Will Dems cut spending when they win the house?

I keep hearing from The left that by raising the deficit, Trump is doing a bad thing.

Well, if the Dimms win the house, they will control the purse strings of the nation.

So will they submit a budget for Trump to sign that lowers spending, because they are so concerned about the deficit?

Democrat Party motto is "Tax and Spend." They would rather live with gonorrhea than cut spending.

While the Republican Party motto is "cut taxes and spend more". They would rather live with syphilis than cut spending.

Mention “cut spending” to the Democrats and they call you a racist. Further, Dems are not held accountable by their base because their base loves spending.
As interest rates rise the Budget will be consumed by interest on the Debt, then entitlements and Defense will be cut automatically.
So this is a “no”?

Do Dimm voters want us to decrease spending, or do they want us to become Greece?

I honestly can’t tell,

Dimms bash Trump for raising the deficit, but it seem that they won’t commmit to cutting it.

That’s counterintuitive.
By 2027 about 25% of the Federal Revenue of $3.5T will be interest on the Debt, currently at about 7.5%. So Trump or the dems need to bite the bullet and raise taxes on the top rate and fix SS and Medicare.

Please explain, much of our debt is held by American citizens in T bills, they do not pay 7.5% interest.

30 Year Treasury Rate - 39 Year Historical Chart

The US borrows to cover the Budget deficit. The US pays interest on the borrowed funds. Currently the US gets about $3T in revenue from taxes. The US spends about $3.9T in fiscal 2018 Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The current US National Debt is about $21.5T and growing. The interest on that Debt is currently about $310b a year, or as a percentage of the US Budget, about 310/3900 or 7.5% of the Budget. By 2027 as interest rates rise that percentage will grow to about 25% of the Budget crowding out other spending. We need to stop borrowing so much or Medicare and Social Security will be cut drastically.
So this is a “no”?

Do Dimm voters want us to decrease spending, or do they want us to become Greece?

I honestly can’t tell,

Dimms bash Trump for raising the deficit, but it seem that they won’t commmit to cutting it.

That’s counterintuitive.
With repubs in full control it looks like they want us to become Greece based on the deficits.

Shame that Dems wouldn't cut spending. Maybe military?
By 2027 about 25% of the Federal Revenue of $3.5T will be interest on the Debt, currently at about 7.5%. So Trump or the dems need to bite the bullet and raise taxes on the top rate and fix SS and Medicare.

Please explain, much of our debt is held by American citizens in T bills, they do not pay 7.5% interest.

30 Year Treasury Rate - 39 Year Historical Chart

The US borrows to cover the Budget deficit. The US pays interest on the borrowed funds. Currently the US gets about $3T in revenue from taxes. The US spends about $3.9T in fiscal 2018 Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The current US National Debt is about $21.5T and growing. The interest on that Debt is currently about $310b a year, or as a percentage of the US Budget, about 310/3900 or 7.5% of the Budget. By 2027 as interest rates rise that percentage will grow to about 25% of the Budget crowding out other spending. We need to stop borrowing so much or Medicare and Social Security will be cut drastically.

Why would we cut medicare and social security? What is a government established to do (if not to support and defend its citizens)?
A Republican House didn't stop that asshole Obama from doing a tremendous amount of damage to this country and a Democrat House won't stop Trump from making America great again.
I keep hearing from The left that by raising the deficit, Trump is doing a bad thing.

Well, if the Dimms win the house, they will control the purse strings of the nation.

So will they submit a budget for Trump to sign that lowers spending, because they are so concerned about the deficit?

The Tards are not going to take the house....

They will be Bitch Slapped hard on November 6th.....
I keep hearing from The left that by raising the deficit, Trump is doing a bad thing.

Well, if the Dimms win the house, they will control the purse strings of the nation.

So will they submit a budget for Trump to sign that lowers spending, because they are so concerned about the deficit?

The Tards are not going to take the house....

They will be Bitch Slapped hard on November 6th.....

Thanks so much Nostradamus; is this your prophecy? My guess is you are sadly mistaken, given the energy of the majority of our voters, Women!
I keep hearing from The left that by raising the deficit, Trump is doing a bad thing.

Well, if the Dimms win the house, they will control the purse strings of the nation.

