Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

The world should be ever thankful and grateful that we are as nice a people as we are. We saved the world for two Armageddons in the 20th century, Fascism and Communism,

Seems to me that there were two fronts during WWII.

Perhaps you recall that Stalin and his communists forces might have had something to do with the allied defeat of Germany?

If you don't, I advise you to do a quick study at where Hitler marshalled the majority of his forces.

That should give you a fairly clear picture about how important Soviet was in defeating the German Fascists, I think.

Now as to the anti-Americanism of SOME Europeans?

They are cordially invited to go fuck themselves if their anger is directed at the American PEOPLE.

On that jingoistic note I am inclined to quite agree with you.
Actually, you all DO owe us for your very lives. Without the US you today you are speaking German and killing every Jew and Slav you can find. Lend Lease bailed your ass out in WWII without which you would have fallen under Hitler's Jack Boot. Same for Russia, without US shipment to Murmansk and Archangelsk in 1941, Moscow and the Soviet Union would have been a German province.

Without the massive US presense in Europe after WWII, Britain and ALL of western Europe would be a simple Soviet State.

So yes, you owe us for ALL ETERNITY you slack ass brit. So stop whining and pay up. Do as your told!

Has there ever been a more ignorant, arrogant, misinformed post on the USMB? Methinks no!
Taxes on the working class are ridiculously high, I agree.. given what they make

Taxes on the superwealthy are absurdly low... given what they make.

Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor, sport.

I have THE solution for that problem, but I'll bet you wouldn't approve.

What do you consider the "working class"? The bottom 50% of wage earners pay ONLY 3% of all taxes!!!! The bottom 90% pay only 28%!!!! The top 1% pay 38%, top 5% pay 57% and top 10% pay 72%

So just how full of crap are you?
Has there ever been a more ignorant, arrogant, misinformed post on the USMB? Methinks no!

Actually while bragging, he's right. WE COULD do what he claims. But we wouldn't. Why? Damned if I know, the world claims we are the scum of the earth, with NZ being the cheerleader via Grump.
Has there ever been a more ignorant, arrogant, misinformed post on the USMB? Methinks no!

So without US production how long could Britain have held out against Hitler? Without US goods Lenningrad and Moscow would have fallen to Hitler in 1941. After WWII the only thing that stood between East Germany and the Atlantic was the US III and V armies. With the Marshal plan the Soviet Union's borders would have stretched all the way to the Atlantic ocean. Without the US nuclear umbrella over Europe for the balance of the 20th century the same would have been the result, you would be speaking Russian today.

You owe us your very life, Brit and THAT a FACT, so shut up and when the US says jump you simply say "How high, sir!". Got, it? Good. Of course if there is one country on earth that fully understands that it is the UK, who continues to stand by us in almost all global endeavors. The rest of Europe is a waste of time and doomed to irrelevancy anyway.
Actually while bragging, he's right. WE COULD do what he claims. But we wouldn't. Why? Damned if I know, the world claims we are the scum of the earth, with NZ being the cheerleader via Grump.

We don't because we are kind, peaceful, and generous people. But piss us off....ask Japan....
Actually while bragging, he's right. WE COULD do what he claims. But we wouldn't. Why? Damned if I know, the world claims we are the scum of the earth, with NZ being the cheerleader via Grump.

I wasn't addressing that post you think I was. For a start, he assumes I am British, which I am not. And that's just the start.

I don't like ANY country bullying other countries or riding rough shod over them. Want to use any more generalisations or do you not have any other way to get your point across? Using your analogy, all Americans hate the rest of the world (going by the right-wing nutjobs on this board)..
I wasn't addressing that post you think I was. For a start, he assumes I am British, which I am not. And that's just the start.

I don't like ANY country bullying other countries or riding rough shod over them. Want to use any more generalisations or do you not have any other way to get your point across? Using your analogy, all Americans hate the rest of the world (going by the right-wing nutjobs on this board)..

Oops, my bad, Kiwi....

And when as the US ever run roughshod over any country that didn't deserve it?
So without US production how long could Britain have held out against Hitler? Without US goods Lenningrad and Moscow would have fallen to Hitler in 1941. After WWII the only thing that stood between East Germany and the Atlantic was the US III and V armies. With the Marshal plan the Soviet Union's borders would have stretched all the way to the Atlantic ocean. Without the US nuclear umbrella over Europe for the balance of the 20th century the same would have been the result, you would be speaking Russian today.

