Will it all come down to Wisconsin?

It will come down to mail-out ballots. Will they continue to be counted until they get enough votes to declare Biden the winner?

All I can think of what that one county that Stacy Abrahams as running in and they found a truck of votes or whatever it was, and, just as Hillary as suggested to Biden, Stacy didn't concede. The woman involved in overseeing that district resigned or something afterwards.

There are some who desperately want to profit off of China and they don't care if it means decimating U.S National Security or gutting your middle class.
This forum is full of idiots. Can't you dumbshits focus on the topic without this voter fraud rubbish?

When you see a non-negotiable sending out of many millions of these voter by mail ballots, and you have Primaries which STILL aren't decided, you expect anyone, even a dumb Canuck like me, not to wonder why?

Didn't you just see the last 3.5 years of the Trump administration and the full court press to destroy him and his nominations? Maybe it is YOU that is more naive than we are conspiratory. I'd like to believe politics is a Gentlemans Sport, but clearly it isn't. So, I'd have to be really optimistic to not have seen what Trump went through the last few years to believe that this election is on the level.
What the hell does your insecurity and nonsense have to do with the OP. You are just some foreigner spreading misinformation. Too many brains are literally water logged with voter fraud garbage which BTW has nothing to do with my OP.

I don't think it will come down to any one state, it will come down to many swing states.

The reason the issue of voter fraud is raised is obvious. Millions of votes have been sent out, parties are engaging in getting votes right at their doors (I forget the term now, brain cramp), which in itself, leads to potential fraud.

Then you see the Primary in New York. In one primary, the loser contested in court and the judge actually agreed that they should have won, or at least that some very suspicious activities occurred. However, since the results were in, it was basically "too late" to do anything.

Considering all that is happening right now, it's clear that one party is working 24/7 to deny America First and inject socialism for big governments benefit. Your OP is about a single state, but it's far more involved than that as far as I can tell.
Trump has 50% Latino votes, 40% of blacks and most blue collar whites. I feel bad for the democrat party. What happen to you guys?
But democrats have mail-in voter fraud

so dont count them out yet
I was trying to have an intelligent discussion on this topic. It didn't take long for idiocy to rear its head, and from the usual suspects as well. I was hoping ot have a discussion on which states hold the keys to electoral victory in November. Try to keep on topic.
The nation is absolutely insane at this point.

Let's face it, when WaPo is printing articles that talks about war unless folks vote overwhelmingly for Biden? There will be no "intelligent" or "rational" discussion.

Trump could refuse to concede - The Washington Post
6 days agoThat dystopia is based on how events played out in one of the Transition Integrity Project's exercises. We explored the four scenarios experts consider most likely: a narrow Biden win; a big ...

And the establishment is promoting groundless conspiracy theories against him, from the left and the right?
This is the way I see it today. I think Wisconsin is key. I give Trump Florida because I just don't see Biden Florida winning at this point. He may, but I have given it to Trump.

So is Wisconsin the key state this election cycle?

View attachment 386443View attachment 386442
Trump has 50% Latino votes, 40% of blacks and most blue collar whites.
Who told you these lies?
My Latino son-in-law.
Latinos are voting for Trump.
It will come down to mail-out ballots. Will they continue to be counted until they get enough votes to declare Biden the winner?

All I can think of what that one county that Stacy Abrahams as running in and they found a truck of votes or whatever it was, and, just as Hillary as suggested to Biden, Stacy didn't concede. The woman involved in overseeing that district resigned or something afterwards.

There are some who desperately want to profit off of China and they don't care if it means decimating U.S National Security or gutting your middle class.
This forum is full of idiots. Can't you dumbshits focus on the topic without this voter fraud rubbish?
Just because we do not swallow your bull shit does not mean we are idiots.. Idiots are people who believe that how they think must be forced on everyone else, just like you!
I am thinking that three states democrats THINK THEY HAVE, WILL NOT VOTE FOR THEM.. This election could very well be over long before Wisconsons votes are counted...
Trump has 50% Latino votes, 40% of blacks and most blue collar whites. I feel bad for the democrat party. What happen to you guys?
But democrats have mail-in voter fraud

so dont count them out yet
I was trying to have an intelligent discussion on this topic. It didn't take long for idiocy to rear its head, and from the usual suspects as well. It just goes to show me that you can't have an intelligent conversation on any political forum. Try to keep on topic.
Well we have a winner announced on election night?
What does that have to do with the topic?
Election,, answer the question
It will come down to mail-out ballots. Will they continue to be counted until they get enough votes to declare Biden the winner?

All I can think of what that one county that Stacy Abrahams as running in and they found a truck of votes or whatever it was, and, just as Hillary as suggested to Biden, Stacy didn't concede. The woman involved in overseeing that district resigned or something afterwards.

There are some who desperately want to profit off of China and they don't care if it means decimating U.S National Security or gutting your middle class.
This forum is full of idiots. Can't you dumbshits focus on the topic without this voter fraud rubbish?
Just because we do not swallow your bull shit does not mean we are idiots.. Idiots are people who believe that how they think must be forced on everyone else, just like you!
My ire was pointed at those that kept going off topic by bringing up voter fraud. That was it.
I am thinking that three states democrats THINK THEY HAVE, WILL NOT VOTE FOR THEM.. This election could very well be over long before Wisconsons votes are counted...
Which three states are they?
I am thinking that three states democrats THINK THEY HAVE, WILL NOT VOTE FOR THEM.. This election could very well be over long before Wisconsons votes are counted...
Which three states are they?
Arizona, Nevada, Minnesota.. all three have moved 4 points into Trumps favor... Trump takes these Wisconsin means squat..
I think in the Midwest President Trump takes Ohio,Michigan,Indiana,Iowa,Wisconsin and Minnesota.
I am thinking that three states democrats THINK THEY HAVE, WILL NOT VOTE FOR THEM.. This election could very well be over long before Wisconsons votes are counted...
Which three states are they?
Arizona, Nevada, Minnesota.. all three have moved 4 points into Trumps favor... Trump takes these Wisconsin means squat..
I gave Arizona to Trump. I know Trump's poll numbers are on the rise in Minnesota, but still think Biden will pull it off. I concede it will be very close though. Nevada another close state, though I think that will fall Biden's way.

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