Will China invade Russia?

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
China has territorial claims on the Far East portion of Russia, stating so as recently as 2020.

China claimed Russia's Vladivostok as part of its territory after it celebrated the 160th anniversary on July 2. Journalists stated it belonged to Qing dynasty.

China's border ambitions reach Russia's far-east Vladivostok yet again despite 2008 bounty

Putin and Xi Jinping may be “best friends” now but remember that Stalin and Hitler were “best friends” in 1940. When Hitler decided he couldn't take the island nation of Great Britain, he turned his war machine against Russia. If Xi decides taking the island nation of Taiwan may be too difficult, he may also turn his war machine against Russia, particularly if Putin drains his military assets in the East to fill the bottomless pit in Ukraine.

All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.
China doesn't seem to have any desire to waste it's wealth on worthless wars. It's too bad so many other countries aren't as smart.
China doesn't seem to have any desire to waste it's wealth on worthless wars. It's too bad so many other countries aren't as smart.
Exactly! If China and Russia have differences, they will find answers without war.

In a way, war is becoming obsolete and America's attempts to destroy Russia in a hot war is the example of one of the first failures being demonstrated to the rest of the world.

Unfortunately the people of the Ukraine will pay a very heavy price. About all that can be said about that is that Zelensky made his choice.

Russia is wrong for attacking the Ukraine.

The US and the Ukraine were wrong in attempting to challenge Russia's borders.

Two wrongs aren't going to make a right. China understands that and so will be decisive on taking any action to put down US/Nato aggression.

I think I'm predicting a stalemate, but the details are still to sketchy. That can be a topic for further discussion.
China has territorial claims on the Far East portion of Russia, stating so as recently as 2020.

China claimed Russia's Vladivostok as part of its territory after it celebrated the 160th anniversary on July 2. Journalists stated it belonged to Qing dynasty.

China's border ambitions reach Russia's far-east Vladivostok yet again despite 2008 bounty

Putin and Xi Jinping may be “best friends” now but remember that Stalin and Hitler were “best friends” in 1940. When Hitler decided he couldn't take the island nation of Great Britain, he turned his war machine against Russia. If Xi decides taking the island nation of Taiwan may be too difficult, he may also turn his war machine against Russia, particularly if Putin drains his military assets in the East to fill the bottomless pit in Ukraine.

All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.
Stranger things have been known to happen.
The US and the Ukraine were wrong in attempting to challenge Russia's borders.
What border did they challege, duck? I recall Russia disregarding Ukrainian borders when they occupied Crimea.
China understands that and so will be decisive on taking any action to put down US/Nato aggression.
Your posts get more ridiculous by the minute--what, pray tell does the North ATLANTIC Treaty Organization have to do with China--BTW, you are aware that Canada is a NATO member. Run along duck, go down tomorrow and enroll in school, pay attention this time.
China doesn't seem to have any desire to waste it's wealth on worthless wars. It's too bad so many other countries aren't as smart.
I could have also said, for the purpose of adding some understanding of China's behaviour as it applies to bringing Taiwan back as a part of China:

China has never had any intention of doing that through the use of military force. The only reason why the issue has become 'front and center' is because of US/Nato interference in China's affairs, which brings the threat to China of losing what they consider as rightfully theirs.

China hasn't taken back Taiwan because China was content to wait until becoming a part of mainland China again became in their best economic interests.

It's also worth mentioning that America's interference was and is making that not possible.

And now it becomes quite apparent that the same US interference with Russia is the carbon copy of US tactics with China.

Indeed, the pattern has been demonstrated throughout the world since the end of world war 2.

The Iraq experience, the Vietnam experience, and the US overthrowing Iran's elected government to name just three examples, should leave no doubt. The Ukraine situation fits the pattern like a glove!
I could have also said, for the purpose of adding some understanding of China's behaviour as it applies to bringing Taiwan back as a part of China:

China has never had any intention of doing that through the use of military force. The only reason why the issue has become 'front and center' is because of US/Nato interference in China's affairs, which brings the threat to China of losing what they consider as rightfully theirs.

China hasn't taken back Taiwan because China was content to wait until becoming a part of mainland China again became in their best economic interests.

It's also worth mentioning that America's interference was and is making that not possible.

And now it becomes quite apparent that the same US interference with Russia is the carbon copy of US tactics with China.

Indeed, the pattern has been demonstrated throughout the world since the end of world war 2.

The Iraq experience, the Vietnam experience, and the US overthrowing Iran's elected government to name just three examples, should leave no doubt. The Ukraine situation fits the pattern like a glove!

We most defiantly need to start minding our own business.
the issue has become 'front and center' is because of US/Nato interference in China's affairs, which brings the threat to China of losing what they consider as rightfully theirs.
Again, NATO doesn't have anything to do with Asia, moron. Secondly, Taiwan has been an independent nation since 1949 no matter what the CCP says. STFU duck, your ignorance is showing.
We most defiantly need to start minding our own business.
If only it's not too late.
Ironically, Trump is probably the best chance of stopping the rush to war.

That's in no way my endorsement of Trump in any other way!
China knows Japan will in next 50 Years so why not beat them to the Punch
Will what?
Japan is in a situation in which they need to waffle on their support of America's efforts to break up Russia.
If you're in any way aware of the issue, you may want to discuss it here?
Will what?
Japan is in a situation in which they need to waffle on their support of America's efforts to break up Russia.
If you're in any way aware of the issue, you may want to discuss it here?
Japan & Russia have had War/Skirmishes at least 4 times in last 150 Years, They have disputed Islands and territory /Waters and heightened tensions on more than a few occasions in last 40 years
Japan & Russia have had War/Skirmishes at least 4 times in last 150 Years, They have disputed Islands and territory /Waters and heightened tensions on more than a few occasions in last 40 years
Yes, I know, but I prefer to look at it from the POV of the necessity of cooperation by Japan.

And let's not forget that the most important issue for Japan is avoiding and indiscretions that could even hint of nuclear war!

One would imagine that Britain would be very aware of themselves having just on opportunity for surviving into the future!
The Japanese and Chinese have gone after it a few times over that period as well.
If you're trying to contribute to the conversation you're going to have to do better than just repeating what both of us have already said. If you're intent on just spamming then keep trying.
If you're trying to contribute to the conversation you're going to have to do better than just repeating what both of us have already said. If you're intent on just spamming then keep trying.
Fuck off, duck. That will be the day when you dictate what members of this board have to say. This ain't the CCP or Russia, fuckwad. Are you still insisting that NATO has designs on China? Moron.

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