Will Conservatives continue to "Love" Putin?


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Conservatives have been falling all over themselves praising Putin. One delusional person even posted that Putin was the most powerful person in the world...........:D Faux News has certainly had different people fawning all over how good a leader Putin is compared to Obama.........Wow! I guess Republican/conservatives really know how to pick a leader.....:clap:

So, what do they have to say now that Russia is falling into a recession and the Ruble is so iffy that Apple has stopped sales in Russia citing an unstable ruble? Will they blame Obama and condemn Obama for the fall of Putin?

How so like Republican/conservatives to respect someone that doesn't even respect his own people.

Pundits from the U.S. far right, mostly mouthpieces on Fox News, have gushed over Putin’s masculinity, his ability to “lead,” his aggressive Greater Russia foreign policy, the “take no prisoners” hard talk. Such an attitudes, they say, is sorely needed in the United States. Pundits from Bill O’Reilly to Sarah Palin love using the line, “Putin wrestles bears, Obama wears mom jeans,” hoping to perpetuate the image that President Obama is a “sissy” and Putin is a “man.”
Can Conservatives Stop Gushing Over Putin

Russia's Economy Ministry has downgraded its GDP forecast for the country in 2015 from 1.2% growth to a 0.8% contraction. In other words, the country is falling into a recession.
Russia Is Falling Into A Recession - Business Insider

The ruble plunged by as much as 20 percent Tuesday, even after Russia's central bank increased interest rates sharply in an attempt to shore up the currency. The ruble's value has fallen by more than 60 percent since January. Its decline has coincided with a dramatic decrease in the price of oil, a pillar of Russia's economy.
Cupertino, California-based Apple said Tuesday that the ruble's instability has made it too difficult to set its prices in Russia, prompting the closure of its online store there.
Apple Stops Sales in Russia Citing Unstable Ruble - ABC News

Russian President Vladimir Putin hoped to win the world’s respect with his staging of the Winter Olympics. But a ruler who does not respect his own people will never be truly respected. One day after the Olympics ended, Mr. Putin showed, with the sentencing of eight protesters in Moscow, that he fears his people more than he respects them.
The protesters took part in a demonstration at Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012, the day before Mr. Putin’s inauguration. They now face imprisonment for the crime of expressing their opinions.

Putin seeks respect for Russia but does not respect his people - Reporter News
I suppose most conservatives are too embarrassed over all the fawning they did over how great Putin was to make a comment..........:D
I suppose most conservatives are too embarrassed over all the fawning they did over how great Putin was to make a comment..........:D

I fucked Putin in his ass back in 2004.

Those 30 Rubles bought me a decent horde of rot-gut vodka.

I love that country.

He may need your help.....:D
Read this and educate yourself Ernie S. one doctor per 137 Cubans, I bet your much abused VETS would love a ratio like that.
Africa - Cuba deploys x2018 world x2019 s finest medics x2019 to Ebola-hit Sierra Leone - France 24
Margaret Chan, the head of the World Health Organisation (WHO), has hailed it as the “largest offer of a foreign medical team from a single country” since the start of the outbreak. So far, the deadly Ebolavirus has claimed more than 2,600 lives in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Although Cuba has suffered from a full economic embargo imposed by the United States since the early 1960’s, the island remains one of the best training grounds for health care professionals.

“Cuba is known the world over for its ability to train excellent doctors and nurses,” WHO said, which has previously described the island nation as “a role-model” when it comes to its proactive medical approach and research.

Cuba’s demographic statistics confirm that opinion: the country enjoys the highest average life expectancy in the Americas, at 78 years old. It also has the lowest infant mortality rate, at just 4.2 per one thousand babies born.

‘Health a top priority’
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Conservatives have been falling all over themselves praising Putin. One delusional person even posted that Putin was the most powerful person in the world...........:D Faux News has certainly had different people fawning all over how good a leader Putin is compared to Obama.........Wow! I guess Republican/conservatives really know how to pick a leader.....:clap:

So, what do they have to say now that Russia is falling into a recession and the Ruble is so iffy that Apple has stopped sales in Russia citing an unstable ruble? Will they blame Obama and condemn Obama for the fall of Putin?

How so like Republican/conservatives to respect someone that doesn't even respect his own people.

