Wikileaks: Mueller gave Russians Stolen Highly Enriched Uranium

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The Special Investigator appointed to search for connections between Russian and US President Donald Trump was exposed by WikiLeaks cable as the man who gave Russians highly enriched stolen Uranium back in 2009. Looking for a connection to Russia? Try looking at the special investigator "Robert Mueller." Is this why Mueller - then Director of FBI tried to frame Julian Assange and WikiLeaks? The motive is there. Mueller is dirty. He's got a history of trying to frame people, falsify information, false allegations, and using the FBI to do his dirty work. Time to investigate Robert Mueller.
WikiLeaks cable Robert Mueller delivering highly enriched stolen Uranium to Russia in 2009… h/t @apblake • r/The_Donald
The Special Investigator appointed to search for connections between Russian and US President Donald Trump was exposed by WikiLeaks cable as the man who gave Russians highly enriched stolen Uranium back in 2009. Looking for a connection to Russia? Try looking at the special investigator "Robert Mueller." Is this why Mueller - then Director of FBI tried to frame Julian Assange and WikiLeaks? The motive is there. Mueller is dirty. He's got a history of trying to frame people, falsify information, false allegations, and using the FBI to do his dirty work. Time to investigate Robert Mueller.
WikiLeaks cable Robert Mueller delivering highly enriched stolen Uranium to Russia in 2009… h/t @apblake • r/The_Donald
If it's coming from the Russians, it's probably fake news. If they can fool the right wing media, who's saying they can't also fool Wikileaks?
Wasnt that sample stolen from Russia?
Black Market Uranium from Georgia. Mueller and Clinton should both be tried for Treason. Mueller should be convicted on multiple felonies as well as treason which is as serious as it gets. And this is the man investigating our President for connections to Russia? Unbelievable.
Treason! Hillary AND Robert Mueller Both Sold Uranium to Putin
Perhaps if Robert Mueller, Special Counsel, wants to investigate Russian collusion, he should start with himself.

At one time, I had a problem with Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel because of his former friendship with disgraced FBI Director, James Comey.

While looking in the rear view mirror of recent history, my concern is trivial compared to what is presently being revealed. The stakes have grown to enormous proportions and Mueller is being proven to be guilty of multiple felonies as well as treason which is an offense which could potentially be punishable by death.

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel for the sole purpose of investigating possible Russian collusion charges between President Trump’s campaign and the Russian government. On the heels of the collusion, Mueller is also looking for the smoking gun for obstruction of justice, on the part of Trump, which is the same charge that ultimately brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon. However, sometimes life is ironic and in a stunning development, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, tweeted a released State Department cable, which clearly and irrefutably proves that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered former FBI Director and present Special Counsel, Robert Mueller to deliver a sample of stolen Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) to Russia in 2009.
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Now we know why Mueller tried to frame Assange 5 years ago sending a plane load of FBI agents to Iceland to investigate a bogus story which the Prime Minister of Iceland didn't buy and told the FBI to get out of his country. Assange was the person who went public with the cable exposing Mueller as the man who brought the stolen sample of highly enriched Uranium (came out of black market in Georgia) to the Russians. He personally delivered it. Mueller should be investigated for his connection to the Russians. Ditto for Hillary Clinton.
Wasnt that sample stolen from Russia?
Black Market Uranium from Russia. Mueller and Clinton should both be tried for Treason.
Treason! Hillary AND Robert Mueller Both Sold Uranium to Putin
This is just a right wing attempt to take the attention away from from Trump's incompetence, if not outright criminality.
Getting nervous? You should be. This Mueller investigation is nothing but a diversion to protect the real criminals in collusion with Russia and you can put Robert Mueller's name at the top of that criminal list (with Clinton's). Mueller should be charged with multiple felonies AND TREASON. There's your Russia connection. You're welcome.
Wasnt that sample stolen from Russia?
Black Market Uranium from Russia. Mueller and Clinton should both be tried for Treason.
Treason! Hillary AND Robert Mueller Both Sold Uranium to Putin
This is just a right wing attempt to take the attention away from from Trump's incompetence, if not outright criminality.
Getting nervous? You should be. This Mueller investigation is nothing but a diversion to protect the real criminals in collusion with Russia and you can put Robert Mueller's name at the top of that criminal list (with Clinton's). Mueller should be charged with multiple felonies AND TREASON. There's your Russia connection. You're welcome.
Jeremiah the bullfrog lives in his own fantasy world and is trying to suck others into it.

There's no investigation of Clinton. There certainly won't be one on Mueller.
But there are 3 criminal investigations going on the pussygrabber..
So sucks to be you.
Keep pumping out anti mueller threads.
I love to watch futility in action.
Oh it's going somewhere. I assure you of that! Sit tight. I'll be back in a few days (God Willing) with more on Mueller.
Ha ha ha ha
Your right wing media is making a fool out of you.
Mueller has the protection of the US Congress.
Who's going to GET Mueller?
Sean Hannity?
Wasnt that sample stolen from Russia?
Black Market Uranium from Russia. Mueller and Clinton should both be tried for Treason.
Treason! Hillary AND Robert Mueller Both Sold Uranium to Putin
Uranium stolen from the russian government?
I'm so sorry! That was a typo. It should read black market Uranium (stolen) from Georgia. Not Russia. My mistake! Sorry, Harley!
Then why did Georgia ok the transfer? You realize the request was on behalf of Georgia and Russia, right?
The Special Investigator appointed to search for connections between Russian and US President Donald Trump was exposed by WikiLeaks cable as the man who gave Russians highly enriched stolen Uranium back in 2009. Looking for a connection to Russia? Try looking at the special investigator "Robert Mueller." Is this why Mueller - then Director of FBI tried to frame Julian Assange and WikiLeaks? The motive is there. Mueller is dirty. He's got a history of trying to frame people, falsify information, false allegations, and using the FBI to do his dirty work. Time to investigate Robert Mueller.
WikiLeaks cable Robert Mueller delivering highly enriched stolen Uranium to Russia in 2009… h/t @apblake • r/The_Donald

Moronic you........should post the ENTIRE wikileaks bullshit.....

Read the whole thing ffs.

5:04 PM - Jul 29, 2017

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