Will America soon fall, like Ancient Rome?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
America’s Framers admired and largely modeled our government on ancient Rome, even though – after five centuries – Rome’s republic was replaced by an empire, which itself fell after another five centuries.

This is so far from the truth that it infuriates me!

Our Founders sought a system unlike any before it because they did not want it to fall as others had. Unlike every other system, they codified its foundation in such a way that it would take the voice of the people to change it.

They created a document that;

Limits the power of the federal government

Protects the natural rights of the American people

No other government up to that time had anything similar.


Many talk about The Articles of Confederation. That document was unique in that it contained the basics of governance used by the Iroquois Confederation. The five tribes continued to rule themselves in cooperation with the others. They were the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Cayuga. The Tuscaroga joined in 1722 and it was known as The Six Nations.

The tribes had a very democratic form of government with limits.

Family leaders met as clans to determine their desires. Representatives of the clans gathered in tribal matters and the tribes gathered for confederate meetings. Women attended these gatherings and had their say through their husbands.

What we see is a form of House of Representatives and a Senate. Each clan and tribe had leaders, one for domesticate matters and another for hunting and war.

An extremely important part was The Council of Elders. When it came to determining if something was within clan or tribal lore, history, and rules, the Elders made the final decision.

Anyone see a similarity here?

Anyhow, back to the article crying doom and gloom for the future of America.

This nation will endure as long as the constitution remains the supreme law of the land. That is why the left is so hell-bent on changing it without following the outlined amendment process.

If you want to read about the doom and gloom, go to

Will America soon fall, like Ancient Rome? - WND - WND
America’s Framers admired and largely modeled our government on ancient Rome, even though – after five centuries – Rome’s republic was replaced by an empire, which itself fell after another five centuries.

This is so far from the truth that it infuriates me!

Our Founders sought a system unlike any before it because they did not want it to fall as others had. Unlike every other system, they codified its foundation in such a way that it would take the voice of the people to change it.

They created a document that;

Limits the power of the federal government

Protects the natural rights of the American people

No other government up to that time had anything similar.


Many talk about The Articles of Confederation. That document was unique in that it contained the basics of governance used by the Iroquois Confederation. The five tribes continued to rule themselves in cooperation with the others. They were the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Cayuga. The Tuscaroga joined in 1722 and it was known as The Six Nations.

The tribes had a very democratic form of government with limits.

Family leaders met as clans to determine their desires. Representatives of the clans gathered in tribal matters and the tribes gathered for confederate meetings. Women attended these gatherings and had their say through their husbands.

What we see is a form of House of Representatives and a Senate. Each clan and tribe had leaders, one for domesticate matters and another for hunting and war.

An extremely important part was The Council of Elders. When it came to determining if something was within clan or tribal lore, history, and rules, the Elders made the final decision.

Anyone see a similarity here?

Anyhow, back to the article crying doom and gloom for the future of America.

This nation will endure as long as the constitution remains the supreme law of the land. That is why the left is so hell-bent on changing it without following the outlined amendment process.

If you want to read about the doom and gloom, go to

Will America soon fall, like Ancient Rome? - WND - WND

The Dems will eventually out populate mainstream middle class Voters.
The are totally corrupt.
They will turn America into third world left wing dictatorship.
At first the rich will leave and then the middle class will follow.
America will be a dim shadow of itself.
For a glimpse of our future look at Venezuela.
We are fucked unless the American people somehow regain the work ethic to participate in democracy and quit looking to people like Trump to magically make everything better all by himself. Autocrats ruined Rome and they will ruin us. Trump is not the end of the apathy of authoritarianism. The fight is just beginning.
The Articles of Confederation were replaced for a reason.

They were insufficient for a polity that was projected to evolve, and to grow by several orders of magnitude.

We stopped being a 'nation' of hunter-gatherers long before the Revolution, and we needed something better than such a framework, long before the Articles were penned.

