Will Future Generations Make The Republican Party A Relic From The Past


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
Surely enough young people will catch onto the fact that 20%-30% of voters go to the polls and because of cultural and social issues vote against their own economic interest by electing Republicans. The Republican party is the party of corporations and the wealthy. The Democrats stand for what used to be the middle class or working America.
Surely enough young people will catch onto the fact that 20%-30% of voters go to the polls and because of cultural and social issues vote against their own economic interest by electing Republicans. The Republican party is the party of corporations and the wealthy. The Democrats stand for what used to be the middle class or working America.

The corporations and the wealthy fuel our economy. Young people are begininng to understand that more and more each day.

What is your plan? Do you think if enough democrats are elected they will create laws to force companies to hire more people?
The dems are for the middle class and working people?


the dems are for unions and welfare people.

everyone else gets fucked.
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A real Conservative Movement is growing. If the Republicans dump the Big Government Neocons, the Party will expand and thrive.
A real Conservative Movement is growing. If the Republicans dump the Big Government Neocons, the Party will expand and thrive.

In that case yes the current GOP has one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel. One the big government left leaning liberals are out of the Republican party the old GOP will be dead.
Surely enough young people will catch onto the fact that 20%-30% of voters go to the polls and because of cultural and social issues vote against their own economic interest by electing Republicans. The Republican party is the party of corporations and the wealthy. The Democrats stand for what used to be the middle class or working America.

Selling out constituencies to gain favor with the extreme right of the party will doom the GOP with future generations. Anti-Hispanic, anti-black, anti-gay, anti-woman.......won't be long
Will Future Generations Make The Republican Party A Relic From The Past


But we will never be that lucky. Our lucks done run out.
Surely enough young people will catch onto the fact that 20%-30% of voters go to the polls and because of cultural and social issues vote against their own economic interest by electing Republicans. The Republican party is the party of corporations and the wealthy. The Democrats stand for what used to be the middle class or working America.

Selling out constituencies to gain favor with the extreme right of the party will doom the GOP with future generations. Anti-Hispanic, anti-black, anti-gay, anti-woman.......won't be long

Another warped Socialist/Progressive fantasy. You guys have been predicting the Republican Party's demise for several decades. You never seem to tire of being wrong all the time. lol! A real Conservative Movement is growing amongst young people. If the Republican Party embraces them, they will thrive. The future actually looks very bright for the Republican Party...If they make the right decisions.
Surely enough young people will catch onto the fact that 20%-30% of voters go to the polls and because of cultural and social issues vote against their own economic interest by electing Republicans. The Republican party is the party of corporations and the wealthy. The Democrats stand for what used to be the middle class or working America.

Selling out constituencies to gain favor with the extreme right of the party will doom the GOP with future generations. Anti-Hispanic, anti-black, anti-gay, anti-woman.......won't be long

Yep the old selling out constituencies to gain favor how exactly has that worked out since obamacare passage for the democrats? A few choose not too run for re-election didn't they?

Future generations will follow in the same pattern as present and past generations. They will often start out as Democrats when they are young, and then when they learn things and get more experience and knowledge, they will become Conservative.

Some, will stubbornly remain Democrats, but most will wise up.
Au contraire, The Democratic party and one of its major constituencies are far more likely to make the Human Race a thing of the past. Oh wait! We'll still have the Muslims. They don't tolerate any of those kind of people.
Surely enough young people will catch onto the fact that 20%-30% of voters go to the polls and because of cultural and social issues vote against their own economic interest by electing Republicans. The Republican party is the party of corporations and the wealthy. The Democrats stand for what used to be the middle class or working America.

Selling out constituencies to gain favor with the extreme right of the party will doom the GOP with future generations. Anti-Hispanic, anti-black, anti-gay, anti-woman.......won't be long

That's the big difference between Republicans and Democrats..

Republicans don't lump people into groups and race and use them to beat the hell out of people..We see everybody as INDIVIDUALS who has the right to make their own lives in this FREE America whether they choose to SUCCEED or not..but it's not OUR responsibility to take care of people..we have our OWN LIVES and FAMILIES to care for..
Nobody I know is ANTI any of those you listed

that's why liberals-Progressives-Democrats-commies are pathetic
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Surely enough young people will catch onto the fact that 20%-30% of voters go to the polls and because of cultural and social issues vote against their own economic interest by electing Republicans. The Republican party is the party of corporations and the wealthy. The Democrats stand for what used to be the middle class or working America.

Stupid statement. You have been fully indoctrinated by the far left socialists and/or the Left Wing Socialist Professors who infest our Colleges( If you went to one.).

You have not listed an independent viable source to back up your statement.
Therefore you words are nothing more than an uneducated rant that fits into the delusional
world you live in.
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Surely enough young people will catch onto the fact that 20%-30% of voters go to the polls and because of cultural and social issues vote against their own economic interest by electing Republicans. The Republican party is the party of corporations and the wealthy. The Democrats stand for what used to be the middle class or working America.
Republicans and Democrats are backed by the same Special Interests. People need to understand that they only have an illusion of choice.

Surely enough young people will catch onto the fact that 20%-30% of voters go to the polls and because of cultural and social issues vote against their own economic interest by electing Republicans. The Republican party is the party of corporations and the wealthy. The Democrats stand for what used to be the middle class or working America.


You are funny, that much I will say. It is rare that we have a poster so completely stupid that even their own side won't defend their words. Take a hint... when the left wing are avoiding your threads, you're losing.

On the bright side, maybe TruthMocker or rdean will help you. :lol:

Future generations will follow in the same pattern as present and past generations. They will often start out as Democrats when they are young, and then when they learn things and get more experience and knowledge, they will become Conservative.

Some, will stubbornly remain Democrats, but most will wise up.

When people grow up, they tend to become more Conservative. Real World problems & responsibilities push them in that inevitable direction. Very wise observation on your part.

The thread raises a fascinating question. I would think that a subtitle would be something like "can the GOP remain this conservative as America's demographics continue their inevitable change?"

I sure as hell don't know, but I definitely don't see the GOP putting out much effort to attract blacks and Hispanics. Okay. And, trying to read between the lines, it sounds like they don't plan to, rather they believe they can influence minorities to vote GOP in a battle of ideas. Okay, I understand that too, because I'm so against identity politics.

Tough call. But what I'm seeing is one party saying "you need us, we'll take care of you, you're a victim", and the other party not saying much of anything. Seems to me the GOP's chance of success in increasing their minority support will have to come from conservative minority leaders, and I don't see a ton of those right now.


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