Wikileaks Uncovers Attempt To Protect Obama In Email Scandal

You prove you support crime.
Since when do lefties care about crime?

Noted that you didn't deny it.

It wasn't worth a response since it is a bald-faced lie from STUPID.

You support the dissemination of HACKED emails. That is criminal.

Much of what has been revealed that is within the emails is criminal but I don't hear your objections to that.

Evidence criminally obtained is not admissable. The only criminals here are the hackers and those who disseminate the hacks.
Since when do lefties care about crime?

Noted that you didn't deny it.

It wasn't worth a response since it is a bald-faced lie from STUPID.

You support the dissemination of HACKED emails. That is criminal.

Much of what has been revealed that is within the emails is criminal but I don't hear your objections to that.

Evidence criminally obtained is not admissable. The only criminals here are the hackers and those who disseminate the hacks.

So if I enter your residence on a drug bust and find that you have some little girls kidnapped that you are sexually abusing, I must simply turn around and walk out leaving the little girls for you to continue to abuse? Now I know where you see your "rule of law". Pathetic.
Obama is a lying sack of shit, of course he knew about Hillary's emails before the general public did though news reports.

If he he did not, he is literally the worst President we have EVER had.

He was e-mailing her on her private server.
Obama is a lying sack of shit, of course he knew about Hillary's emails before the general public did though news reports.

If he he did not, he is literally the worst President we have EVER had.

He was e-mailing her on her private server.
I think he's had bigger fish to fry than Hillarys emails.

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