Will Joe Biden show any courage and actually debate Trump on stage?

Will Joe debate Trump?

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The fact that Biden can support Marxists, looters, rioters, prisoners, et al and still supposedly be leading in the election says all we need to know about the dumbing down of our society.

Naw, that was proven when you guys nominated a fake billionaire and then promoted him a genius.

But at least you know he's going to lose now... No more babbling about how the economy is going to "bounce right back".

The alternative to Trump is Biden. What policies of Biden do you support? The "Green New Deal"? Defund the police? Disband ICE? Open Borders? Close all pipelines? Nationalize the utilities? Eliminate cash bail? add in Bernie's and AOC's and you have policies that Biden won't be able to debate.
Seriously speaking, it is difficult to see how the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., could possibly endure three debates.

He is much too mentally and physically frail to engage in three grueling debates with an opponent who will have no compunction about utterly humiliating him. His doctors will no doubt step in and insist that he withdraw, perhaps after at least one debate.

COVID-19 has given Mr. Biden the perfect excuse to also avoid campaigning around the country, a task that would be disastrous for his health.


I have read that in the 19th century, candidates for president usually did not travel around the country. Instead, they stayed at home, and supporters came to their homes to hear the candidates speak.

Because of COVID-19, it seems that we are, in a sense, returning to this tradition.
You are apparently blind to trumps apparent mental decline. trump is about to get embarrassed 3 times on national TV. The beatings will be so thorough that some people will feel sorry for trump.
Biden will have moments when he stutters and searches for a word.
Trump will make bizarre claims, use incorrect words, repeat himself and lie through his teeth
Biden is a stutterer. You can see when he fights stuttering when he talks. We all have moments when we search for words. trumpers try using this to claim Biden is senile while trump shows obvious dementia and he gets excused.
Republicans will edit out clips where Biden stumbles for words.
Democrats will edit clips where Trump outright lies, uses the wrong word or makes bizarre claims.

Let the people decide
Why not just let people see the unedited debate?

then watch it live. debates aren't videotaped at the time they occur. editing will be used for ads after the fact.
Debates are broadcast live. They do that specifically so they can't be edited after the fact.
We're going to see a stark contrast in styles. Biden should be coached not to engage Trump, but just answer the moderators' questions. Trump's style is wearing thin with a lot of people and as long as Joe sticks to the game plan, Donny's going to come off looking bad.
Biden will look weak
Seriously speaking, it is difficult to see how the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., could possibly endure three debates.

He is much too mentally and physically frail to engage in three grueling debates with an opponent who will have no compunction about utterly humiliating him. His doctors will no doubt step in and insist that he withdraw, perhaps after at least one debate.

COVID-19 has given Mr. Biden the perfect excuse to also avoid campaigning around the country, a task that would be disastrous for his health.


I have read that in the 19th century, candidates for president usually did not travel around the country. Instead, they stayed at home, and supporters came to their homes to hear the candidates speak.

Because of COVID-19, it seems that we are, in a sense, returning to this tradition.
You are apparently blind to trumps apparent mental decline. trump is about to get embarrassed 3 times on national TV. The beatings will be so thorough that some people will feel sorry for trump.
Biden will have moments when he stutters and searches for a word.
Trump will make bizarre claims, use incorrect words, repeat himself and lie through his teeth
Biden is a stutterer. You can see when he fights stuttering when he talks. We all have moments when we search for words. trumpers try using this to claim Biden is senile while trump shows obvious dementia and he gets excused.
Republicans will edit out clips where Biden stumbles for words.
Democrats will edit clips where Trump outright lies, uses the wrong word or makes bizarre claims.

Let the people decide
Why not just let people see the unedited debate?

then watch it live. debates aren't videotaped at the time they occur. editing will be used for ads after the fact.
Debates are broadcast live. They do that specifically so they can't be edited after the fact.
True, but they have the <<<<spin room>>>> where the lying POS MSM says who won the debates.
Communist democrats are doing all they can to keep those debates from happening. They really can't let Biden loose. He's too ill. The best they could hope for is for Biden to appear by video.

It begs the question. If Biden is incapable of a debate he is incapable of running the country. So who will actually be doing it?
Or will he continue to use the virus as an excuse for his cowardice?

You got it backwards.

Will Trump have the courage to show up to debate Biden?

Which if he does, will be a bad day for Trump, because Biden will destroy him, at the same time he's destroying himself.

Be careful what you wish for.
Mary Trump's scathing book claims Trump paid someone to take his SATs

"Mary Trump, a licensed clinical psychologist, offers both her take on Trump's actions in the White House -- charging he's shown "a blatant display of sociopathic disregard for human life" over the coronavirus pandemic -- as well as episodes throughout Trump's business career, Trump's handling of her father's struggle with alcoholism and dysfunction and infighting within the family. She writes that Trump's father, Fred Trump, "dismantled his oldest son," Freddy Trump, Mary's father and Trump's brother.
"The only reason Donald escaped the same fate is that his personality served his father's purpose. That's what sociopaths do: they co-opt others and use them toward their own ends--ruthlessly and efficiently, with no tolerance for dissent or resistance," Mary Trump writes."
Mary AKA KAREN is still obsessed with the fact that Fred didn't leave her millions of bucks. Fred wasn't a heavy drinker. It was Mary's father.
The sweet irony is Mary's book will only help Trump get reelected.
The alternative to Trump is Biden. What policies of Biden do you support? The "Green New Deal"? Defund the police? Disband ICE? Open Borders? Close all pipelines? Nationalize the utilities? Eliminate cash bail? add in Bernie's and AOC's and you have policies that Biden won't be able to debate.

Okay- Short list.

We really need to clean up the environment. We don't have an alternative planet to live on.
We do need to reform the police. in 2018, Chicago paid out $180 Million to settle police misconduct claims.
Disband ICE. Absolutely. Immigration is a labor issue, not a criminal one.
Eliminate Cash bail? Sure. Either you are too dangerous to let out or you aren't.

I'm not sure why you are worried about the energy companies not being able to make obscene profits, but never mind.

The problem is, Biden is actually pretty moderate... but it doesn't matter, Trump has failed SOOOOO badly it doesn't matter what Biden believes.
Two elderly, babbling retards is the best the duopoly can muster.
Where is the candidate that could beat them in the primaries? People voted for Biden. trump was given a pass. So if this is a problem for you, look in the mirror because you should have run if you thought there was a better alternative.
Republicans didn't vote for Trump in the primaries?
He had no opposition because he made the party leave the other candidates off the ballot. Then he refused to debate William Weld.
How many debates did Barry Hussein hold during the primaries in 2012? How many states cancelled their primary votes in 2012?

from the link:

The political gift that the pandemic has been for Joe Biden can't possibly be overstated, and there is no more evidence of that than New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman's latest piece advising him against participating in any of the debates during the general election.

I'm old enough to remember 2016 when the national media wondered in a panic whether Donald Trump would skip the general election debates against Hillary Clinton, suggesting he didn't have the nerve to have a face-off with the Democratic nominee. Now here's one of the New York Times's most prominent writers practically begging Biden not to confront Trump.

"That is not a good way for Biden to reintroduce himself to the American people," wrote Friedman on Tuesday. "And, let’s not kid ourselves, these debates will be his reintroduction to most Americans, who have neither seen nor heard from him for months if not years."

In order for Biden to agree to a debate, Friedman said, he should demand that Trump release his tax returns and that real-time "fact-checkers" be involved during the event.
How would they fact check shit like this?


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