Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?
He definitely could. This is important because Congress cannot override it.

Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill? (noqreport.com)
23 Dec 2020 ~~ By Scott Boyd
President Trump wants more money for Americans and less money for foreign aid, lobbyists, and special interests, so he rejected the stimulus bill yesterday evening during a speech on the matter. Speculation is spreading that he may not officially veto the stimulus package, opting instead to simply not sign it. With Congress adjourning no later than 11:59 am on January 3rd, that means Congress has until today at noon to get the bill on the President’s desk to prevent a Pocket Veto.
A president presented with a bill from Congress has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign or veto it. The exception is if Congress adjourns during that time period, in which case an unsigned and non-vetoed bill essentially disappears. The “Pocket Veto” time period happens to fall perfectly to run into adjournment IF they do not get the massive bill over to him by noon today.

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Tweeted a simple proposal: Give the people the $2000 in a standalone bill and deal with everything else separately. That may actually be the only option left for Capitol Hill unless they want to try to force the current bill onto the President’s desk before noon today and rush an override of his expected veto.
Will Congress push the bill to the President before noon? Will the government shut down after December 28? Will Ilhan Omar be the surprising initiator of the President’s plan? So many questions. Grab the popcorn.

I totally agree with Trump. The Deomcrat Porkulus Covid-19 Bill gives nothing to the Ameican taxpayer and is so full of Democrat Pork that now makes DC the Ptok Capital of th world rivaling the city of Smithfield NC.
Prlosi once again wants a Bill passed before we can see what's in it,
What little we know shows that the Bill is not about helping Ameicans but, once again padding Democrat pet projects and funding America's foes like Venezuela, Pakistan, Cambodia and others...
Nonetheless, Yes there are some parts that will actually help workers and families:
  • $30 billion directly provided to states to help them stabilize their funding for schools.
  • $10 billion to help alleviate the harm caused by the coronavirus on higher education institutions, while providing them with added flexibility to continue operating during the crisis.
  • The legislation also would help current borrowers with their student debt burden and GI Bill benefits.
However, the Pork and wish list of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist far out weigh the assistance to American taxpayers. For this reason alone the paltry amount of $600,00 to Americans is an insult,
Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?
He definitely could. This is important because Congress cannot override it.

Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill? (noqreport.com)
23 Dec 2020 ~~ By Scott Boyd
President Trump wants more money for Americans and less money for foreign aid, lobbyists, and special interests, so he rejected the stimulus bill yesterday evening during a speech on the matter. Speculation is spreading that he may not officially veto the stimulus package, opting instead to simply not sign it. With Congress adjourning no later than 11:59 am on January 3rd, that means Congress has until today at noon to get the bill on the President’s desk to prevent a Pocket Veto.
A president presented with a bill from Congress has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign or veto it. The exception is if Congress adjourns during that time period, in which case an unsigned and non-vetoed bill essentially disappears. The “Pocket Veto” time period happens to fall perfectly to run into adjournment IF they do not get the massive bill over to him by noon today.

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Tweeted a simple proposal: Give the people the $2000 in a standalone bill and deal with everything else separately. That may actually be the only option left for Capitol Hill unless they want to try to force the current bill onto the President’s desk before noon today and rush an override of his expected veto.
Will Congress push the bill to the President before noon? Will the government shut down after December 28? Will Ilhan Omar be the surprising initiator of the President’s plan? So many questions. Grab the popcorn.

I totally agree with Trump. The Deomcrat Porkulus Covid-19 Bill gives nothing to the Ameican taxpayer and is so full of Democrat Pork that now makes DC the Ptok Capital of th world rivaling the city of Smithfield NC.
Prlosi once again wants a Bill passed before we can see what's in it,
What little we know shows that the Bill is not about helping Ameicans but, once again padding Democrat pet projects and funding America's foes like Venezuela, Pakistan, Cambodia and others...
Nonetheless, Yes there are some parts that will actually help workers and families:
  • $30 billion directly provided to states to help them stabilize their funding for schools.
  • $10 billion to help alleviate the harm caused by the coronavirus on higher education institutions, while providing them with added flexibility to continue operating during the crisis.
  • The legislation also would help current borrowers with their student debt burden and GI Bill benefits.
However, the Pork and wish list of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist far out weigh the assistance to American taxpayers. For this reason alone the paltry amount of $600,00 to Americans is an insult,

It would be a fitting sad end to the disgusting pervert's administration.... 40M Americans out of work and now he's so pissed off about losing the election, he's denying them unemployment benefits and the rest of us a stimulus check which many people could use.

