Will Congress Vote to Keep Bush's UE Benefit Extension?


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Bush signs bill to extend unemployment benefits - Nov. 21, 2008

President Bush signed legislation Friday to extend unemployment insurance benefits nationwide, his spokeswoman Dana Perino said.

The Unemployment Extension Act of 2008 passed with overwhelming support in the Senate on Thursday. It calls for extending benefits by at least seven weeks in every state, and by 13 weeks in states with unemployment rates of at least 6%.
I just had a major freak out....
I thought someone else was in the WH...
They are currently at 99 weeks which was done during the Obama administration not the Bush's so they have been extended a time or two since Bush so let me pose the question I asked on another thread about this that no one has answered last time I checked. For those who want to extend the unemployment benefits beyond 99 weeks what do you think the cut off point should be or would you not have one?
Congress voted for it and Bush signed it. Back when UE was lower. Congress thought it was important for the economy then, why isn't it important now with higher UE?
He posted it this way to argue that since Bush approved it, no one on the right should oppose it.


That is absolutely correct. Bush extended it from 6 weeks to 13 weeks and now under The Proven Liar, its already 99 weeks and the Democrats want more, but with no proposal as to how to pay for it...except shuffle the cost off on our children by borrowing it from China.

Its a sin against the next generation.
Congress voted for it and Bush signed it. Back when UE was lower. Congress thought it was important for the economy then, why isn't it important now with higher UE?

Who was in control of Congress in 2008?
According to the Obama administration and their supporters the economy is improving and unemployment is falling if that's the case why is it so important to extend the benefits beyond 99 weeks?
According to the Obama administration and their supporters the economy is improving and unemployment is falling if that's the case why is it so important to extend the benefits beyond 99 weeks?

Obama and Democrats say's it needs to be and that is all they need
North Carolina lost their federal benefits. Only state in the union to do so. They cut benefits to 20 weeks and max benefits from $425 per week to $350 per week as of June 30. Feds said if the state made any changes we would lose federal benefits. Changes were made. Benefits dried up for 175,000 people.
I applied when I left the school in May...Got turned down, they said I didn't have a good enough reason to collect all of..............144.00 a week

I should of called Obama to come plead my case I guess
According to the Obama administration and their supporters the economy is improving and unemployment is falling if that's the case why is it so important to extend the benefits beyond 99 weeks?

The 2014 elections duh.
I applied when I left the school in May...Got turned down, they said I didn't have a good enough reason to collect all of..............144.00 a week

I should of called Obama to come plead my case I guess


I think you ought to have had the self-reliance and self-respect to grab the first job that came along after you finished school (college I assume)--even if it wasn't your major, even if it was waiting tables or even flipping burgers.

Guess what? You could have made a good deal more than $144.00 a week on current minimum wage if you weren't a lazy slug looking to syphon off the rest of us as soon as you thought you "qualified".
I applied when I left the school in May...Got turned down, they said I didn't have a good enough reason to collect all of..............144.00 a week

I should of called Obama to come plead my case I guess


I think you ought to have had the self-reliance and self-respect to grab the first job that came along after you finished school (college I assume)--even if it wasn't your major, even if it was waiting tables or even flipping burgers.

Guess what? You could have made a good deal more than $144.00 a week on current minimum wage if you weren't a lazy slug looking to syphon off the rest of us as soon as you thought you "qualified".

I applied after working at my job at the school for Four Years...
I've worked for 45 of my 60 years....applied for Unemployment THREE times ..
but carry on with your assumptions.
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The unemployment rate is falling isn't it? Or is the Labor Department fudging the numbers again. With a 7 per cent UE rate why do we still have people out of work for 100 weeks? Or is this just another freebie and handout the Dems are pushing for in order to get relected. "Look at all the free, bright, and shiny stuff I got for you" You don't have to work for anything in America anymore. You come in last in the 20 yard dash in the schoolyard, you still get a trophy, you flunk all your courses in high school, you still graduate anyway. Mebbe all those Mexicans Comrade C'sucker, our first affirmative action, white guilt president, is going to grant amnesty to can be given MD degrees by executive fiat to help solve the Obamcare induced doctor shortage. With so many people working part time, demand for new homes isn't going to be as great as it could have been, the economy won't need as many new carpenters. "Six months ago back in Guadalajara, I couldn't even spell pseudomonas, today I are treatiing someone with an infection caused by it.
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