Will Brits be told to take shorter showers?

"The study of 86,000 households also found the average shower lasted seven-and-a-half minutes." :laugh:They'd shit a brick if they had my teenage daughter showering in their country. That's girl takes 7 1/2 minutes just to wash her hair. If I didn't bang on the wall after 10 minutes she'd be in there 30 minutes.
The est is funded by the uk government. Will the environuts make this policy?

BBC News - Overfilling kettles wastes £68m a year, says report

What's your point? That people should boil water they're not gonna use? That's stoopid. Anywhere there's waste it should be cut.

And what does this have to do with transsexuals anyway? Are you branching out?

From a related article linked in this story:
>> "Typically, people use their washing machine 300 times a year; we found that there were some people who were using it three time a day. <<

You got a problem with saving people money?
Wasted? Goes to the energy companies I suppose. Still, the British love their tea and I doubt they'll ever change. I'd hate the stress of watching a clock while I shower. Who cares if the money is 'wasted', then people needn't shower at all. A weekly wash in the river will do it.
If aren't greasy and bloated or sweat bullets at the thought of talking to a woman this shouldn't be a problem.
Interesting. The Brits took the route you fruitloops were howling for. Austerity. Now that is failing for them, and they are applying it in all spheres, you dingbats are making fun. This is where you assholes were trying to go for us. Fortunetly, the majority of American Voters had more sense and re-elected our President. And we are doing very well compared to those that chose the austerity route.

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