody likely:

{But yet, most firefighters make over $100,000 a year, with some battalion chiefs making over $300,000 or more. }

The Las Vegas Badger: Clark County Fire Department Out Of Control

Government workers make BANK, then retire after 20 years.

Most of us will work until we are 65 or older, then retire on the 401K which WE put away.

Not government though, they might retire at 45 to 50 on money from the taxpayer for life - but asking them to contribute 12% is "unfair!"
Interesting on topic article in today's WSJ. Public employees are rushing to retire and lock in benefits. And then some of them are double dipping by getting another job or consulting for their former employers. What a racket.

Among Wisconsin public employees filing for retirement are Mary and Len Herricks, both teachers in Oshkosh. They put in their papers in mid-March after lawmakers voted to rein in most public-employee collective-bargaining rights.

"Not only am I losing salary and benefits and facing a bigger work load, but now they are taking away my rights," says Ms. Herricks, a 56-year-old elementary school teacher. A teacher for 35 years who earns in the high 50s, Ms Herricks can now retire and collect nearly her former salary. "Retirement was supposed to be something happy. I'm so sad."


In California, Guy Harris recently retired at 50 years old because he feared he would otherwise lose benefits he says he has counted on since joining the state transportation department 27 years ago as a civil engineer.

"It wouldn't surprise me if they change the rules and say you can't retire before 55," he says. "I didn't want to get stuck."

He was earning about $9,000 per month and will collect about a third of that as a retiree. Plus, he has been hired back as a consultant, and is working on his own walnut farm.


Already in Green Bay, 140 teachers and 15 administrators have applied for retirement, compared with 41 last year, says spokeswoman Amanda Brooker.

When the Herricks retire from Oshkosh, they each will receive health insurance until age 65, pension checks and a payment worth $600 per year of service.

"I wouldn't want to risk losing those things," says Mr. Herricks, a high school agriculture teacher who is retiring after 37 years.

Given that pensions are off-limits to certain taxes, Mr. Herricks says they will bring home close to what they did before. They also plan to substitute teach.

Public Workers Rush for Retirement - WSJ.com

They retire more than a decade earlier than workers in the private sector; are able to maintain take home pay due to preferential tax treatment; and then double dip.

Yep. It's a racket.

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