Trump has gone from being pathetic to being sad and pathetic.
Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?
He definitely could. This is important because Congress cannot override it.

Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill? (noqreport.com)
23 Dec 2020 ~~ By Scott Boyd
President Trump wants more money for Americans and less money for foreign aid, lobbyists, and special interests, so he rejected the stimulus bill yesterday evening during a speech on the matter. Speculation is spreading that he may not officially veto the stimulus package, opting instead to simply not sign it. With Congress adjourning no later than 11:59 am on January 3rd, that means Congress has until today at noon to get the bill on the President’s desk to prevent a Pocket Veto.
A president presented with a bill from Congress has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign or veto it. The exception is if Congress adjourns during that time period, in which case an unsigned and non-vetoed bill essentially disappears. The “Pocket Veto” time period happens to fall perfectly to run into adjournment IF they do not get the massive bill over to him by noon today.

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Tweeted a simple proposal: Give the people the $2000 in a standalone bill and deal with everything else separately. That may actually be the only option left for Capitol Hill unless they want to try to force the current bill onto the President’s desk before noon today and rush an override of his expected veto.
Will Congress push the bill to the President before noon? Will the government shut down after December 28? Will Ilhan Omar be the surprising initiator of the President’s plan? So many questions. Grab the popcorn.

I totally agree with Trump. The Deomcrat Porkulus Covid-19 Bill gives nothing to the Ameican taxpayer and is so full of Democrat Pork that now makes DC the Ptok Capital of th world rivaling the city of Smithfield NC.
Prlosi once again wants a Bill passed before we can see what's in it,
What little we know shows that the Bill is not about helping Ameicans but, once again padding Democrat pet projects and funding America's foes like Venezuela, Pakistan, Cambodia and others...
Nonetheless, Yes there are some parts that will actually help workers and families:
  • $30 billion directly provided to states to help them stabilize their funding for schools.
  • $10 billion to help alleviate the harm caused by the coronavirus on higher education institutions, while providing them with added flexibility to continue operating during the crisis.
  • The legislation also would help current borrowers with their student debt burden and GI Bill benefits.
However, the Pork and wish list of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist far out weigh the assistance to American taxpayers. For this reason alone the paltry amount of $600,00 to Americans is an insult,

It would be a fitting sad end to the disgusting pervert's administration.... 40M Americans out of work and now he's so pissed off about losing the election, he's denying them unemployment benefits and the rest of us a stimulus check which many people could use.

Trump has gone from being pathetic to being sad and pathetic.

Why should president Trump sign a Bill that will in the end be a folly by the Left and then foisted upon him as a failure. Using the pocket veto will force the incoming president to sign a new Bill created by the new Congress of 2021.
Trump is right to reject this piece of crap.
Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?
He definitely could. This is important because Congress cannot override it.

Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill? (noqreport.com)
23 Dec 2020 ~~ By Scott Boyd
President Trump wants more money for Americans and less money for foreign aid, lobbyists, and special interests, so he rejected the stimulus bill yesterday evening during a speech on the matter. Speculation is spreading that he may not officially veto the stimulus package, opting instead to simply not sign it. With Congress adjourning no later than 11:59 am on January 3rd, that means Congress has until today at noon to get the bill on the President’s desk to prevent a Pocket Veto.
A president presented with a bill from Congress has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign or veto it. The exception is if Congress adjourns during that time period, in which case an unsigned and non-vetoed bill essentially disappears. The “Pocket Veto” time period happens to fall perfectly to run into adjournment IF they do not get the massive bill over to him by noon today.

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Tweeted a simple proposal: Give the people the $2000 in a standalone bill and deal with everything else separately. That may actually be the only option left for Capitol Hill unless they want to try to force the current bill onto the President’s desk before noon today and rush an override of his expected veto.
Will Congress push the bill to the President before noon? Will the government shut down after December 28? Will Ilhan Omar be the surprising initiator of the President’s plan? So many questions. Grab the popcorn.

