Wikileaks Uncovers Attempt To Protect Obama In Email Scandal

You prove the WikiLeaks emails to be true when they spoke of how ignorant and stupid and easily manipulated the Liberal base actually is.

You prove you support crime.
Since when do lefties care about crime?

Noted that you didn't deny it.
Hacking is a crime but wikileaks says they aren't doing the hacking nor getting it from the Russians.

But I note that you don't deny not caring about crime if it suits your purpose.

Learn to read and you'd know my position on the rule of law.

And you believe wikileaks? lol good one.
If you support Hillary then you don't support the rule of law. Learn to think.

And post up your evidence that the leaked emails have been altered by wikileaks. You forgot that part.
Yeah, as sure as RussisLeaks/WikiLies emails were not edited, "camera angles" made stalker Trump walk! :cuckoo:

your gif literally shows Trump walking to his stool and reaching for the table. Let's not make issues out of nothing when there is so much real stuff that can be discussed
You gotta love these people, no matter how obvious it is that Trump lied when he said he never left his podium, which means he would NOT have to walk to his seat while Clinton was walking toward the questioner, they say Trump walking to his seat, even though he was NOT walking to his seat which was BEHIND the podium table, proves he never left his podium. :cuckoo:


The Picture clearly shows Trump in front of his podium and directly behind Clinton and not near his stool.
Assholes. it's the Camara angle look how much taller he is.
First of all Trump IS taller than Clinton, but if the camera angle makes him look taller, how does the camera angle move his podium and chair to the left of the photo at the same time????? :asshole:
Can you say anything GOOD about Hillary, or is the reason to vote for Hillary that Trump is bad... and so what if Hillary is worse?
How stupid do you have to be to believe RussiaLeaks/WikiLies???????
How stupid do you have to be to think you can simply wave off bad news with zero evidence?

The leftist sheep were even made fun of in one of Helly's emails.. did you read the one where she called them complacent and brain dead? LMAO
And then we have the Gruber comments. This isn't even news, the left wing party elites know their base consists of malleable morons.

100% spot on. Look at this email from the Podesta hack:

"drop Civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry."

The Dems want their base to be stupid sheep. They actually articulate it in their emails. And the Dem base is more than happy to oblige.

Wake up, Libs. Your party is playing you for fools.


I've tried to tell them about this email, the liberal Zombies.. they are soooo braindead and trained they can't even think for themselves.. If she gets in and has her dream of Open Borders, her welfare ninnies will suffer tremendously.. Our country cannot handle 600 million new immigrants.. That's nearly 3.5 times our population.. Liberals are idiots

I guess it's tough to come to terms with the fact that you are enabling morons and your heroes are actually playing you for stupid shits.

If you admit that, you are admitting that you are dumb as shit and useful idiots for the Dems to line their pockets and continue their corruption.

These idiots slurp up any shit the media feeds them.
In the 2nd debate, Hillary responded to her "public versus private position" comment in her Goldman Sachs speech. That was from the Wiilileaks release of emails.

If they are edited, why did she explain her comments instead of saying, "I never said that"?

Tough one to answer, huh, Libs?

Is Hillary so stupid that she explained something she never said?

What are the edits the Russians made on these emails? Tell us.
Can you say anything GOOD about Hillary, or is the reason to vote for Hillary that Trump is bad... and so what if Hillary is worse?
Hillary is a pretty piss poor candidate with her share of problems... despite my disagreement with her in many issues, she is heads and shoulders a more capable manager of our country and its affairs. Trump is off the rails and a clown. There is no way he should have the honor and power that comes with the job of president. So to answer your question, yes, hillaries strongest asset in this race is that she isn't Donald Trump
Can you say anything GOOD about Hillary, or is the reason to vote for Hillary that Trump is bad... and so what if Hillary is worse?
To say something good... I actually think Hillary cares about less fortunate people, and I don't think Trump gives two shits about them. I also think she is smart enough and driven enough to do the work while trump is simply a whore for the spotlight that depends on others to do the work for him
I don't think the emails have been edited, they seem legit. I just dont think they are as big of a deal as they are being blown up to be. They are private conversations from years ago amoungst staffers who are strategizing for a campaign. Hardly damning to Clinton. Can you imagine the backend of the GOP campaign? Can you imagine if YOUR private communications were all made public and scrutinized by everybody? How many enemies would you make? How much would be taken out of context. It's an ugly ugly thing. And y'all wonder why Hillary was trying to be secure and private with her emails. Case in point

What is telling about it is that it showcases how they really view their own supporters. They practically called their own voters stupid little sheep easily manipulated by their controlled media. Also, their hatred for the Catholics.
You do realize that the lady you are accusing of hating Catholics IS catholic, right? Of course they are talking about people like they are sheep, they are strategizing for a campaign. Similar to business strategizing, marketing or event planning, when analyzing numbers and talking demographics it turns into a numbers game. That's what's so messed up by stealing private emails and placing them under public scrutiny...then twisting them to represent an individual... it's sick and wrong

She may call herself Catholic but she certainly is not Christian. Hillary supports abortion on demand, the repeal of the Hyde Amendment which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortions, and late term abortions.

Hillary Clinton is a Methodist. Their only rule is, you can't get into Heaven if you don't bring a covered dish to pass.
Hillary is just a treasonous bitch that has a special place in he'll waiting on her.
I actually think Hillary cares about less fortunate people

talk about delusional...

How about this one...

Hillary Clinton and the “Whiny Women”

"In 1993, Hillary Clinton derided a group of women who made claims of sexual harassment against Republican senator Bob Packwood, according to Blair. “HC tired of all those whiney women, and she needs him on health care,” wrote Blair"

The victims of Bob Packwood's sexual "advances" were just "whiney" - yeah she CARES... about HILLARY and nothing else.
In the 2nd debate, Hillary responded to her "public versus private position" comment in her Goldman Sachs speech. That was from the Wiilileaks release of emails.

If they are edited, why did she explain her comments instead of saying, "I never said that"?

Tough one to answer, huh, Libs?

Is Hillary so stupid that she explained something she never said?

What are the edits the Russians made on these emails? Tell us.
I answered this pages ago. Stop beating a dead horse. The emails are legit, the campaign is going to question their credibility because they were hacked and use that as a blanket response so they don't get sucked down the rabbit hole of defending every claim. They are on cruise control to the White House
Viggo's attempt to sell the wikileaks crap is downright adorable. You go, Tiger!

You prove the WikiLeaks emails to be true when they spoke of how ignorant and stupid and easily manipulated the Liberal base actually is.

You prove you support crime.

But my party has not called me STUPID, STUPID. LOL!!!

Maybe that's because Mr. Obvious isn't in your party.
You are aware that several of your representatives call you stupid? And you still support them. Lol, just think you are probably in Hillary's deplorable basket. Lol, you can't make this up.
she is heads and shoulders a more capable manager of our country and its affairs

"more capable" = do whatever whoever donates more to the Clinton Foundation wants
That's a BS claim. Of course friends, donors, business associates get more access... it's how business and politics work. It's called networking. Nothing has ever been found that proves illegal activity or abuse of power. Nice try though

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