You owe us your very life, Brit and THAT a FACT, so shut up and when the US says jump you simply say "How high, sir!". Got, it? Good. Of course if there is one country on earth that fully understands that it is the UK, who continues to stand by us in almost all global endeavors. The rest of Europe is a waste of time and doomed to irrelevancy anyway.

The Battle of Britain was over before the US even joined the war. Hitler was spread too thin, and with or without US help, the USSR would have survived as proven in Stalingrad. You give yourself too much credit (although the US deserves a lot), and not enough to others.

The rest of Europe might not have survived, but the Brits are the great survivors. You ever pissed off a Brit in Britain? They're almost feral.
Oops, my bad, Kiwi....

And when as the US ever run roughshod over any country that didn't deserve it?

Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba. Look, I ain't making excuses for the likes of Iraq and Cuba (and their leaderships), but ya know what, it's their business, not ours.

Anyway, lunch over..later
The Battle of Britain was over before the US even joined the war. Hitler was spread too thin, and with or without US help, the USSR would have survived as proven in Stalingrad. You give yourself too much credit (although the US deserves a lot), and not enough to others.

The rest of Europe might not have survived, but the Brits are the great survivors. You ever pissed off a Brit in Britain? They're almost feral.

So if US had stayed out of European theater, Europe would have defeated the Axis? How about Japan? Next you'll be saying USSR could have dealt with that, of course without the bomb, making nice all around?
God, you are no historian. We had been supplying Britain over 50% of her war material since early 1939. Same for Stalin. Only US food and clothing supplies as well over 7500 tanks, armored personnel carriers in 1940 alone, kept the Soviets from caving in Lenningrad and provided the narrow margin in Nov of 1941 to keep Hilter out of Moscow. By 1942 Soviet production in the Urals finally caught up with it's war needs. Britain never did produce more the about 50% of what it needed. The balance came from the US. It took until mid 1943 that the Soviets finally were producing more tanks and armor than what the US was shipping it in 1941.

Same for Australia. Oz had no chance against the Japanese without massive US supplies that ramped up by the end of 1942.
God, you are no historian. We had been supplying Britain over 50% of her war material since early 1939. Same for Stalin. Only US food and clothing supplies as well over 7500 tanks, armored personnel carriers in 1940 alone, kept the Soviets from caving in Lenningrad and provided the narrow margin in Nov of 1941 to keep Hilter out of Moscow. By 1942 Soviet production in the Urals finally caught up with it's war needs. Britain never did produce more the about 50% of what it needed. The balance came from the US. It took until mid 1943 that the Soviets finally were producing more tanks and armor than what the US was shipping it in 1941.

Same for Australia. Oz had no chance against the Japanese without massive US supplies that ramped up by the end of 1942.

Zoomie, sorry, but you just don't get it. Sins of fathers make all else null and void. We suck, kill yourself and all others that think like you. Now that you got the memo. Bye.
Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba. Look, I ain't making excuses for the likes of Iraq and Cuba (and their leaderships), but ya know what, it's their business, not ours.

Anyway, lunch over..later

No, it's not their business. Any time people are being victimized by ruthless dictators like Ho Chi Mihn, Ortega, Noriega, Castro, Hussein, Chavez, Iranian Mullahs, Talliban, Burmese junta....we are morally and ethically justified in removing them. The UN is simply too cowardly to do so, because most of its members are ruled by tyrants..
So without US production how long could Britain have held out against Hitler? Without US goods Lenningrad and Moscow would have fallen to Hitler in 1941. After WWII the only thing that stood between East Germany and the Atlantic was the US III and V armies. With the Marshal plan the Soviet Union's borders would have stretched all the way to the Atlantic ocean. Without the US nuclear umbrella over Europe for the balance of the 20th century the same would have been the result, you would be speaking Russian today.

You owe us your very life, Brit and THAT a FACT, so shut up and when the US says jump you simply say "How high, sir!". Got, it? Good. Of course if there is one country on earth that fully understands that it is the UK, who continues to stand by us in almost all global endeavors. The rest of Europe is a waste of time and doomed to irrelevancy anyway.

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