Will the GOP ever thank Trump?

If he wins in November will they ever thank him or will Trump remake the GOP in his own image? According to news reports Nevada will be the 4th state so far that has had WAY above average newly registered republican voters....Trump is bringing NEW people into the party at a large rate....Is the old GOP dead and a new one being born? A more nationalistic,American first GOP?
The Republican Party will never be the same. They will start listening to the people and stop taking people for granted!

If we achieved that but lost the White House...it's a win. Because we'll control the House and Senate anyway.

Win or lose....Trump has given us a voice and the GOP can adapt or become unemployed.
We should write Prince Riebus and tell him what our demands are! We have the power!! LOL
Trump will never be president,but the DNC is very grateful to him for removing all doubt about how far the right has gone off the deep end.
Thanks for your opinion. You do realize your beloved democraps have a SOCIALIST running for president right? So can't throw stones about "far right" when the democrats are about a slip and fall away from communism.

"A" socialist?
He is just the only one that will admit it.
Trump will never be president,but the DNC is very grateful to him for removing all doubt about how far the right has gone off the deep end.
Thanks for your opinion. You do realize your beloved democraps have a SOCIALIST running for president right? So can't throw stones about "far right" when the democrats are about a slip and fall away from communism.

Trump is the leading republican candidate. You don't have the right to find fault with anybody.

The simple fact that that bothers you THAT MUCH tickles me to death. Trump is for America and will make America great again! Your hatred just fuels my fire.
And how do you know that Trump "is for America"? Aren't all the candidates? And he'll make America great again? Did America stop being great at some point? What about America is he going to make "great"? What about Trump is conservative? Why do teabaggers hang their hopes on him?

From what I have seen and heard from him, he is mostly bluster and ego with very little substance. He doesn't seem to have any firm convictions or positions.
Liberals are afraid of Trump because they'll lose the bully card. They use words like racism and sexism and intolersnt to bully weak RINOS into being nice and not attacking them.

They bullied Romney.
They bullied McCain.

They won't bully Trump because they cant. And just wait until some real dirt comes out about Hillary. She may even be indicted and not get to run.
What they are really afraid of is Trump beating the ever living crap out of Hillary in the debates using the Democrats Alinsky tactics...and the Bernie kids loving every minute of it.

Remember when Romney actually attacked Obama and even MSNBC admitted that Romney won? Trump will win all of the debates handily in an even more one-sided fashion.

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