Wild Lupines are in bloom!


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
this wild flower is in bloom and is just everywhere one looks! Sides of roads, in fields, in yards...just everywhere. Mostly in purple, but there is pink and white as well....I would love some of these for my yard....for this time of the year!






The yellow in the background are Buttercups, in bloom as well.


some unknow flower in bloom, then the Lupines, then the yellow buttercups in the field.




that's them alright! (and they come in yellow too which I did not know!) Wonder if they are Native to Maine or the English brought them over here to New England?

According to this, The Pythons skit may be anachronistic.

The Lupine commonly available today is a perennial variety. It is a native of the northwestern United States and was first introduced in 1826 and named L. polyphyllus.

In the late 1800's L. polyphyllus captured the imagination and attention of a British amateur horticulturist, George Russell (1857-1951) who developed the variety commonly available today and introduced it in 1937.

George Russell spent more than 25 years hybridizing lupines until he had substantially increased the size of the flower spike. When he was finally satisfied with his results, he exhibited his plants at the Royal Horticultural Society Show in 1937.

The plants had been grown at the Boningdale Nurseries in Wolverhampton, England. During the summer that followed the RHS Show, more than 70,000 people visited the nursery to try to purchase plants.

Lupines and Texas BlueBonnets

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