Will the Real Slim Shady please stand up? Biden Body Double

No, what should be breaking news is when you've both found and proven that Biden has a body double!
Oh snap.

This from a clown who can’t admit any part of reality. Sucks to be you.
This from a clown who can’t admit any part of reality.

Oh, so I'm a CLOWN now? :laugh2: A clown who cannot accept a reality which exists only in YOUR mind! A reality which you admittedly can't even prove! Meanwhile, I CAN prove the pictures are both of the same person!

Wow. Whaddanass.
Oh, so I'm a CLOWN now?
Now and before and maybe forever. Yes.
:laugh2: A clown who cannot accept a reality which exists only in YOUR mind!
Reality exists. Period. Your mistake.
A reality which you admittedly can't even prove!
Some parts of reality exist with no ability to prove them. This isn’t new. Except maybe to you.
Meanwhile, I CAN prove the pictures are both of the same person!
No you can’t. And you sure as shit haven’t.
Wow. Whaddanass.
You are indeed an ass. More of an asshole. But let’s not quibble. You’re a joke.
Reality exists. Period. Your mistake.
Still waiting for your reality and proof that those are two DIFFERENT people in your pictures! I can prove they are the same person. THAT is reality.

You are indeed an ass. More of an asshole. But let’s not quibble. You’re a joke.
Only ass, asshole and joke here is the one looking back at you in the mirror each day.
Still waiting for your reality and proof that those are two DIFFERENT people in your pictures! I can prove they are the same person. THAT is reality.
No. You can’t. And again; you haven’t. Ever. That is reality. Sorry. You lose. Again.
Only ass, asshole and joke here is the one looking back at you in the mirror each day.

Even the other kids on your short bus think you’re retarded. Well. They know you’re retarded. They’re just pleased that they’re not as retarded as you are.
No. You can’t.

Oh really?

Here are just the more easily seen indicators, all impossible to duplicate fine lines and creases around the eyes and such, that anyone can see showing these are EXACTLY the same two people that anyone but a total asshat like you can see and easily agree with.

Both photos, WITH and WITHOUT the markups.

IMG_0520 copy.jpeg

Oh really?

Here are just the more easily seen indicators, all impossible to duplicate fine lines and creases around the eyes and such, that anyone can see showing these are EXACTLY the same two people that anyone but a total asshat like you can see and easily agree with.

Both photos, WITH and WITHOUT the markups.

View attachment 825177
View attachment 825178
His earlobes just molded themselves to his head?

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