I totally agree with Trump. The Deomcrat Porkulus Covid-19 Bill gives nothing to the Ameican taxpayer and is so full of Democrat Pork that now makes DC the Ptok Capital of th world rivaling the city of Smithfield NC.
Prlosi once again wants a Bill passed before we can see what's in it,
What little we know shows that the Bill is not about helping Ameicans but, once again padding Democrat pet projects and funding America's foes like Venezuela, Pakistan, Cambodia and others...
Nonetheless, Yes there are some parts that will actually help workers and families:
  • $30 billion directly provided to states to help them stabilize their funding for schools.
  • $10 billion to help alleviate the harm caused by the coronavirus on higher education institutions, while providing them with added flexibility to continue operating during the crisis.
  • The legislation also would help current borrowers with their student debt burden and GI Bill benefits.
However, the Pork and wish list of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist far out weigh the assistance to American taxpayers. For this reason alone the paltry amount of $600,00 to Americans is an insult,

It would be a fitting sad end to the disgusting pervert's administration.... 40M Americans out of work and now he's so pissed off about losing the election, he's denying them unemployment benefits and the rest of us a stimulus check which many people could use.

Trump has gone from being pathetic to being sad and pathetic.

Why should president Trump sign a Bill that will in the end be a folly by the Left and then foisted upon him as a failure. Using the pocket veto will force the incoming president to sign a new Bill created by the new Congress of 2021.
Trump is right to reject this piece of crap.

Because it extends unemployment benefits to the millions who are out of work. Perhaps thinking of the American people more than being pissed about losing an election would be a good thing?

I sort of hope he doesn't sign it. I'm employed and don't really need the stimulus check. It further tarnishes his already pathetic legacy a bit more.
Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?
He definitely could. This is important because Congress cannot override it.

Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill? (noqreport.com)
23 Dec 2020 ~~ By Scott Boyd
President Trump wants more money for Americans and less money for foreign aid, lobbyists, and special interests, so he rejected the stimulus bill yesterday evening during a speech on the matter. Speculation is spreading that he may not officially veto the stimulus package, opting instead to simply not sign it. With Congress adjourning no later than 11:59 am on January 3rd, that means Congress has until today at noon to get the bill on the President’s desk to prevent a Pocket Veto.
A president presented with a bill from Congress has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign or veto it. The exception is if Congress adjourns during that time period, in which case an unsigned and non-vetoed bill essentially disappears. The “Pocket Veto” time period happens to fall perfectly to run into adjournment IF they do not get the massive bill over to him by noon today.

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Tweeted a simple proposal: Give the people the $2000 in a standalone bill and deal with everything else separately. That may actually be the only option left for Capitol Hill unless they want to try to force the current bill onto the President’s desk before noon today and rush an override of his expected veto.
Will Congress push the bill to the President before noon? Will the government shut down after December 28? Will Ilhan Omar be the surprising initiator of the President’s plan? So many questions. Grab the popcorn.

I totally agree with Trump. The Deomcrat Porkulus Covid-19 Bill gives nothing to the Ameican taxpayer and is so full of Democrat Pork that now makes DC the Ptok Capital of th world rivaling the city of Smithfield NC.
Prlosi once again wants a Bill passed before we can see what's in it,
What little we know shows that the Bill is not about helping Ameicans but, once again padding Democrat pet projects and funding America's foes like Venezuela, Pakistan, Cambodia and others...
Nonetheless, Yes there are some parts that will actually help workers and families:
  • $30 billion directly provided to states to help them stabilize their funding for schools.
  • $10 billion to help alleviate the harm caused by the coronavirus on higher education institutions, while providing them with added flexibility to continue operating during the crisis.
  • The legislation also would help current borrowers with their student debt burden and GI Bill benefits.
However, the Pork and wish list of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist far out weigh the assistance to American taxpayers. For this reason alone the paltry amount of $600,00 to Americans is an insult,

Trump is likely too ignorant to even know what that is.

As already correctly noted: given Trump’s reckless, irresponsible, reprehensible, and disgraceful behavior after losing the election, it would be consistent with his contempt for our democratic institutions and will of the people.
As usual Trump runs his big mouth & manages to make things worse. It's fun though, watching the Republicunts squirm as their hero pisses in their corn flakes.
Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?
He definitely could. This is important because Congress cannot override it.

Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill? (noqreport.com)
23 Dec 2020 ~~ By Scott Boyd
President Trump wants more money for Americans and less money for foreign aid, lobbyists, and special interests, so he rejected the stimulus bill yesterday evening during a speech on the matter. Speculation is spreading that he may not officially veto the stimulus package, opting instead to simply not sign it. With Congress adjourning no later than 11:59 am on January 3rd, that means Congress has until today at noon to get the bill on the President’s desk to prevent a Pocket Veto.
A president presented with a bill from Congress has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign or veto it. The exception is if Congress adjourns during that time period, in which case an unsigned and non-vetoed bill essentially disappears. The “Pocket Veto” time period happens to fall perfectly to run into adjournment IF they do not get the massive bill over to him by noon today.

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Tweeted a simple proposal: Give the people the $2000 in a standalone bill and deal with everything else separately. That may actually be the only option left for Capitol Hill unless they want to try to force the current bill onto the President’s desk before noon today and rush an override of his expected veto.
Will Congress push the bill to the President before noon? Will the government shut down after December 28? Will Ilhan Omar be the surprising initiator of the President’s plan? So many questions. Grab the popcorn.

I totally agree with Trump. The Deomcrat Porkulus Covid-19 Bill gives nothing to the Ameican taxpayer and is so full of Democrat Pork that now makes DC the Ptok Capital of th world rivaling the city of Smithfield NC.
Prlosi once again wants a Bill passed before we can see what's in it,
What little we know shows that the Bill is not about helping Ameicans but, once again padding Democrat pet projects and funding America's foes like Venezuela, Pakistan, Cambodia and others...
Nonetheless, Yes there are some parts that will actually help workers and families:
  • $30 billion directly provided to states to help them stabilize their funding for schools.
  • $10 billion to help alleviate the harm caused by the coronavirus on higher education institutions, while providing them with added flexibility to continue operating during the crisis.
  • The legislation also would help current borrowers with their student debt burden and GI Bill benefits.
However, the Pork and wish list of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist far out weigh the assistance to American taxpayers. For this reason alone the paltry amount of $600,00 to Americans is an insult,

It would be a fitting sad end to the disgusting pervert's administration.... 40M Americans out of work and now he's so pissed off about losing the election, he's denying them unemployment benefits and the rest of us a stimulus check which many people could use.

Trump has gone from being pathetic to being sad and pathetic.

while you just stay pathetic with your delusional mind...of course you asswipe demonRATs would rather supply foreign countries over AMERICA. thats because you idiots are not allowed to think on your own. just like pig-lousy...sign the bill, find out what you signed later.
Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?
He definitely could. This is important because Congress cannot override it.

Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill? (noqreport.com)
23 Dec 2020 ~~ By Scott Boyd
President Trump wants more money for Americans and less money for foreign aid, lobbyists, and special interests, so he rejected the stimulus bill yesterday evening during a speech on the matter. Speculation is spreading that he may not officially veto the stimulus package, opting instead to simply not sign it. With Congress adjourning no later than 11:59 am on January 3rd, that means Congress has until today at noon to get the bill on the President’s desk to prevent a Pocket Veto.
A president presented with a bill from Congress has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign or veto it. The exception is if Congress adjourns during that time period, in which case an unsigned and non-vetoed bill essentially disappears. The “Pocket Veto” time period happens to fall perfectly to run into adjournment IF they do not get the massive bill over to him by noon today.

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Tweeted a simple proposal: Give the people the $2000 in a standalone bill and deal with everything else separately. That may actually be the only option left for Capitol Hill unless they want to try to force the current bill onto the President’s desk before noon today and rush an override of his expected veto.
Will Congress push the bill to the President before noon? Will the government shut down after December 28? Will Ilhan Omar be the surprising initiator of the President’s plan? So many questions. Grab the popcorn.

I totally agree with Trump. The Deomcrat Porkulus Covid-19 Bill gives nothing to the Ameican taxpayer and is so full of Democrat Pork that now makes DC the Ptok Capital of th world rivaling the city of Smithfield NC.
Prlosi once again wants a Bill passed before we can see what's in it,
What little we know shows that the Bill is not about helping Ameicans but, once again padding Democrat pet projects and funding America's foes like Venezuela, Pakistan, Cambodia and others...
Nonetheless, Yes there are some parts that will actually help workers and families:
  • $30 billion directly provided to states to help them stabilize their funding for schools.
  • $10 billion to help alleviate the harm caused by the coronavirus on higher education institutions, while providing them with added flexibility to continue operating during the crisis.
  • The legislation also would help current borrowers with their student debt burden and GI Bill benefits.
However, the Pork and wish list of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist far out weigh the assistance to American taxpayers. For this reason alone the paltry amount of $600,00 to Americans is an insult,

It would be a fitting sad end to the disgusting pervert's administration.... 40M Americans out of work and now he's so pissed off about losing the election, he's denying them unemployment benefits and the rest of us a stimulus check which many people could use.

