Biden wants to allow non-citizens to vote in AZ


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The Biden administration Justice Department filed a complaint in federal court on Tuesday alleging a new Arizona law that requires proof of citizenship to register to vote violates federal law.

House Bill 2492, signed by GOP Gov. Doug Ducey into law in March, states that applicants must provide evidence of citizenship. It also requires county election officials to research the status of those who do not provide proof of U.S. citizenship.

If officials are not able to verify citizenship, they are required to inform the applicant that he or she is not qualified to vote in a presidential election or “by mail with an early ballot in any election until satisfactory evidence of citizenship is provided.”

Now you know why the corrupt and racist Democrat Party has allowed 16.8 million illegal aliens into our country.
It is about the Democrat Party's greed for power.
Allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections violates everyone's Right to Vote.
I wonder if Biden even knows what his DOJ minions are up to. Those people are up to all kinds of unconstitutional high jinks
allowing non-citizens to cancel-out the votes of ameircan citizens seems to be a major voting rights violation
but the dems see not allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections as a voting rights violation
they get everything backwards
The Dems / Marxists have been clear that incremental steps toward eventual blanket amnesty and citizenship for illegals was the goal.

Social Security and Medicare will be drained dry and government payments of welfare, healthcare and other benefits will fall on the backs of the middle class.
Listen and understand....Those dems are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, remorse, shame, or fear.... And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are either subjugated or dead.

Wait, what? Scalia was a DEM? Who knew.

See, Arizona tried this before resulting in a SCOTUS case decided in 2013, the case was Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. Arizona tried to require additional documentation to federal voter registration requirements and in a 7-2 decision authored by Associate Justice Scalia they said Arizona couldn't do that.

(BTW - I support the registration process verify a voters eligibility both from a citizenship standpoint and a removal of the franchise for felony conviction. There should be a federal clearing house for this information which would make the process of checking easy for the states.)


General description of the circumstances.

Link to Justice Scalia's opinion in the case.

(Not that anyone will read them.)
The Biden administration Justice Department filed a complaint in federal court on Tuesday alleging a new Arizona law that requires proof of citizenship to register to vote violates federal law.

House Bill 2492, signed by GOP Gov. Doug Ducey into law in March, states that applicants must provide evidence of citizenship. It also requires county election officials to research the status of those who do not provide proof of U.S. citizenship.

If officials are not able to verify citizenship, they are required to inform the applicant that he or she is not qualified to vote in a presidential election or “by mail with an early ballot in any election until satisfactory evidence of citizenship is provided.”

Now you know why the corrupt and racist Democrat Party has allowed 16.8 million illegal aliens into our country.
It is about the Democrat Party's greed for power.
Allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections violates everyone's Right to Vote.
once again the left doesnt want their voters to provide proof that they are legally registered voters ! i wonder why ?
republicans dont want to block legal citizens from voting idiot ! are you saying that their are people to stupid to get a vallid voter id ?

This isn’t about voter ID to vote.

This is about the registration process.

if you are legally registered with the correct accurate id then vote ! no problem with that ... even though you will probably vote democrat ! all [LEGAL] votes should be counted .

I have never voted Democrat.
Republicans want to block citizens from voting
Such a generalized statement -- what United States citizens have been blocked, if they were, why, and did they use the provisional ballot to cast their vote?

Let me guess .. identification laws? Purging voting rolls? Shaving days off election season (which used to be election day)?

Too bad citizens are too stupid to do their due diligence and complete a provisional ballot if they are denied .. but they sure can tell you about sports.
Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said in a Tuesday news release, “House Bill 2492’s onerous documentary proof of citizenship requirement for certain federal elections constitutes a textbook violation of the National Voter Registration Act.”
I mean I know, right. I mean these immigrants pay sales tax, they often pay Social Security tax, They pay property tax, excise taxes and God knows what else. I mean who were these dumbshit founders Taxation, without representation, hell, it is the American way,

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