Wikileaks Uncovers Attempt To Protect Obama In Email Scandal

Viggo's attempt to sell the wikileaks crap is downright adorable. You go, Tiger!

You prove the WikiLeaks emails to be true when they spoke of how ignorant and stupid and easily manipulated the Liberal base actually is.

You prove you support crime.

But my party has not called me STUPID, STUPID. LOL!!!

Maybe that's because Mr. Obvious isn't in your party.
Viggo's attempt to sell the wikileaks crap is downright adorable. You go, Tiger!

You prove the WikiLeaks emails to be true when they spoke of how ignorant and stupid and easily manipulated the Liberal base actually is.

You prove you support crime.
Since when do lefties care about crime?

Noted that you didn't deny it.

It wasn't worth a response since it is a bald-faced lie from STUPID.
I don't think the emails have been edited, they seem legit. I just dont think they are as big of a deal as they are being blown up to be. They are private conversations from years ago amoungst staffers who are strategizing for a campaign. Hardly damning to Clinton. Can you imagine the backend of the GOP campaign? Can you imagine if YOUR private communications were all made public and scrutinized by everybody? How many enemies would you make? How much would be taken out of context. It's an ugly ugly thing. And y'all wonder why Hillary was trying to be secure and private with her emails. Case in point

What is telling about it is that it showcases how they really view their own supporters. They practically called their own voters stupid little sheep easily manipulated by their controlled media. Also, their hatred for the Catholics.
You do realize that the lady you are accusing of hating Catholics IS catholic, right? Of course they are talking about people like they are sheep, they are strategizing for a campaign. Similar to business strategizing, marketing or event planning, when analyzing numbers and talking demographics it turns into a numbers game. That's what's so messed up by stealing private emails and placing them under public scrutiny...then twisting them to represent an individual... it's sick and wrong

She may call herself Catholic but she certainly is not Christian. Hillary supports abortion on demand, the repeal of the Hyde Amendment which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortions, and late term abortions.
And the pivot arrives...
Viggo's attempt to sell the wikileaks crap is downright adorable. You go, Tiger!

You prove the WikiLeaks emails to be true when they spoke of how ignorant and stupid and easily manipulated the Liberal base actually is.

You prove you support crime.

But my party has not called me STUPID, STUPID. LOL!!!
Trust me... both party's have called you STUPID
Viggo's attempt to sell the wikileaks crap is downright adorable. You go, Tiger!

You prove the WikiLeaks emails to be true when they spoke of how ignorant and stupid and easily manipulated the Liberal base actually is.

You prove you support crime.
Since when do lefties care about crime?

Noted that you didn't deny it.

It wasn't worth a response since it is a bald-faced lie from STUPID.

You support the dissemination of HACKED emails. That is criminal.
In the 2nd debate, Hillary responded to her "public versus private position" comment in her Goldman Sachs speech. That was from the Wiilileaks release of emails.

If they are edited, why did she explain her comments instead of saying, "I never said that"?
You prove the WikiLeaks emails to be true when they spoke of how ignorant and stupid and easily manipulated the Liberal base actually is.

You prove you support crime.
Since when do lefties care about crime?

Noted that you didn't deny it.

It wasn't worth a response since it is a bald-faced lie from STUPID.

You support the dissemination of HACKED emails. That is criminal.
You support a bus stop rat bag old hag lying socialist power-hungry incompetent piece of shit.
Viggo's attempt to sell the wikileaks crap is downright adorable. You go, Tiger!

You prove the WikiLeaks emails to be true when they spoke of how ignorant and stupid and easily manipulated the Liberal base actually is.

You prove you support crime.
Since when do lefties care about crime?

Noted that you didn't deny it.
Hacking is a crime but wikileaks says they aren't doing the hacking nor getting it from the Russians.

But I note that you don't deny not caring about crime if it suits your purpose.
Viggo's attempt to sell the wikileaks crap is downright adorable. You go, Tiger!

You prove the WikiLeaks emails to be true when they spoke of how ignorant and stupid and easily manipulated the Liberal base actually is.

You prove you support crime.
Since when do lefties care about crime?