Trump has gone from being pathetic to being sad and pathetic.

Which has what to do with the fact that your sexually perverted party is sending billions overseas?
With Trump who knows But I can't really see him explicitly vetoing UI benefits, eviction moritoriums for people. HE doesnt'want to be MORE unpopular. HE just wants to fck up congress. And he doesn't care about the pain he causes doing it.
Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?
He definitely could. This is important because Congress cannot override it.

Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill? (noqreport.com)
23 Dec 2020 ~~ By Scott Boyd
President Trump wants more money for Americans and less money for foreign aid, lobbyists, and special interests, so he rejected the stimulus bill yesterday evening during a speech on the matter. Speculation is spreading that he may not officially veto the stimulus package, opting instead to simply not sign it. With Congress adjourning no later than 11:59 am on January 3rd, that means Congress has until today at noon to get the bill on the President’s desk to prevent a Pocket Veto.
A president presented with a bill from Congress has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign or veto it. The exception is if Congress adjourns during that time period, in which case an unsigned and non-vetoed bill essentially disappears. The “Pocket Veto” time period happens to fall perfectly to run into adjournment IF they do not get the massive bill over to him by noon today.

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Tweeted a simple proposal: Give the people the $2000 in a standalone bill and deal with everything else separately. That may actually be the only option left for Capitol Hill unless they want to try to force the current bill onto the President’s desk before noon today and rush an override of his expected veto.
Will Congress push the bill to the President before noon? Will the government shut down after December 28? Will Ilhan Omar be the surprising initiator of the President’s plan? So many questions. Grab the popcorn.

I totally agree with Trump. The Deomcrat Porkulus Covid-19 Bill gives nothing to the Ameican taxpayer and is so full of Democrat Pork that now makes DC the Ptok Capital of th world rivaling the city of Smithfield NC.
Prlosi once again wants a Bill passed before we can see what's in it,
What little we know shows that the Bill is not about helping Ameicans but, once again padding Democrat pet projects and funding America's foes like Venezuela, Pakistan, Cambodia and others...
Nonetheless, Yes there are some parts that will actually help workers and families:
  • $30 billion directly provided to states to help them stabilize their funding for schools.
  • $10 billion to help alleviate the harm caused by the coronavirus on higher education institutions, while providing them with added flexibility to continue operating during the crisis.
  • The legislation also would help current borrowers with their student debt burden and GI Bill benefits.
However, the Pork and wish list of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist far out weigh the assistance to American taxpayers. For this reason alone the paltry amount of $600,00 to Americans is an insult,

It would be a fitting sad end to the disgusting pervert's administration.... 40M Americans out of work and now he's so pissed off about losing the election, he's denying them unemployment benefits and the rest of us a stimulus check which many people could use.

Trump has gone from being pathetic to being sad and pathetic.

Which has what to do with the fact that your sexually perverted party is sending billions overseas?

I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. Both of those congressional party leaders signed off on the bill. So I guess your question is why is YOUR sexually perverted party sending billions overseas?

BTW...as you probably don't know because, well, you're a dumb ass, the portion of the bill that has foreign aid and other non-covid items is not part of the covid relief package. Its a separtre Omnibus spending bill that will keep the government operating. We could have parts of the government shut down once again on Monday and a President who is too pissed to care. Its what you voted for. Enjoy.
This could have been passed months ago if not for the pork Pelosi stuffed into it.
I sure wish there was a line item veto clause.
With this covid stimulus Bill for the people, 15% goes to the people, the rest is just the redeistibution of wealth.
And the liberals back it. WTF?

Turtle and his GOP buddies signed off in the Senate. But lets blame only the House...right?
How many LibTurds are calling their Demonic Representatives to drop the Pork to foreign nations and send more money to US citizens?
Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?
He definitely could. This is important because Congress cannot override it.

Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill? (noqreport.com)
23 Dec 2020 ~~ By Scott Boyd
President Trump wants more money for Americans and less money for foreign aid, lobbyists, and special interests, so he rejected the stimulus bill yesterday evening during a speech on the matter. Speculation is spreading that he may not officially veto the stimulus package, opting instead to simply not sign it. With Congress adjourning no later than 11:59 am on January 3rd, that means Congress has until today at noon to get the bill on the President’s desk to prevent a Pocket Veto.
A president presented with a bill from Congress has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign or veto it. The exception is if Congress adjourns during that time period, in which case an unsigned and non-vetoed bill essentially disappears. The “Pocket Veto” time period happens to fall perfectly to run into adjournment IF they do not get the massive bill over to him by noon today.

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Tweeted a simple proposal: Give the people the $2000 in a standalone bill and deal with everything else separately. That may actually be the only option left for Capitol Hill unless they want to try to force the current bill onto the President’s desk before noon today and rush an override of his expected veto.
Will Congress push the bill to the President before noon? Will the government shut down after December 28? Will Ilhan Omar be the surprising initiator of the President’s plan? So many questions. Grab the popcorn.

I totally agree with Trump. The Deomcrat Porkulus Covid-19 Bill gives nothing to the Ameican taxpayer and is so full of Democrat Pork that now makes DC the Ptok Capital of th world rivaling the city of Smithfield NC.
Prlosi once again wants a Bill passed before we can see what's in it,
What little we know shows that the Bill is not about helping Ameicans but, once again padding Democrat pet projects and funding America's foes like Venezuela, Pakistan, Cambodia and others...
Nonetheless, Yes there are some parts that will actually help workers and families:
  • $30 billion directly provided to states to help them stabilize their funding for schools.
  • $10 billion to help alleviate the harm caused by the coronavirus on higher education institutions, while providing them with added flexibility to continue operating during the crisis.
  • The legislation also would help current borrowers with their student debt burden and GI Bill benefits.
However, the Pork and wish list of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist far out weigh the assistance to American taxpayers. For this reason alone the paltry amount of $600,00 to Americans is an insult,

It would be a fitting sad end to the disgusting pervert's administration.... 40M Americans out of work and now he's so pissed off about losing the election, he's denying them unemployment benefits and the rest of us a stimulus check which many people could use.

Trump has gone from being pathetic to being sad and pathetic.

Which has what to do with the fact that your sexually perverted party is sending billions overseas?

I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. Both of those congressional party leaders signed off on the bill. So I guess your question is why is YOUR sexually perverted party sending billions overseas?

BTW...as you probably don't know because, well, you're a dumb ass, the portion of the bill that has foreign aid and other non-covid items is not part of the covid relief package. Its a separtre Omnibus spending bill that will keep the government operating. We could have parts of the government shut down once again on Monday and a President who is too pissed to care. Its what you voted for. Enjoy.

Your posts drip Liberalism.
Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?
He definitely could. This is important because Congress cannot override it.

Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill? (noqreport.com)
23 Dec 2020 ~~ By Scott Boyd
President Trump wants more money for Americans and less money for foreign aid, lobbyists, and special interests, so he rejected the stimulus bill yesterday evening during a speech on the matter. Speculation is spreading that he may not officially veto the stimulus package, opting instead to simply not sign it. With Congress adjourning no later than 11:59 am on January 3rd, that means Congress has until today at noon to get the bill on the President’s desk to prevent a Pocket Veto.
A president presented with a bill from Congress has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign or veto it. The exception is if Congress adjourns during that time period, in which case an unsigned and non-vetoed bill essentially disappears. The “Pocket Veto” time period happens to fall perfectly to run into adjournment IF they do not get the massive bill over to him by noon today.

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Tweeted a simple proposal: Give the people the $2000 in a standalone bill and deal with everything else separately. That may actually be the only option left for Capitol Hill unless they want to try to force the current bill onto the President’s desk before noon today and rush an override of his expected veto.
Will Congress push the bill to the President before noon? Will the government shut down after December 28? Will Ilhan Omar be the surprising initiator of the President’s plan? So many questions. Grab the popcorn.

