Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

Hmm? The US is not liked for two main reasons:

We are the most powerful country on the planet.
We have a leftist, america-hating media.

Obama will make us more liked, no doubt, because he will make us a much weaker country, and, of course, the media will never criticize anything even tangently related to someone black, man or woman, president or thug. However poorly Obama will be steering the ship, the NYT will ensure us daily that it is raining manna.

THATS the reasons, eh?


yea.. it probably has nothing to do with frivolous phantom WMD wars.. nope.. Of COURSE it's those evil lefties that cause the world to hate us...

what a fucking idiot.
THATS the reasons, eh?


yea.. it probably has nothing to do with frivolous phantom WMD wars.. nope.. Of COURSE it's those evil lefties that cause the world to hate us...

what a fucking idiot.

Phantom WMDs? That old leftie canard? You ever heard of Sarin?
Sarin gas and left over mustard gas from the early 90s wasn't the mushroom cloud that was hinted at during the 04 election no matter what sean hannity says to polish the hindsight turd. I can think of a great many reasons why the world doesn't like us and our liberal population sure as hell isn't one of them.

Hindsight SUCKS these days, doesn't it buddy?

"SADDAM MUST DISARM", right dude? atrophied fucking sarin gas from before the first gulf war sure doesn't sound like some half assed excuse to kitty litter your 04 fuckup.. nope.. The world probaby isn't too keen on your bullshit either, dude. Indeed, it's the lefties who have been reminding you of this shit during this whole fiasco that causees the globe to hate us. THATS the ticket..
Funny that you talk about owning anyone with a response like that. Poor guy. I'll take it easy on you since this is your first day. I'd hate to make you run crying back to mommy.

Also, just a lil advice... quoting someone and then changing the quote isn't allowed in these here parts of the internet. Now, im not the kind of guy to run screaming to the mods about some newbie fucking up the rules so i'll go ahead and let you slide this time. However, id' suggest you read the forum sticky if you want to develop any kind of tenure here.
Funny that you talk about owning anyone with a response like that. Poor guy. I'll take it easy on you since this is your first day. I'd hate to make you run crying back to mommy.

Oh, gee, thanks. Had I known you were playing softball, I wouldn't have knocked all your teeth out. Ooops.

Also, just a lil advice... quoting someone and then changing the quote isn't allowed in these here parts of the internet. Now, im not the kind of guy to run screaming to the mods about some newbie fucking up the rules so i'll go ahead and let you slide this time. However, id' suggest you read the forum sticky if you want to develop any kind of tenure here.

Here's a lil advice for you: learn how to read for comprehension. It will save you from saying stupid shit like X or Y is against the rules when the rules don't even mention X or Y, and it will save you from claiming Sarin is not a WMD when the UN has specifically designated it as a WMD,
please do bring your A game, puppy dawg. Come "knock my teeth out" and show this liberal what some macho republican-light can do!


Now, take your tantrum back to your room and sniffle into your big plush niel boortz doll. We both know that sarin gas wasn't the big bad WMDs being hinted at during the 04 election. Stomping your foot and huffing and puffing yourself into a red faced vitriolic hissy wont change that. Nor will it validate breaking the rules of this forum. Again, since this is your first day i'll take it easy on you. However, you've been warned once about the quote feature. I suggest you remember this when posting in the future or, in accordance with the site rules, you'll find yourself having to find another site to troll.

Phantom WMDs? That old leftie canard? You ever heard of Sarin?

You know.... the same WMD's that every stinking dem in congress ALSO professed were there right along with Bush, but since they didn't find TONS and TONS of them in caches, they think now they can back out and somehow claim they NEVER said they were there also... even though they did.

Talk about fucking morons... they're fucking liars as well.

There's one thing for sure, and that's the TERRORISTS will just LOVE us if hussein is elected... hell half the worlds terrorist organizations have already endorsed him. They know he's a pussy, and they'll be able to walk all over him. They'll smile and talk nice to his face and then stab him in the back once it's turned, but he and all the lala land liberals are too fucking DUMB to see it.
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and i don't let those bastard dems who had spines like jellyfish off the hook. THEY proved their worthlessness and this was the primary reason Clinton never had my vote. Don't try to deflect using that "but the dems did it too" shit. Unlike republicans, im VERY capable of throwing the lemming off the cliff.

i know i know.. the terrorists blah blah blah. Hey, we'll probably have a MUSHROOM CLOUD problem too, right?

On NBC's "Meet the Press," Vice President Dick Cheney accused Saddam of moving aggressively to develop nuclear weapons over the past 14 months to add to his stockpile of chemical and biological arms.

"Increasingly, we believe that the United States may well become the target of those activities," Cheney said.

"And what we've seen recently that has raised our level of concern to the current state of unrest ... is that he now is trying, through his illicit procurement network, to acquire the equipment he needs to be able to enrich uranium -- specifically, aluminum tubes," Cheney said, referring to one of the elements for making nuclear weapons.