Noted that you didn't deny it.
Hacking is a crime but wikileaks says they aren't doing the hacking nor getting it from the Russians.

But I note that you don't deny not caring about crime if it suits your purpose.

Learn to read and you'd know my position on the rule of law.

And you believe wikileaks? lol good one.
How stupid do you have to be to believe RussiaLeaks/WikiLies???????
Believe me son the emails are true.
They're so true your boy is willing to go to war with Russia over them.
IF they were untrue there would be a resounding and deafening denial of them.. That response is totally absent because they have them and they can be confirmed...
I don't think the emails have been edited, they seem legit. I just dont think they are as big of a deal as they are being blown up to be. They are private conversations from years ago amoungst staffers who are strategizing for a campaign. Hardly damning to Clinton. Can you imagine the backend of the GOP campaign? Can you imagine if YOUR private communications were all made public and scrutinized by everybody? How many enemies would you make? How much would be taken out of context. It's an ugly ugly thing. And y'all wonder why Hillary was trying to be secure and private with her emails. Case in point
When and where would conservatives have emails hacked?
You prove the WikiLeaks emails to be true when they spoke of how ignorant and stupid and easily manipulated the Liberal base actually is.

You prove you support crime.
Since when do lefties care about crime?

Noted that you didn't deny it.
Hacking is a crime but wikileaks says they aren't doing the hacking nor getting it from the Russians.

But I note that you don't deny not caring about crime if it suits your purpose.

Learn to read and you'd know my position on the rule of law.

And you believe wikileaks? lol good one.

Wikileaks was good enough to bash Bush with but now that the shoe is on the other foot, not so much... Your a fucking hypocrite.
I don't think the emails have been edited, they seem legit. I just dont think they are as big of a deal as they are being blown up to be. They are private conversations from years ago amoungst staffers who are strategizing for a campaign. Hardly damning to Clinton. Can you imagine the backend of the GOP campaign? Can you imagine if YOUR private communications were all made public and scrutinized by everybody? How many enemies would you make? How much would be taken out of context. It's an ugly ugly thing. And y'all wonder why Hillary was trying to be secure and private with her emails. Case in point
When and where would conservatives have emails hacked?
Huh? I don't understand the question
That's why he's "with her," whether she wins (he stays out of prison) or she loses (he joins her in prison).
You prove the WikiLeaks emails to be true when they spoke of how ignorant and stupid and easily manipulated the Liberal base actually is.

You prove you support crime.
Since when do lefties care about crime?

Noted that you didn't deny it.
Hacking is a crime but wikileaks says they aren't doing the hacking nor getting it from the Russians.

But I note that you don't deny not caring about crime if it suits your purpose.

Learn to read and you'd know my position on the rule of law.

And you believe wikileaks? lol good one.
ya, if they were false they could be laughed at
Or is obama going to go to war over false intel like Bush
I don't think the emails have been edited, they seem legit. I just dont think they are as big of a deal as they are being blown up to be. They are private conversations from years ago amoungst staffers who are strategizing for a campaign. Hardly damning to Clinton. Can you imagine the backend of the GOP campaign? Can you imagine if YOUR private communications were all made public and scrutinized by everybody? How many enemies would you make? How much would be taken out of context. It's an ugly ugly thing. And y'all wonder why Hillary was trying to be secure and private with her emails. Case in point
When and where would conservatives have emails hacked?
Huh? I don't understand the question
The cons aren't powerful enough to engage in dem practices. I don't see the need to have their emails hacked.
Oh for goodness sake...

They simply were following protocol, the President has the right to reserve his communications with his executives.... he has executive privilege, to retain his communications, until a certain time, all dictated by law.

Obama could have chosen to release them early, but was probably advised by his legal team not to, because this could open up demands for other executive communications to be released before the legal time already established, lessening the executive power.

Shortly after Hillary's team notified Obama on his emails, Obama came out and told the public her emails would be released with the exception of his, which fall under his executive privilege...

So this bombshell is NO BOMBSHELL, we've all known for over a year Obama held back from the public, his emails with HILLARY.....the Wikileaks just shows how the executive privilege process works behind the scenes.....

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