Will the Democrats dump Biden?

I cannot support turning the country over to a person or group, that attempted or supported, doing away with the results of a free election, found fair with 63 court challenges at the time, including the Supreme Court, as well as all agencies, with trump appointed heads vouching for the overall accuracy and fairness of the election, and team trump knowing this and still trying overthrow our election process under our constitutional law, to achieve their goals, right or wrong, and in that case, it was wrong.

Do you really think who you voted in is any different, please.

He's one of the most corrupt pols DC has ever seen, he's selling our country out to the world's wealthy and watching it go down in flames all to enrich himself, just as much a traitor as you claim Trump to be.

The idea that you even think we have 'free and fair' elections shows how utterly naive or stupid you really are. :cuckoo:
You guys always say that whenever a Democrat is President

Fact is, Biden has shown he is willing to work with Republicans. Bipartisanship neither Trump nor Obama managed.

He is the best Democrat you could hope for
He's not qualified. He's failing.
With almost 50 years experience in DC politics and 10 in the Executive Branch, Biden is the most qualified candidate in either party
Yeah, until Biden drops out. I doubt very much he can make it to the nomination. I'm looking forward to the day when I can say to you "I told you so".
Do you think the Democrats will not re nominate Biden?

He is in poor health. His disapproval ratings is the highest of any President in history.

Inflation is sky high, the cost of energy artificially high, banks are failing, millions of Illegals are flooding in, family income has declined, crime is rampant in Democrat controlled cities. It seems that everything he does is wrong like Obama said would happen.

The Democrats know he can't win, even if they try to pull off another election thievery like they did in 2020.

What do you think?
I think the fact that the DNC announcing they will not have debates pretty much tells the story. They have one basket and they are putting all of their eggs in that basket. However, that's not to say Uncle Joe won't fall one too many times before the election but if it happens too late in the process then I presume they would make Harris the nominee.
I know you don't think there's anything wrong with an adult man showering with his 12 year old daughter, but most of the rest of society thinks it's incestuous pedophilia.

And most people think it's wrong to raw dog porn stars but you all worship Trump for it.

Keep in mind all they did was shower together. That might seem weird to you and me but I bet a lot of dads do that with their daughters and don't think anything of it because they aren't creeps. It's his child.

Did she write about him touching her inappropriately? Then nothing happened.

But we know Trump raw dogs porn stars. And for some reason you think that's cool?
The question is, do you want more conservative judges legislating right wing ideology from the bench?
no.....but i sure as hell dont want more liberal judges legislating left wing ideology from the bench either....
On June 23, the Court struck down a New York state law that restricted carrying of guns outside the home. On June 24, it denied a constitutional right to an abortion, overturning its own Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973. On June 30, it ruled against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulations on fossil fuels.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Right wing tactic being used more today than ever before Shadow Dockets

These shadow docket orders often do not include information about how each Justice voted or why the majority came to a certain conclusion, potentially leaving lower courts in the dark about how to apply Supreme Court precedent moving forward.

Then we see the right wing court sides with rich people and corporations every time. Then Harlan Crow bribes the right wing supreme court and says he has no business before the court. DUDE, his business is the court. Every decision they make favors rich religious guys like him.

I WISH we had a liberal court. They would not be doing what this right wing court is doing. And has been doing for decades. Hint, they stole 2000 for Bush.
Biden is nothing but a puppet he's not in charge so they can run him because what does it matter. Run a Dem candidate made of cardboard, no difference.
Depends. Is it running against Trump or Nikki Haley? DiSantimonious? Christie? The Black Token Uncle Tom you guys run every time? Mike Pence?
On June 23, the Court struck down a New York state law that restricted carrying of guns outside the home. On June 24, it denied a constitutional right to an abortion, overturning its own Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973. On June 30, it ruled against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulations on fossil fuels.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Right wing tactic being used more today than ever before Shadow Dockets

These shadow docket orders often do not include information about how each Justice voted or why the majority came to a certain conclusion, potentially leaving lower courts in the dark about how to apply Supreme Court precedent moving forward.