CNN.com - Top Bush officials push case against Saddam - September 8, 2002
I think it unquestionable that the USA fought hard won battles in both the Atlantic and Pacific theater

Likewise, the Soviet's contribution in the Pacific theater was zilch.shit. Someone already pointed out that the Soviets didn't even declare war on japan until after we'd defeated them, and that is spot on accurate.

But to suggest that America won the war single handed, or that it saved civilization from Axis powers without the aid of the allied forces of the commonwealth nations the Soviets, the Free French forces and so on, is simply so much jingoistic, breast-beating, American braggadaccio.

Take a look at the casualty numbers for that World War

That pretty much ecapsulates the story.

That's not taking anything away from the US contribution to defeating the Hun, but it's not discounting the fact that the effort was massive and took the combined efforts of all the allies, either.

Here's a link to the numbers for those of you interested in the facts.

Would Europe have fallen to the NAZIs without American help?

Damned right they would have. England was on the ropes, and if Hitler hasn't invaded the Soviets, thus bringing them into the fray, the Soviets would have happily waited for England to fall to NAZI Germany before Uncle Joe of and Adolph fought their inevitable war.

So........are you agreeing or disagreeing with my post? Considering I mentioned the same things, and never declared that the U.S. won it single-handedly.
"Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?"

I think the bigger and more important question should be:

Will the U.S. be better off under Obama?
So........are you agreeing or disagreeing with my post? Considering I mentioned the same things, and never declared that the U.S. won it single-handedly.

I'm not exactly sure, BrianH. I think I'm partially agreeing with your position.

I am merely responding to the general sentiment that the USA won the Second World War single handed.

Clearly, if one looks at the casualty figures that isn't even close to being true.

One could make the claim that the USA practically won the war against Japan single handed, since the Commonwealth forces which fought with us really didn't have much impact in the island hopping drive and naval battles that really defeated the Nippon menace.

But if one were going to award the Most Valuable Player to the Ally who did the most to defeat the Germans?

I'd have to say that the Soviets hedged out the USA in total effort on that front.

What''s more, casualty figures, on both sides, in both the Eastern and Western of the European theater supports that contention, too.
I'm not exactly sure, BrianH. I think I'm partially agreeing with your position.

I am merely responding to the general sentiment that the USA won the Second World War single handed.

Clearly, if one looks at the casualty figures that isn't even close to being true.

One could make the claim that the USA practically won the war against Japan single handed, since the Commonwealth forces which fought with us really didn't have much impact in the island hopping drive and naval battles that really defeated the Nippon menace.

But if one were going to award the Most Valuable Player to the Ally who did the most to defeat the Germans?

I'd have to say that the Soviets hedged out the USA in total effort on that front.

What''s more, casualty figures, on both sides, in both the Eastern and Western of the European theater supports that contention, too.

I like the MVP approach.

However, is this like the MVP in baseball where the award invariably is limited to players on winning teams? If we were to really expand the concept, shouldn't we include the Germans and Japanese in the competition for WWII MVP? (I know, who wants to vote for the Nazi's?) Still, interesting approach to the question.
I'm not exactly sure, BrianH. I think I'm partially agreeing with your position.

I am merely responding to the general sentiment that the USA won the Second World War single handed.

Clearly, if one looks at the casualty figures that isn't even close to being true.

One could make the claim that the USA practically won the war against Japan single handed, since the Commonwealth forces which fought with us really didn't have much impact in the island hopping drive and naval battles that really defeated the Nippon menace.

But if one were going to award the Most Valuable Player to the Ally who did the most to defeat the Germans?

I'd have to say that the Soviets hedged out the USA in total effort on that front.

What''s more, casualty figures, on both sides, in both the Eastern and Western of the European theater supports that contention, too.

I'll agree that if you go by casualties, U.S. falls behind in the "race". However, if you look at "battle-tactics" you'll find that Russia did little to decrease it's casualties. There weren't many nations who shot their own soldiers for retreating. I'm sure it happened, but the Russians fought the old WWI style of mass attack towards a line full of german machine guns and armor.

It may be difficult to decide who "takes the cake" in WWII because it was two different fronts, and essentially two different wars (just in Europe). The Russians fought an entirely different war than the conventional allies did. However, I think had it not been for U.S. air superiority over Europe, either front would not have been successful. As far as success, the Russians did take Berlin first, however, it took them years to push the Germans back, it took the allies (With American help) just 1 1/2 maybe 2 years to push the Germans back from Africa, Italy, Normandy, etc.... I won't say that the U.S. did it single-handedly, but I will say that it could not have been done without the U.S.
Adolf made two mistakes. He should have taken out Britain right after Dunkirk and thus not given the Yanks a staging area. And he should never have invaded the USSR. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

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