The Simple-Simon articles got us through the transitional period just beyond the Revolution but even the Founders knew they needed a living, breathing, evolving Constitution.

When contriving our own permanent governance, we looked to Westminster, and to Rome, rather than to Albany.
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With this new generation of young workers I would say the nation is as strong as ever.
Democrats say they want to fundamentally transform America and to do that they have to destroy America first.

You don't fundamentally transform things you love. If a Democrat tells you they love America and you believe them, you're a total fool.

Back in the day, both Republicans and Democrats could be counted on to do what was in America's best interests but those days are gone. Democrats have sold out black voters to foreign nationals, making them compete with them for resources meant for them. Democrats have sold out the Jews to Iran and Hamas, embracing guys like Lewis farrakhan and trying to fundamentally transform Israel into Palestine.

In these times, being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis.
We are fucked unless the American people somehow regain the work ethic to participate in democracy and quit looking to people like Trump to magically make everything better all by himself. Autocrats ruined Rome and they will ruin us. Trump is not the end of the apathy of authoritarianism. The fight is just beginning.
We are fucked unless the American people somehow regain the work ethic to participate in democracy and quit looking to people like Trump to magically make everything better all by himself
Lowest unemployment rate in 49? ish years?
SNAP rolls dropped by half?
Wanting to cut redundancy in multi governmental bureaucracies?
Yet you have the audacity to question the work ethic of American workers who are earning their dollar instead of living off of the government teat?

Remember that bullshit?
Your autocrats should read Democrats... After all, there is only so much of others people money you can spend before it's not there any more.

I first started reading your post and had a glimmer of hope for you, but then your hatred of President Trump came through.
Jokes on me I guess. Good one.

America’s Framers admired and largely modeled our government on ancient Rome, even though – after five centuries – Rome’s republic was replaced by an empire, which itself fell after another five centuries.

This is so far from the truth that it infuriates me!

Our Founders sought a system unlike any before it because they did not want it to fall as others had. Unlike every other system, they codified its foundation in such a way that it would take the voice of the people to change it.

They created a document that;

Limits the power of the federal government

Protects the natural rights of the American people

No other government up to that time had anything similar.


Many talk about The Articles of Confederation. That document was unique in that it contained the basics of governance used by the Iroquois Confederation. The five tribes continued to rule themselves in cooperation with the others. They were the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Cayuga. The Tuscaroga joined in 1722 and it was known as The Six Nations.

The tribes had a very democratic form of government with limits.

Family leaders met as clans to determine their desires. Representatives of the clans gathered in tribal matters and the tribes gathered for confederate meetings. Women attended these gatherings and had their say through their husbands.

What we see is a form of House of Representatives and a Senate. Each clan and tribe had leaders, one for domesticate matters and another for hunting and war.

An extremely important part was The Council of Elders. When it came to determining if something was within clan or tribal lore, history, and rules, the Elders made the final decision.

Anyone see a similarity here?

Anyhow, back to the article crying doom and gloom for the future of America.

This nation will endure as long as the constitution remains the supreme law of the land. That is why the left is so hell-bent on changing it without following the outlined amendment process.

If you want to read about the doom and gloom, go to

Will America soon fall, like Ancient Rome? - WND - WND

If the progressives get their way...yes.
We are fucked unless the American people somehow regain the work ethic to participate in democracy and quit looking to people like Trump to magically make everything better all by himself. Autocrats ruined Rome and they will ruin us. Trump is not the end of the apathy of authoritarianism. The fight is just beginning.
We are fucked unless the American people somehow regain the work ethic to participate in democracy and quit looking to people like Trump to magically make everything better all by himself
Lowest unemployment rate in 49? ish years?
SNAP rolls dropped by half?
Wanting to cut redundancy in multi governmental bureaucracies?
Yet you have the audacity to question the work ethic of American workers who are earning their dollar instead of living off of the government teat?

