Will Putin poison Biden?

Putin's Poison makes Biden say outrageous things and the Fake News Media report on them like they are valid viewpoints of a sane person.


Biden struggled through the poisoning and hit Trump with this verbal broadside today:

"And what makes his wild claims and hopes, he now hopes we don’t notice what he said, or won’t remember, and when he does follow through, or doesn’t do, when follow through, the exact opposite,”

And that's reading off a teleprompter so he doesn't get lost.

Will Putin poison Joe Biden to assure the reelection of Trump? Not enough to kill him but maybe enough to give Biden slurred speech and make him dazed and confused. Such a plan would require that Putin had a sleeper agent who had long ago infiltrated the upper ranks of Democratic campaign officials and has access to Biden.
Has Putin already tried is the point.

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