Will East Jerusalem Arabs be put on trains and sent ...where?


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
In a move reminiscent of Nazi Germany, Netanfuckyou discusses revoking the residency of East Jerusalem Arab residents, to quell the recent violence.

Israeli media report he may revoke the longtime Arab population’s permanent residency status, his scheme for curbing Israeli initiated violence, a sure-fire way to increase it exponentially throughout the Occupied Territories.

The fate of over 370,000 East Jerusalemites hangs in the balance. Netanyahu’s proposed scheme sounds ominously like Hitler loading Jews on trains for death camps.

Israel’s Channel 2 news said the scheme was discussed during a weekly security meeting earlier in October. Netanfuckyou was quoted saying:

“We need to examine the possibility of canceling their residency. There needs to be a discussion about it.”​

"In this Monday, Oct. 19, 2015, photo, an Israeli flag hangs on the wall of a building that was taken over by Israeli settlers after Palestinian families were evicted in the Silwan neighborhood of east Jerusalem. The eviction is part of a house-by-house battle by Jewish settlement organizations, according to some with government backing, to prevent Arab areas in Jerusalem's ancient heart from ever becoming part of a Palestinian state. "


Latest evictions of Arab tenants part of Jewish settlers' house-by-house battle for Jerusalem
Meanwhile, Israeli-instigated violence continued on Sunday into Monday. An unarmed Palestinian youth was lethally shot multiple times in front of a Beit Einun school. Israel then declared the area a closed military zone, blocked ambulance help from arriving, left him bleeding to death unattended, another of its state-sponsored crimes.

Israeli soldiers murdered a Palestinian schoolgirl, unarmed, threatening no one. Israel called her a knife-wielding terrorist, the Big Lie it repeats ad nauseam.

Eyewitnesses called her a “terrified” young girl. One said she was surrounded by seven or eight soldiers. They “checked her belongings in a schoolbag,” he said.

“She looked like she was around 14 years old. She went through a metal detector. In the school bag they found nothing and asked her, ‘Where’s the knife?’ “

“She said, ‘I don’t have a knife.’ Then they fired between her legs. She was terrified and moved back half a meter or a meter. She raised her arms in the air (again) saying ‘I don’t have a knife.’ “

“Then they shot eight to 10 bullets, but I don’t know exactly who was shooting. Then she fell on the ground.” Other eyewitnesses said soldiers prevented medical help from arriving to try saving her.

Youth Against Settlements director Issa Amer “call(ed) on the military to release video of the incident because there are several CCTV surveillance cameras that record everything in that area.” Israel wants none of its crimes revealed.

From the OP link
Typical Israeli dis-information campaign. They insist on calling the unarmed 14 year old girl an armed Palestinian woman.
Where did this fictional site get this fictional scoop?
Your own Israeli media said Netanfuckyou discussed revoking the residence of East Jerusalem Arabs. That's 360,000 people. If he did that, what would happen next?
God I am so sick of you fuck wad pro pal propaganda bull shit twist of the truth into fucking lies people!

From the article that Monti linked:

Jerusalem Palestinians are not Israeli citizens, but they hold Israeli-issued blue IDs that grant them permanent resident status.

"We have to think about what to do. There are all sorts of possibilities. But it is impossible to give them all of the rights without having them fulfill all of their responsibilities," Channel 2 quoted Netanyahu as saying.

this does not relate to loading them on trains to death camps. It does not even imply evicting them from their current homes. It is just a change in the citizenship status that they have. And there's more:

He said that the fact that the Netanyahu government has failed to even outlaw the Islamic State's Northern Branch, which Israel holds is behind much of the incitement that has sparked the recent wave of violence, proves that the prime minister's consideration of revoking residency from east Jerusalem Arabs is not serious.

this latest violence started when moslums started ramping up attacks on Jews on the Temple Mount during Rosh Hoshana. the response by Israel brought all the usual lies that Israel is going to raze the Al askya later mosque, etc., etc., etc. that you fuck wads spew out like truth.
Non-Jews are already being evicted from their current homes you lying p.o.s. I am getting so tired of these lying Apartheid apologists.

"Five Palestinian Families in East Jerusalem Evicted From Homes"

read more: Five Palestinian families in East Jerusalem evicted from homes - Israel News

Wow. All you know how to do is lie lie lie you fuck face.

totally different circumstances and not at all related to the original story this thread is based upon.

but that is how all you fuckers work anyway, isn't it?
In a move reminiscent of Nazi Germany, Netanfuckyou discusses revoking the residency of East Jerusalem Arab residents, to quell the recent violence.

Netanyahu’s Latest Ethnic Cleansing Scheme: Forcibly Displacing East Jerusalem Arab Residents

Israeli media report he may revoke the longtime Arab population’s permanent residency status, his scheme for curbing Israeli initiated violence, a sure-fire way to increase it exponentially throughout the Occupied Territories.

The fate of over 370,000 East Jerusalemites hangs in the balance. Netanyahu’s proposed scheme sounds ominously like Hitler loading Jews on trains for death camps.

Israel’s Channel 2 news said the scheme was discussed during a weekly security meeting earlier in October. Netanfuckyou was quoted saying:

“We need to examine the possibility of canceling their residency. There needs to be a discussion about it.”

Isn't it just awful? Do you think maybe the dumb ass Palestinians should stop attacking Israel & learn the first law of the hole --- when you're already in one, STOP DIGGING!
Nothing new here. Israel has been kicking Palestinians out of their home town since 1948/1967.

Yep, that's right. Israel has been kicking Palestinian's asses in WAR every single time they try it. One would think they would learn.
Guys, chill out.
Better that these 10-20 revisionist history scumbags vent out their BS here than be in Israel.
In a move reminiscent of Nazi Germany, Netanfuckyou discusses revoking the residency of East Jerusalem Arab residents, to quell the recent violence.

Netanyahu’s Latest Ethnic Cleansing Scheme: Forcibly Displacing East Jerusalem Arab Residents

Israeli media report he may revoke the longtime Arab population’s permanent residency status, his scheme for curbing Israeli initiated violence, a sure-fire way to increase it exponentially throughout the Occupied Territories.

The fate of over 370,000 East Jerusalemites hangs in the balance. Netanyahu’s proposed scheme sounds ominously like Hitler loading Jews on trains for death camps.

Israel’s Channel 2 news said the scheme was discussed during a weekly security meeting earlier in October. Netanfuckyou was quoted saying:

“We need to examine the possibility of canceling their residency. There needs to be a discussion about it.”

Are there any death camps? No, then its a Red Herring.

Putting people on trains to transport them to somewhere else is not a 'Nazi thing'. They'll get off the trains and move on.

Now, should they be deported? That is another question and that DOES sound ominous. Nut N Yahoo is a basket case, his statement comparing Palestinians to Hitler was the proof. Whackjob central.
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Gaza is a death camp. Every two years the Israelis murder a thousand or more Palestinians. 500 children the last time a summer ago.
Gaza is a death camp. Every two years the Israelis murder a thousand or more Palestinians. 500 children the last time a summer ago.

Come on, be honest or go home. Death camps are the same as fighting between two parties? I do think the Israelis overstep when they shell Palestinian neighborhoods after some Palestinian attack Israelis in Israel, but they aren't 'death camps' re Nazi Germany.

If you can't make a coherent argument don't try.

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