Then we see the right wing court sides with rich people and corporations every time. Then Harlan Crow bribes the right wing supreme court and says he has no business before the court. DUDE, his business is the court. Every decision they make favors rich religious guys like him.

I WISH we had a liberal court. They would not be doing what this right wing court is doing. And has been doing for decades. Hint, they stole 2000 for Bush.
You have a lot of false information. Bush won every recount in Florida. The problem isn't conservative Judges. Your problem is you're a leftist and you're ignorant of what the Constitution says. You're an activist, not a Constitutional scholar.
You have a lot of false information. Bush won every recount in Florida. The problem isn't conservative Judges. Your problem is you're a leftist and you're ignorant of what the Constitution says. You're an activist, not a Constitutional scholar.
Sorry but you remember it all wrong. It was a stolen election. How? The Republicans used several tactics to make it close. Remember Fox called it for Gore then took it back?

And what about Diebold Voting Machines? The reason I agree with you cons that electronic voting machines need to go is because they were hacked. Not Dominion. Liberals won awards doing documentaries on Diebold. Dominion sued conservatives and won for them lying about them. Actually, the claims Trump's team made about Dominion are facts they heard about Diebold. I know because I remember.

If you actually knew all the details about the Supreme Court's decision to give it to Bush, you'd see in their remarks or opinion they basically said, "this one opinion should only be used in this one instance because honestly this is a shit show so we're just going to give it to Bush because we are right wingers.

Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush, Madame Butterfly.

My favorite is when Republicans say a Democrat was in charge of the elections. They forget to mention she was a Republicans 4 years prior.

The Bush's planned to steal Florida if they had to. They planned it in the 1990's just like they did the Iraq war. Or didn't you know?

PNAC dummy.
You have a lot of false information. Bush won every recount in Florida. The problem isn't conservative Judges. Your problem is you're a leftist and you're ignorant of what the Constitution says. You're an activist, not a Constitutional scholar.
The way you remember the 2000 election is actually the official position the USA takes on the 2000 election. Because it's fucking embarrassing. Remember Gore was Mike Pence back then. He was the one who had to certify the election for Bush. He knew he got robbed. He even rolled his eyes. But he had to bend over and take it. For the sake of this countries reputation.

And if Trump truly thought he got screwed, he should have bent over and took it too. Imagine if Gore fought as hard and exposed the Bush's for stealing the election?

Holy shit!!! Did you know?

Premier Election Solutions, formerly Diebold Election Systems, Inc. (DESI),[1] was a subsidiary of Diebold that made and sold voting machines.

In 2009, it was sold to competitor ES&S. In 2010, Dominion Voting Systems purchased the primary assets of Premier

I am almost certain all the shit Sidney Powell said about Dominion, she said it because it was true about Diebold.

Oh, and one other thing. Who owed Diebold in 2000? The guy who was the head of getting Bush re elected in Ohio 2004. Another stolen election. Shady af.
You have a lot of false information. Bush won every recount in Florida. The problem isn't conservative Judges. Your problem is you're a leftist and you're ignorant of what the Constitution says. You're an activist, not a Constitutional scholar.

Remember I told you Republicans love to claim that a Democrat was in charge of the Florida 2000 election but I remind you 4 years earlier that she was a registered Republican? Well looky what I found

In August 2003, Walden O'Dell, chief executive of Diebold, announced that he had been a top fundraiser for President George W. Bush and had sent a get-out-the-funds letter to Ohio Republicans. In the letters he said he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." Although he clarified his statement as merely a poor choice of words, critics of Diebold and/or the Republican party interpreted this as at minimum an indication of a conflict of interest, at worst implying a risk to the fair counting of ballots. He responded to the critics by pointing out that the company's election machines division is run out of Texas by a registered Democrat.

It's not very hard to register a conservative as a Democrat.
Sorry but you remember it all wrong. It was a stolen election. How? The Republicans used several tactics to make it close. Remember Fox called it for Gore then took it back?