Pundits from the U.S. far right, mostly mouthpieces on Fox News, have gushed over Putin’s masculinity, his ability to “lead,” his aggressive Greater Russia foreign policy, the “take no prisoners” hard talk. Such an attitudes, they say, is sorely needed in the United States. Pundits from Bill O’Reilly to Sarah Palin love using the line, “Putin wrestles bears, Obama wears mom jeans,” hoping to perpetuate the image that President Obama is a “sissy” and Putin is a “man.”
Can Conservatives Stop Gushing Over Putin

Russia's Economy Ministry has downgraded its GDP forecast for the country in 2015 from 1.2% growth to a 0.8% contraction. In other words, the country is falling into a recession.
Russia Is Falling Into A Recession - Business Insider

The ruble plunged by as much as 20 percent Tuesday, even after Russia's central bank increased interest rates sharply in an attempt to shore up the currency. The ruble's value has fallen by more than 60 percent since January. Its decline has coincided with a dramatic decrease in the price of oil, a pillar of Russia's economy.
Cupertino, California-based Apple said Tuesday that the ruble's instability has made it too difficult to set its prices in Russia, prompting the closure of its online store there.

Apple Stops Sales in Russia Citing Unstable Ruble - ABC News

Russian President Vladimir Putin hoped to win the world’s respect with his staging of the Winter Olympics. But a ruler who does not respect his own people will never be truly respected. One day after the Olympics ended, Mr. Putin showed, with the sentencing of eight protesters in Moscow, that he fears his people more than he respects them.
The protesters took part in a demonstration at Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012, the day before Mr. Putin’s inauguration. They now face imprisonment for the crime of expressing their opinions.

Putin seeks respect for Russia but does not respect his people - Reporter News

Love him?? No way. The guys a thug but he's more of a man that Barry will ever be. LOL
Conservatives have been falling all over themselves praising Putin. One delusional person even posted that Putin was the most powerful person in the world...........:D Faux News has certainly had different people fawning all over how good a leader Putin is compared to Obama.........Wow! I guess Republican/conservatives really know how to pick a leader.....:clap:

So, what do they have to say now that Russia is falling into a recession and the Ruble is so iffy that Apple has stopped sales in Russia citing an unstable ruble? Will they blame Obama and condemn Obama for the fall of Putin?

How so like Republican/conservatives to respect someone that doesn't even respect his own people.

Pundits from the U.S. far right, mostly mouthpieces on Fox News, have gushed over Putin’s masculinity, his ability to “lead,” his aggressive Greater Russia foreign policy, the “take no prisoners” hard talk. Such an attitudes, they say, is sorely needed in the United States. Pundits from Bill O’Reilly to Sarah Palin love using the line, “Putin wrestles bears, Obama wears mom jeans,” hoping to perpetuate the image that President Obama is a “sissy” and Putin is a “man.”
Can Conservatives Stop Gushing Over Putin

Russia's Economy Ministry has downgraded its GDP forecast for the country in 2015 from 1.2% growth to a 0.8% contraction. In other words, the country is falling into a recession.
Russia Is Falling Into A Recession - Business Insider

The ruble plunged by as much as 20 percent Tuesday, even after Russia's central bank increased interest rates sharply in an attempt to shore up the currency. The ruble's value has fallen by more than 60 percent since January. Its decline has coincided with a dramatic decrease in the price of oil, a pillar of Russia's economy.
Cupertino, California-based Apple said Tuesday that the ruble's instability has made it too difficult to set its prices in Russia, prompting the closure of its online store there.

Apple Stops Sales in Russia Citing Unstable Ruble - ABC News

Russian President Vladimir Putin hoped to win the world’s respect with his staging of the Winter Olympics. But a ruler who does not respect his own people will never be truly respected. One day after the Olympics ended, Mr. Putin showed, with the sentencing of eight protesters in Moscow, that he fears his people more than he respects them.
The protesters took part in a demonstration at Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012, the day before Mr. Putin’s inauguration. They now face imprisonment for the crime of expressing their opinions.

Putin seeks respect for Russia but does not respect his people - Reporter News

Love him?? No way. The guys a thug but he's more of a man that Barry will ever be. LOL

RWs admire thuggery but hate equality.

Pootin takes off his shirt, shoots endangered tigers, runs roughshod over his people and brings his economy to bankrupcy and RWs swoon.

