Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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Black fragility

I don’t think it any of it matters. The deep state will not allow Trump another term. If they do, it will be to use him as a fall guy for some big stuff.
Easy fix. Stop voting for the people who allow your neighborhoods to be lawless. Stop voting for the people who side the white Antifa fruitcakes who will turn on your black ass as soon as you stand up to them.

We are over 1,000 pages of whites trying to tell blacks what's wrong with black culture but less that 500 where whites try working on their own culture.

Whites lead the nation in crime every year. The right wingers here talk about blacks and murder, but annually whites lead by huge numbers in crimes against familiy and children.

Whites commit over 40,000 suicides per year.

White drug/alcohol addiction is out of cntrol.

overdose deaths by race

At last check, annually, whites had more babies out of wedlock numerically than blacks had total births.

Add the spectre of white racism, and white culture has a lot of problems.

Because part of the white culture are hoping to put a convicted criminal into the office of the presidency.
We are over 1,000 pages of whites trying to tell blacks what's wrong with black culture but less that 500 where whites try working on their own culture.
Whites just aren’t as lame as blacks. Whites philosophized the moral reasoning that ended slavery. Whites invented the cheeseburger. Whites went to the moon.

Black people invented twerking and putting Skittles in cough syrup.

The right wingers here talk about blacks and murder, but annually whites lead by huge numbers in crimes against familiy and children.
“Right wingers” talk about all lives mattering. It’s you racist jerks who divide the country against itself along racial lines.

Whites commit over 40,000 suicides per year.
Systemic racism. …..we demand equity.

Add the spectre of white racism, and white culture has a lot of problems.
LOL so retarded
Because part of the white culture are hoping to put a convicted criminal into the office of the presidency.
Black people would never venerate a criminal….

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