Remember that bullshit?
Your autocrats should read Democrats... After all, there is only so much of others people money you can spend before it's not there any more.

I first started reading your post and had a glimmer of hope for you, but then your hatred of President Trump came through.
Jokes on me I guess. Good one.

Have some pride for Christ's sake.

All Trump asks of you is to give him your consent to do whatever he wants. It's simple and easy and best of all you don't have to do anything to make America great except give him your undying loyalty. There's a good reason America never elected a man like Trump before, we used to know a con man when we saw one.
As soon as the seniors with common sense pass away the the millennials take over, America is screwed.
We are fucked unless the American people somehow regain the work ethic to participate in democracy and quit looking to people like Trump to magically make everything better all by himself. Autocrats ruined Rome and they will ruin us. Trump is not the end of the apathy of authoritarianism. The fight is just beginning.
We are fucked unless the American people somehow regain the work ethic to participate in democracy and quit looking to people like Trump to magically make everything better all by himself
Lowest unemployment rate in 49? ish years?
SNAP rolls dropped by half?
Wanting to cut redundancy in multi governmental bureaucracies?
Yet you have the audacity to question the work ethic of American workers who are earning their dollar instead of living off of the government teat?

Remember that bullshit?
Your autocrats should read Democrats... After all, there is only so much of others people money you can spend before it's not there any more.

I first started reading your post and had a glimmer of hope for you, but then your hatred of President Trump came through.
Jokes on me I guess. Good one.

Have some pride for Christ's sake.

All Trump asks of you is to give him your consent to do whatever he wants. It's simple and easy and best of all you don't have to do anything to make America great except give him your undying loyalty. There's a good reason America never elected a man like Trump before, we used to know a con man when we saw one.

Yeeeah.... That's it.
Talk about pride? You, of leftdoesnowrongdom? You want to tell me to have some pride?
You are so unfunny.
Ironic, really, to say Trump demands loyalty. Of those that work for and with him? I understand that... But when those that work with/for him start thinking their ideas are so much better than the HMFIC, then 2 things need to happen. Leave or adapt your mindset.
As for the masses, I would be remiss to think we all would have to be "loyal" to anyone/thing in the government...much less a single individual in the government. However, loyalty should be to the country and part of that is questioning and getting a better understanding of what they are doing on a day to day basis.
President Trump has his flaws, I don't agree with what he does 100%... Shit if I wanted that I would have to be president, and I don't want the job.
The only thing I have anywhere near that control is my own life. I want the freedoms and liberty to do as I wish... Within the confines of the rights, laws, rules and regulations of our great country.
Their are those that want to limit our freedoms and they have their followers, like you, who will not see the forrest because all those damn trees are in the way.
America’s Framers admired and largely modeled our government on ancient Rome, even though – after five centuries – Rome’s republic was replaced by an empire, which itself fell after another five centuries.

This is so far from the truth that it infuriates me!

Our Founders sought a system unlike any before it because they did not want it to fall as others had. Unlike every other system, they codified its foundation in such a way that it would take the voice of the people to change it.

They created a document that;

Limits the power of the federal government

Protects the natural rights of the American people

No other government up to that time had anything similar.


Many talk about The Articles of Confederation. That document was unique in that it contained the basics of governance used by the Iroquois Confederation. The five tribes continued to rule themselves in cooperation with the others. They were the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Cayuga. The Tuscaroga joined in 1722 and it was known as The Six Nations.

The tribes had a very democratic form of government with limits.

Family leaders met as clans to determine their desires. Representatives of the clans gathered in tribal matters and the tribes gathered for confederate meetings. Women attended these gatherings and had their say through their husbands.

What we see is a form of House of Representatives and a Senate. Each clan and tribe had leaders, one for domesticate matters and another for hunting and war.

An extremely important part was The Council of Elders. When it came to determining if something was within clan or tribal lore, history, and rules, the Elders made the final decision.

