Will more liberals take the radical Muslim threat more seriously after this.......


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Yup, this liberal 'reporter' thought he could talk nicely to a radical Muslim and show the world that they want to be friends. A lot of people on the left criticized Hannity for getting into a shouting match with this jerk of an Imam recently and this reporter planned to show the right way to talk to radical Muslims. He was dead wrong. Doesn't matter how kind you are or how far you go to try and appease them. They still celebrate the 9/11 attacks and can't wait for the next attack on infidels. Radical Imam, Choudary, made jokes about the 9/11 attack. He is a piece of shit like the rest of his radical brothers. This guy isn't unique. He speaks for a lot of people. I saw a headline saying that Obama will strike ISIS in Syria over the next couple weeks. What took so long?

A liberal CNN anchor got a quick lesson in how you cannot appease sick Muslim radicals.
CNN’s Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter started a segment criticizing FoxNews’ Sean Hannity for his "shouting match" with radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary — calling it "lots of heat but very little light". Stelzer was going to give Choudary a fair shake instead and "discuss" his views.

Then Stelter actually spoke to the Choudary — and found out just how vile he really is.
:lmao: at CNN's trying to foster the appearance of its relevance.

This ain't the 80s no more, CNN. No one gives a shit what your talking heads think.
What I found amazing is how the guy was actually shocked by what the Imam said. Did he really not know just how horrible those radicals can be?
What I found amazing is how the guy was actually shocked by what the Imam said. Did he really not know just how horrible those radicals can be?

I'm gonna roll with, "Nope."

It's CNN: they're naive — err, stupid. :badgrin:
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