will Q pleas step to the front and raise your hand

Oh another talking points thread. Saw something in the WaPo or something. It's nonsense....no one really believes that crap.
Oh another talking points thread. Saw something in the WaPo or something. It's nonsense....no one really believes that crap.
It was on CNN this morning. Stands for Qanon. "Anonymous," and a conspiracy group. Not always fun and games when you think of what happened with PizzaGate (which they apparently believe wholeheartedly).
which one of you is Q ?

Who is Q? Behind conspiracy theory erupting at Trump rallies

several come to mind ..........
Q The Winged Serpent. (1982)

Like 9/11 truthers, these people are so desperate to give their lives meaning by becoming part of the this little group of "in the know" insiders who see themselves as privy to the secret special information.

This Q group is particularly deranged as they believe they have been getting secret messages from the President and other top insiders about the true nature of the war between the righteous and the deep state.

Pathetic, really.

They should hook up with the Sovereign Citizens and have a contest to see who is more removed from reality.
Yesterday, VICE News did a segment on these people because of all the Q tshirts that were worn at Trump's last rally.

One of them said that no, he's not a Republican because they are part of the problem. He said that actually, he's a Trumplican.
Trump has got by with so much horseshit the "scary freaks" who support his fat ass have got enough guts to start floating to the surface like all shit eventually does ..
Yesterday, VICE News did a segment on these people because of all the Q tshirts that were worn at Trump's last rally.

One of them said that no, he's not a Republican because they are part of the problem. He said that actually, he's a Trumplican.
Where was the rally? Maybe it's regional?
The democrat party is falling apart amid challenges to long standing democrats by young socialists and lefties worry about conspiracies named "Q". Go figure.
Yesterday, VICE News did a segment on these people because of all the Q tshirts that were worn at Trump's last rally.

One of them said that no, he's not a Republican because they are part of the problem. He said that actually, he's a Trumplican.
Where was the rally? Maybe it's regional?

No, it's not regional. Q are Trump supporters who believe that the Deep State is trying to get Trump out of office. This is a nation wide movement.
Yesterday, VICE News did a segment on these people because of all the Q tshirts that were worn at Trump's last rally.

One of them said that no, he's not a Republican because they are part of the problem. He said that actually, he's a Trumplican.
Where was the rally? Maybe it's regional?

No, it's not regional. Q are Trump supporters who believe that the Deep State is trying to get Trump out of office. This is a nation wide movement.

It’s another ridiculous rightwing red herring, another failed attempt by conservatives to deflect from the Mueller investigation, by propagating the lie that Mueller is actually ‘investigating’ Obama and Clinton, not Trump.

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