Will China invade Russia?

China has territorial claims on the Far East portion of Russia, stating so as recently as 2020.

China claimed Russia's Vladivostok as part of its territory after it celebrated the 160th anniversary on July 2. Journalists stated it belonged to Qing dynasty.

China's border ambitions reach Russia's far-east Vladivostok yet again despite 2008 bounty

Putin and Xi Jinping may be “best friends” now but remember that Stalin and Hitler were “best friends” in 1940. When Hitler decided he couldn't take the island nation of Great Britain, he turned his war machine against Russia. If Xi decides taking the island nation of Taiwan may be too difficult, he may also turn his war machine against Russia, particularly if Putin drains his military assets in the East to fill the bottomless pit in Ukraine.

All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.
If China does use military force in an attempt to subdue Taiwan it will prove to be an extremely costly endeavor for China. Taiwan is easily defended in many areas by mountains extending right down to sea level. The ports in Taiwan would quickly prove to be a death trap for China's support/supply shipping, essential for supplying invading Chinese ground forces. The few beaches that have open land behind them suitable for rapid mechanized advance are no doubt PRE-ZEROED by Taiwan's military for delivering ordinance by the numbers down upon any invading forces in these areas.

Taiwan would also benefit from support from the international community in the way of both humanitarian aid & military hardware, just like the Ukraine receives. Black balled by the international community the Chinese manufacturing/export business would take a serious hit causing massive unemployment & of course rancor among the unfortunate unemployed Chinese citizenry. An invasion by China on Taiwan would prove much more costly to China than what the U.S. military forces suffered in WW2 during the invasion of Okinawa(nightmare). Countries borders are pretty well permanently set in todays world meaning it's better for countries to work together in peaceful commerce than destroying themselves in meaningless war.

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