So will they submit a budget for Trump to sign that lowers spending, because they are so concerned about the deficit?

The Tards are not going to take the house....

They will be Bitch Slapped hard on November 6th.....

Thanks so much Nostradamus; is this your prophecy? My guess is you are sadly mistaken, given the energy of the majority of our voters, Women!

You really don't have a clue do you....
By 2027 about 25% of the Federal Revenue of $3.5T will be interest on the Debt, currently at about 7.5%. So Trump or the dems need to bite the bullet and raise taxes on the top rate and fix SS and Medicare.

Please explain, much of our debt is held by American citizens in T bills, they do not pay 7.5% interest.

30 Year Treasury Rate - 39 Year Historical Chart

The US borrows to cover the Budget deficit. The US pays interest on the borrowed funds. Currently the US gets about $3T in revenue from taxes. The US spends about $3.9T in fiscal 2018 Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The current US National Debt is about $21.5T and growing. The interest on that Debt is currently about $310b a year, or as a percentage of the US Budget, about 310/3900 or 7.5% of the Budget. By 2027 as interest rates rise that percentage will grow to about 25% of the Budget crowding out other spending. We need to stop borrowing so much or Medicare and Social Security will be cut drastically.

Why would we cut medicare and social security? What is a government established to do (if not to support and defend its citizens)?

Excellent question! The answer lies in the priorities of spending. In order to borrow money we MUST pay the interest on the Debt first or the US goes bankrupt like Greece did. The House/Senate/Presidents since Clinton/Newt had a balanced Budget have all run deficits adding to the Debt. Obama was lucky that the interest rates were so low or he would have added much more. Trump understands that as the Fed raises the interest rate that adds to his deficit. So the problem is we get about $3T in tax revenue, but spend about $3.9T see the Budget graph below the National Debt graphs.



Mandatory spending is spending that is already baked in the budgetary cake. The spending for these programs is, as the description of this part of the budget suggests, is mandated by law. Congress would have to pass legislation to alter the expenditures for these programs. The largest mandatory programs are Social Security ($984 billion in 2018), Medicare ($707 billion), and Medicaid ($383 billion). But mandatory spending also includes ObamaCare subsidies, the Children's Health Insurance Program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, federal pensions, and veterans programs.

So to answer your question: what can the government do to bring fiscal sanity back and stop borrowing so much?
If we keep borrowing either we need to eliminate the Defense Department, or cut entitlements.
What should we do? Either raise taxes to cover the spending, or cut spending, or do a combination of both.
I keep hearing from The left that by raising the deficit, Trump is doing a bad thing.

Well, if the Dimms win the house, they will control the purse strings of the nation.

So will they submit a budget for Trump to sign that lowers spending, because they are so concerned about the deficit?
And like Clinton we will have a surplus
I keep hearing from The left that by raising the deficit, Trump is doing a bad thing.

Well, if the Dimms win the house, they will control the purse strings of the nation.

So will they submit a budget for Trump to sign that lowers spending, because they are so concerned about the deficit?

Democrat Party motto is "Tax and Spend." They would rather live with gonorrhea than cut spending.

While the Republican Party motto is "cut taxes and spend more". They would rather live with syphilis than cut spending.

Mention “cut spending” to the Democrats and they call you a racist. Further, Dems are not held accountable by their base because their base loves spending.


Republicans are the biggest spenders in all of history and you have the gall to say that about democrats?

Silence from you so called conservatives with the OUTRAGEOUS deficit spending going on right now...with every dirty trick the repubs can pull off in the book... like releasing the Cap on the Debt Ceiling until March of 2019.... they don't have to vote on raising it anymore....

Wake up!!!
I keep hearing from The left that by raising the deficit, Trump is doing a bad thing.

Well, if the Dimms win the house, they will control the purse strings of the nation.

So will they submit a budget for Trump to sign that lowers spending, because they are so concerned about the deficit?

Democrat Party motto is "Tax and Spend." They would rather live with gonorrhea than cut spending.

While the Republican Party motto is "cut taxes and spend more". They would rather live with syphilis than cut spending.

Mention “cut spending” to the Democrats and they call you a racist. Further, Dems are not held accountable by their base because their base loves spending.

No different than it is with the Repubs, they spend just as much as the Dems and they keep getting voted for by their base.

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