Anyone see a similarity here?

Anyhow, back to the article crying doom and gloom for the future of America.

This nation will endure as long as the constitution remains the supreme law of the land. That is why the left is so hell-bent on changing it without following the outlined amendment process.

If you want to read about the doom and gloom, go to

Will America soon fall, like Ancient Rome? - WND - WND

Only if Marxists gain control for good. Maybe it is too late, Marxists have done so much damage to this country it may not be able to be saved.
America’s Framers admired and largely modeled our government on ancient Rome, even though – after five centuries – Rome’s republic was replaced by an empire, which itself fell after another five centuries.

This is so far from the truth that it infuriates me!

Our Founders sought a system unlike any before it because they did not want it to fall as others had. Unlike every other system, they codified its foundation in such a way that it would take the voice of the people to change it.

They created a document that;

Limits the power of the federal government

Protects the natural rights of the American people

No other government up to that time had anything similar.


Many talk about The Articles of Confederation. That document was unique in that it contained the basics of governance used by the Iroquois Confederation. The five tribes continued to rule themselves in cooperation with the others. They were the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Cayuga. The Tuscaroga joined in 1722 and it was known as The Six Nations.

The tribes had a very democratic form of government with limits.

Family leaders met as clans to determine their desires. Representatives of the clans gathered in tribal matters and the tribes gathered for confederate meetings. Women attended these gatherings and had their say through their husbands.

What we see is a form of House of Representatives and a Senate. Each clan and tribe had leaders, one for domesticate matters and another for hunting and war.

An extremely important part was The Council of Elders. When it came to determining if something was within clan or tribal lore, history, and rules, the Elders made the final decision.

Anyone see a similarity here?

Anyhow, back to the article crying doom and gloom for the future of America.

This nation will endure as long as the constitution remains the supreme law of the land. That is why the left is so hell-bent on changing it without following the outlined amendment process.

If you want to read about the doom and gloom, go to

Will America soon fall, like Ancient Rome? - WND - WND

If we leave it up to these fricken libs...YES it will.
America’s Framers admired and largely modeled our government on ancient Rome, even though – after five centuries – Rome’s republic was replaced by an empire, which itself fell after another five centuries.

This is so far from the truth that it infuriates me!

Our Founders sought a system unlike any before it because they did not want it to fall as others had. Unlike every other system, they codified its foundation in such a way that it would take the voice of the people to change it.

They created a document that;

Limits the power of the federal government

Protects the natural rights of the American people

No other government up to that time had anything similar.


Many talk about The Articles of Confederation. That document was unique in that it contained the basics of governance used by the Iroquois Confederation. The five tribes continued to rule themselves in cooperation with the others. They were the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Cayuga. The Tuscaroga joined in 1722 and it was known as The Six Nations.

The tribes had a very democratic form of government with limits.

Family leaders met as clans to determine their desires. Representatives of the clans gathered in tribal matters and the tribes gathered for confederate meetings. Women attended these gatherings and had their say through their husbands.

What we see is a form of House of Representatives and a Senate. Each clan and tribe had leaders, one for domesticate matters and another for hunting and war.

An extremely important part was The Council of Elders. When it came to determining if something was within clan or tribal lore, history, and rules, the Elders made the final decision.

Anyone see a similarity here?

Anyhow, back to the article crying doom and gloom for the future of America.

This nation will endure as long as the constitution remains the supreme law of the land. That is why the left is so hell-bent on changing it without following the outlined amendment process.

If you want to read about the doom and gloom, go to

Will America soon fall, like Ancient Rome? - WND - WND

Only if Marxists gain control for good. Maybe it is too late, Marxists have done so much damage to this country it may not be able to be saved.

With all the hysteria, one thing is being overlooked. The major changes President Trump is making to the federal judiciary.

Progressives and Leftists always try to get their way through the courts. They may now face a brick wall in front of the bench.

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