Will the GOP exist in 2017 if the Donald is their standard bearer?

You know... I don't know... Maybe you people are living under a rock or something but this guy continues to compile statistics that not even Ronald Reagan could do. He has increased the Republican voting demographic over 2008 & 2012 by about 20%... best estimate. A lot of those are crossover democrats and people who've never voted before. His rallies are blowing everyone out of the water... an "average" Trump rally is on par with Obama's "greek columns" spectacle when he won the nomination. He's getting 10~15 times more at his rallies than Hillary and Bernie combined. We've not seen a phenomenon such as this in our lifetimes.... and his support continues to grow, impressively.

Reagan won 60% of the vote and 44 states.

Trump has won 35% of the vote and has lost as many states as Reagan did, even though there is more than half the states to go.

Trump has recorded the highest negatives ever in polling history.

According to exit polls, in many states, more than half of non-Trump voters would be unhappy if Trump were the candidate.

And record turnouts are occurring in states where Trump has lost.

Hey, I never said Trump was beating Reagan in every statistical category, did I?

You're absolutely right about Trump's negatives and that's why we ought to nominate Cruz. As for the rest of your factoids, they are the typical whipped up propaganda you people spew out on a 24/7/365 basis. I haven't seen a poll on it but I bet you that more than half of non-Hillary voters would be unhappy if Hillary won the presidency.

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