I totally agree with Trump. The Deomcrat Porkulus Covid-19 Bill gives nothing to the Ameican taxpayer and is so full of Democrat Pork that now makes DC the Ptok Capital of th world rivaling the city of Smithfield NC.
Prlosi once again wants a Bill passed before we can see what's in it,
What little we know shows that the Bill is not about helping Ameicans but, once again padding Democrat pet projects and funding America's foes like Venezuela, Pakistan, Cambodia and others...
Nonetheless, Yes there are some parts that will actually help workers and families:
  • $30 billion directly provided to states to help them stabilize their funding for schools.
  • $10 billion to help alleviate the harm caused by the coronavirus on higher education institutions, while providing them with added flexibility to continue operating during the crisis.
  • The legislation also would help current borrowers with their student debt burden and GI Bill benefits.
However, the Pork and wish list of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist far out weigh the assistance to American taxpayers. For this reason alone the paltry amount of $600,00 to Americans is an insult,

It would be a fitting sad end to the disgusting pervert's administration.... 40M Americans out of work and now he's so pissed off about losing the election, he's denying them unemployment benefits and the rest of us a stimulus check which many people could use.

Trump has gone from being pathetic to being sad and pathetic.

Which has what to do with the fact that your sexually perverted party is sending billions overseas?

I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. Both of those congressional party leaders signed off on the bill. So I guess your question is why is YOUR sexually perverted party sending billions overseas?

BTW...as you probably don't know because, well, you're a dumb ass, the portion of the bill that has foreign aid and other non-covid items is not part of the covid relief package. Its a separtre Omnibus spending bill that will keep the government operating. We could have parts of the government shut down once again on Monday and a President who is too pissed to care. Its what you voted for. Enjoy.

That's is exactly what I voted for; I am disgusted with politicians getting rich off my back.
Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill?
He definitely could. This is important because Congress cannot override it.

Will the President use a Pocket Veto on the stimulus bill? (noqreport.com)
23 Dec 2020 ~~ By Scott Boyd
President Trump wants more money for Americans and less money for foreign aid, lobbyists, and special interests, so he rejected the stimulus bill yesterday evening during a speech on the matter. Speculation is spreading that he may not officially veto the stimulus package, opting instead to simply not sign it. With Congress adjourning no later than 11:59 am on January 3rd, that means Congress has until today at noon to get the bill on the President’s desk to prevent a Pocket Veto.
A president presented with a bill from Congress has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign or veto it. The exception is if Congress adjourns during that time period, in which case an unsigned and non-vetoed bill essentially disappears. The “Pocket Veto” time period happens to fall perfectly to run into adjournment IF they do not get the massive bill over to him by noon today.

Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Tweeted a simple proposal: Give the people the $2000 in a standalone bill and deal with everything else separately. That may actually be the only option left for Capitol Hill unless they want to try to force the current bill onto the President’s desk before noon today and rush an override of his expected veto.
Will Congress push the bill to the President before noon? Will the government shut down after December 28? Will Ilhan Omar be the surprising initiator of the President’s plan? So many questions. Grab the popcorn.

I totally agree with Trump. The Deomcrat Porkulus Covid-19 Bill gives nothing to the Ameican taxpayer and is so full of Democrat Pork that now makes DC the Ptok Capital of th world rivaling the city of Smithfield NC.
Prlosi once again wants a Bill passed before we can see what's in it,
What little we know shows that the Bill is not about helping Ameicans but, once again padding Democrat pet projects and funding America's foes like Venezuela, Pakistan, Cambodia and others...
Nonetheless, Yes there are some parts that will actually help workers and families:
  • $30 billion directly provided to states to help them stabilize their funding for schools.
  • $10 billion to help alleviate the harm caused by the coronavirus on higher education institutions, while providing them with added flexibility to continue operating during the crisis.
  • The legislation also would help current borrowers with their student debt burden and GI Bill benefits.
However, the Pork and wish list of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist far out weigh the assistance to American taxpayers. For this reason alone the paltry amount of $600,00 to Americans is an insult,

It would be a fitting sad end to the disgusting pervert's administration.... 40M Americans out of work and now he's so pissed off about losing the election, he's denying them unemployment benefits and the rest of us a stimulus check which many people could use.

Trump has gone from being pathetic to being sad and pathetic.

Which has what to do with the fact that your sexually perverted party is sending billions overseas?

I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. Both of those congressional party leaders signed off on the bill. So I guess your question is why is YOUR sexually perverted party sending billions overseas?

BTW...as you probably don't know because, well, you're a dumb ass, the portion of the bill that has foreign aid and other non-covid items is not part of the covid relief package. Its a separtre Omnibus spending bill that will keep the government operating. We could have parts of the government shut down once again on Monday and a President who is too pissed to care. Its what you voted for. Enjoy.

We bribe for countries to do what we want. Trumpy had 4 years to oppose it. He's just pissed McConnell won't let him have his coup

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