Zone1 Will religion simply disappear?

As people become separsted from each other and bow the knee to the wonders of technology, will religion simply disappear? If so, what will be Humankinds guiding light?

Christianity is going through a setback in the West and in the U.S. currently, but it's growing elsewhere, in Asia in particular. Things get bad here it will grow here again as well. It will never disappear, it's older than most religions and cults already. If it were going to disappear it would have died long ago.
Christianity is going through a setback in the West and in the U.S. currently, but it's growing elsewhere, in Asia in particular. Things get bad here it will grow here again as well. It will never disappear, it's older than most religions and cults already. If it were going to disappear it would have died long ago.
Christianity is only 2000 years old and there is no reason to think it won't go the way of other religions and be relegated to the midden pile of history
Christianity is only 2000 years old and there is no reason to think it won't go the way of other religions and be relegated to the midden pile of history

It's moral foundations and philosophy goes back way further than 2,000 years. It's a consolidation of proven sociological truths and practices that began thousands of years previous. 'The midden pile of history' is full of all those pagan cults and deranged sociopathic 'beliefs' that have led nowhere and improved nothing.
With all the bad things that religion has done and caused throughout history, I won't miss it.

Socialism has committed far worse atrocities.
As people become separsted from each other and bow the knee to the wonders of technology, will religion simply disappear? If so, what will be Humankinds guiding light?

Much as libs want Christian faith to disappear its not going to
I can understand why someone would not believe in God. I have difficulty understanding why someone would not want to believe in God.

If God exists when I die I will be reunited with my love ones who have gone before. If God does not exist there is no consolation for not being young, rich, brilliant, and beautiful.
Much as libs want Christian faith to disappear its not going to
Some who identify Christianity as a voting block they cannot control are not going to view it favorably. In fact, Christians are not much of a voting block. In the name of being "non-judgemental" or "loving", they allow themselves to be steamrolled over and into any nonsense those with a loud voice want.

While Jesus prayed we might all remain one, Christians seem to have no ability to form their own party, not to form a Christian government, but to run a nation according to principles and to serve all over amassing wealth and power for a few. Christians don't even have a loud or powerful enough voice to announce ENOUGH even at the most ridiculous, most appalling actions we see being played out.

Christians voted for a elderly, befuddled old man for their president. Christians voted for a man suffering from a stroke for their senator. Young Christians voted for those who promised to absolve them of student debts and saddle those debts on the middle class.
It's moral foundations and philosophy goes back way further than 2,000 years. It's a consolidation of proven sociological truths and practices that began thousands of years previous. 'The midden pile of history' is full of all those pagan cults and deranged sociopathic 'beliefs' that have led nowhere and improved nothing.
Christianity offered nothing new as far as moral teachings of philosophy. Even the Old Testament was just a collection of ideas that came before it.

Your god is just one more of the thousands people have invented and discarded and will eventually suffer the same fate.
I can understand why someone would not believe in God. I have difficulty understanding why someone would not want to believe in God.
I can understand both. It is a matter of truth. People do love truth, and those who for whatever reason cannot perceive God, will stand by their truth. What I have difficulty coming to terms with is their unbelief that many can and do perceive God and trust in His ways. They believe we are choosing to live a lie or a deception. They cannot grasp our own truth is greater than their own, but they do believe they are standing by truth as they comprehend it--while believing people of faith are in a world of make believe.
I can understand why someone would not believe in God. I have difficulty understanding why someone would not want to believe in God.

If God exists when I die I will be reunited with my love ones who have gone before. If God does not exist there is no consolation for not being young, rich, brilliant, and beautiful.

People believe in gods because it fulfils some need they have why would I want to believe in a god if I have no perceived need ?

The reasons you give are IMO nothing but wishes that you cling to to assuage regrets you might have and the latter seems to me to be a balm for what I see as low self worth.
Society was greatly advanced by the evolution of Judeo-Christian European thought and morality, despite all the human errors that managed to be perpetuated.
Society was greatly advanced by the evolution of Judeo-Christian European thought and morality, despite all the human errors that managed to be perpetuated.

It isn't necessarily true that without religion humans would be nothing but immoral animals.

Religion became the most expedient way to impose laws on societies. Since most people were illiterate and to be honest unsophisticated and superstitious what better way to impose laws than by a divine authority under the threat of eternal damnation?
Society was greatly advanced by the evolution of Judeo-Christian European thought and morality, despite all the human errors that managed to be perpetuated.
Moral and disciplined societies seem to advance, whereas immorality and undisciplined societies have a way of crumbling. I think of it as foundation.

Moral, disciplined societies stand on rock, whereas the immoral and undisciplined ones try standing on sand.

I don't think society understands how we affect others. The immoral, undisciplined simply shrug off the moral and disciplined with the flippant attitude, If you don't want to do it, don't. Just don't tell us what to do. And with that, they pull everyone else down with them.
Christianity offered nothing new as far as moral teachings of philosophy. Even the Old Testament was just a collection of ideas that came before it.

Your god is just one more of the thousands people have invented and discarded and will eventually suffer the same fate.

You apparently can't read, so little point in your posts here.
With all the bad things that religion has done and caused throughout history, I won't miss it.
Those who have persecuted on behalf of Christianity have violated the words of Jesus. Nothing in the New Testament says that violence is acceptable to achieve conversions and to maintain the faith.

During the twentieth century the atheist creed of Communism and the secular creed of Nazism causes far more suffering that Christians ever did in the history of Christianity.

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