And what about Diebold Voting Machines? The reason I agree with you cons that electronic voting machines need to go is because they were hacked. Not Dominion. Liberals won awards doing documentaries on Diebold. Dominion sued conservatives and won for them lying about them. Actually, the claims Trump's team made about Dominion are facts they heard about Diebold. I know because I remember.

If you actually knew all the details about the Supreme Court's decision to give it to Bush, you'd see in their remarks or opinion they basically said, "this one opinion should only be used in this one instance because honestly this is a shit show so we're just going to give it to Bush because we are right wingers.

Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush, Madame Butterfly.

My favorite is when Republicans say a Democrat was in charge of the elections. They forget to mention she was a Republicans 4 years prior.

The Bush's planned to steal Florida if they had to. They planned it in the 1990's just like they did the Iraq war. Or didn't you know?

PNAC dummy.
Wrong. Even the NY Times admitted Bush would have won the recount if the Supreme Court had not intervened. Do your research. You also might ask yourself this...If Gore had won his home state of Tennessee then Florida wouldn't have mattered. Pack it in on this topic.
Remember I told you Republicans love to claim that a Democrat was in charge of the Florida 2000 election but I remind you 4 years earlier that she was a registered Republican? Well looky what I found

In August 2003, Walden O'Dell, chief executive of Diebold, announced that he had been a top fundraiser for President George W. Bush and had sent a get-out-the-funds letter to Ohio Republicans. In the letters he said he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." Although he clarified his statement as merely a poor choice of words, critics of Diebold and/or the Republican party interpreted this as at minimum an indication of a conflict of interest, at worst implying a risk to the fair counting of ballots. He responded to the critics by pointing out that the company's election machines division is run out of Texas by a registered Democrat.

It's not very hard to register a conservative as a Democrat.
The NY Times said Bush would have won the recount.
On June 23, the Court struck down a New York state law that restricted carrying of guns outside the home. On June 24, it denied a constitutional right to an abortion, overturning its own Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973. On June 30, it ruled against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulations on fossil fuels.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Right wing tactic being used more today than ever before Shadow Dockets

These shadow docket orders often do not include information about how each Justice voted or why the majority came to a certain conclusion, potentially leaving lower courts in the dark about how to apply Supreme Court precedent moving forward.

Then we see the right wing court sides with rich people and corporations every time. Then Harlan Crow bribes the right wing supreme court and says he has no business before the court. DUDE, his business is the court. Every decision they make favors rich religious guys like him.

I WISH we had a liberal court. They would not be doing what this right wing court is doing. And has been doing for decades. Hint, they stole 2000 for Bush.
yea it would be so much better with a real liberal court....take your head out of your ass bobo....
You have a lot of false information. Bush won every recount in Florida. The problem isn't conservative Judges. Your problem is you're a leftist and you're ignorant of what the Constitution says. You're an activist, not a Constitutional scholar.

Anyone with a brain can look at the body of evidence and see 2000 was stolen. But that's a dirty little secret that won't be made public for decades. If ever.

In 2004, Avi Rubin, a professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins University and Technical Director of the Information Security Institute, analyzed the source code used in these voting machines and reported "this voting system is far below even the most minimal security standards applicable in other contexts."Following the publication of this paper, the State of Maryland hired Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) to perform another analysis of the Diebold voting machines. SAIC concluded "[t]he system, as implemented in policy, procedure, and technology, is at high risk of compromise."

I bet Sidney Powell was expecting Dominion to have all these problems too in 2020 so she went on Fox and slandered them. And Fox has to pay Dominion millions! But Diebold can not sue anyone for the news on them because it's all true. But again, this is something that will never be made public. Like the fact Bush lied us into Iraq. Only one man ever said that out loud and that was Trump himself.
The NY Times said Bush would have won the recount.
Like I said, the NY Times did not do a piece on all the ways Florida was stolen. So all you are telling me is they are corporate media too. ABC, MSNBC, none of them came out and said Bush stole Florida. Told you those media sources aren't as liberal as you think they are.

Remember anyone who wasn't down for the Patriot Act and going to war with Iraq was also mailed Anthrax by Dick Chaney? Oh that's not how you remember the anthrax scare? Of course not.

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