Barry fights for the middle class, creates jobs, produces AMERICAN oil, builds US economy and idiot RWs hate him for it.
Read this and educate yourself Ernie S. one doctor per 137 Cubans, I bet your much abused VETS would love a ratio like that.
Africa - Cuba deploys x2018 world x2019 s finest medics x2019 to Ebola-hit Sierra Leone - France 24
Margaret Chan, the head of the World Health Organisation (WHO), has hailed it as the “largest offer of a foreign medical team from a single country” since the start of the outbreak. So far, the deadly Ebolavirus has claimed more than 2,600 lives in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Although Cuba has suffered from a full economic embargo imposed by the United States since the early 1960’s, the island remains one of the best training grounds for health care professionals.

“Cuba is known the world over for its ability to train excellent doctors and nurses,” WHO said, which has previously described the island nation as “a role-model” when it comes to its proactive medical approach and research.

Cuba’s demographic statistics confirm that opinion: the country enjoys the highest average life expectancy in the Americas, at 78 years old. It also has the lowest infant mortality rate, at just 4.2 per one thousand babies born.

‘Health a top priority’
“I wonder if the government officials who hosted him, informed him that in Cuba there are instances reported, including by defectors, that if a child only lives a few hours after birth, they’re not counted as a person who ever lived, and, therefore, don’t count against the mortality rate,” he said.

Dr. Rodolfo Stusser, former adviser to the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, said in an email that the ministry has contrived its health data since Fidel Castro’s 1959 revolution.
Stusser conducted his own personal research on Cuba’s health care system since 1800, but has been unable to review more data in recent years. Officials at Cuba’s Health Statistics Bureau told him in 2009 that old archives had been lost in a fire.

Stusser presented research last year to the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy (ASCE) showing that declining infant and gross mortality rates predated Castro’s takeover. However, health care successes in Cuba’s colonial and republican eras “have been systematically erased or distorted,” he said in the report.

Cuba had the 14th lowest infant mortality rate in the world in 1958, lower than France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. Cuba has the 42nd lowest rate today, according to 2013 estimates in the CIA’s World Factbook.

While Cuba’s infant mortality rate is lower than the United States, Stusser said Cuban authorities use heavy-handed methods to keep it that way.

Doctors in Cuba’s public health system are pressured to induce abortions for potentially problematic pregnancies in order to artificially lower the infant mortality rate. Stusser estimated that if the deaths of living fetuses older than 21 weeks had been reported, Cuba’s infant mortality rate would be at least 50 percent higher.

Katherine Hirschfeld, chairwoman of the anthropology department at the University of Oklahoma, said in an email that she observed similar practices in Cuba in the 1990s.

One doctor told Hirschfeld that not encouraging abortions for fetuses with abnormalities “might raise the infant mortality rate.” She said Cuba lacks neonatal intensive care wards that would prevent the deaths of infants with genetic defects, creating additional pressure to abort them and keep mortality rates low.

“The Cuban government’s approach to health and health care seems to prioritize the health of ‘the revolution’ above the health of individual patients,” she said. “This means doctors must hit specific statistical targets for their communities.”
Cuba Manipulating Health Care Statistics Washington Free Beacon
More from above link:
Cuban officials have been reluctant to acknowledge disease outbreaks in the last couple decades despite multiple reports. A cholera outbreak beginning in July 2012 sickened hundreds and killed at least three people.

Hirschfeld said she contracted dengue fever while in eastern Cuba and was placed in a crowded hospital, where no medications were offered and medical assistance was limited. Patients who could walk helped the more severely ill, and all of them were expected to have their own dishes and utensils.

Cuba actually eradicated diseases such as smallpox and yellow fever in the early 1900s—before the United States did, Stusser said. However, Castro’s nationalization of the health system banned private initiatives and public-private partnerships, hampering Cuba’s biotechnology industry and drug development.

Cuba now has a glut of poorly trained family doctors, and many of the best health care facilities are reserved for elites and foreigners, Stusser said. Thousands of doctors have defected.
Conservatives don't Love Putin, we like the idea of a Leader who loves the country he leads and doesn't spend every waking minute apologizing for it
Pissing off Putin is such a brilliant idea. Can someone remind me why Obama's financial advisors came up with this plan that threatens Russia's stability ? Are they they looking for a fight ?
Are liberals now going to LOVE Raul and Fidel Castor now that your Dear Wonderful Leader has extended his hand to them?

Quote where a Lib has fawned all over either one of those like most conservatives were drooling over Putin....then you'll sound even slightly credible.

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