Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

Adolf made two mistakes. He should have taken out Britain right after Dunkirk and thus not given the Yanks a staging area. And he should never have invaded the USSR. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Very right on the first part. And Hitler actually had the UK beaten in the air war during the Battle of Britain but he allowed his emotions to get the better of him after a small, harmless British raid over Berlin angered Hitler so badly that instead of continuing to hammer British Airbases he shifted his bombing to the major cities for terror attacks. That allowed the RAF to reconstitute and eventually drive off the German assault.

And Stalin got lucky, is all. Had the Soviet Union not undergone the harshest winter in over 200 years in 1941, Hitler would have overrun both Leningrad and Moscow and finished the Soviet Union off by early 1942. The weather, not the Red Army stopped the Weirmach in its tracks.

And the Japanese should have decimated the US Carrier force at Midway. The main Japanese strategic mistake was splitting the Kido Buhtai and bringing only four of the six main carriers to Midway. The diversion to the Aleutians with two carriers was major strategic blunder.

But still, with four carriers it took a perfect storm of tactical mistakes, simple bad luck on the Japanese part and a major stroke of good luck by the US by getting an early spot on the Japanese carrier force. Even with that, the Japanese still should have won at Midway.

The Allies simply got VERY LUCKY in 1942.
I won't say that the U.S. did it single-handedly, but I will say that it could not have been done without the U.S.

Yesh, that's basically what I've been saying all along.

It took a collective effort to defeat the Axis powers.

And thank GOD Hitler didn't listen to his Generals, too, eh?

Had he done so, the outcome of that war would have been a very different thing, I suspect.
Yesh, that's basically what I've been saying all along.

It took a collective effort to defeat the Axis powers.

And thank GOD Hitler didn't listen to his Generals, too, eh?

Had he done so, the outcome of that war would have been a very different thing, I suspect.

Exactly....I think we're on the same page, but in a different book...lol.

If it wasn't for the whole final solution and anti-semitistic rage, Hitler would have been one of the greatest rulers of his time. (For Germany anyway.)
I hope everybody understands that if we let the world influence who we choose for President we have given away our rights to be a soverign nation. And as for our electing a black president to make Europe happy? They should show us theirs. They have been countries for thousands of years. Never once had a black President, Chancellor, Prime Minister, Queen or King. So Europe should just shut up.
You guys continue to run around with the wool over your eyes. Nobody likes conservative America. They are from a time long gone past. The rest of the world has moved on. And to be honest, most of us non-Americans wouldn't give two hoots if your arses wanted to stay conservative, as long as it didn't affect the rest of us. Unfortuntely, that isn't the case.

Gunny, we bitch and moan about the US for good reason (mostly). Doing good in the past, doesn't give you guys the right to act like the rest of us owe you and we should do your bidding. You guys hate it when the likes of Chavez and Castro stamp their feet making demands, what makes you thing the rest of us want to kowtow to you guys?

Obama will heal rifts...you wait and see...

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This is the oath of office for President of the United States....it talks about preserving, protecting & defending the Constitution of the United States.....here is what that means.....OUR LAWS, OUR SOCIETY, OUR COUNTRY.....I am sorry if Bush pisses you off, but his oath to uphold the Constitution sometimes requires him to do things that the rest of the world does not agree with...no where in that simple oath does it mention "the world" or "global society" or any other such nonsense....

If you believe the time of the conservative is long past, then explain why France chose a conservative or why Germany has a conservative woman chancellor.....both countries see the failure of the socialist democratic model.....
At the moment the US has a huge PR problem. People outside its borders generally don't like it. Why? George Bush and a bullying "do as we tell you, not as we do" big stick being waved. I think Obama has the ability to make the US back into one of the most well liked nations again. It'll take a while, and a lot of hard work, but he can do it. His biggest problem will be whether he kowtows to certain lobby groups within the US political system.
Your view of the world is through the liberal press and is not indicative of reality.
We should just let the rest of the world get along without us for a while.

Close the gates, lock the doors, the bank of the American tax payers is closed. Go get your charity somewhere else. Earthquake; too bad call France. Tsunami; tough luck call Russia, floods; we're helping our own first. The US government should not be sending the money that it confiscates from its citizens to any foreign nation. Call the Red Cross not Uncle Sam.

If Americans want to do business with foreign countires, fine with me but our government should not send our tax dollars to any other country.
I hope everybody understands that if we let the world influence who we choose for President we have given away our rights to be a soverign nation. And as for our electing a black president to make Europe happy? They should show us theirs. They have been countries for thousands of years. Never once had a black President, Chancellor, Prime Minister, Queen or King. So Europe should just shut up.


That is one minor issue among a host of other issues that Americans might take into account when selecting a POTUS.

NOBODY is going to vote for Obama or McCain based ENTIRELY on that.

It's important, but not that important.
Assuming Obama wins, no the world isn't going to like us more. If he returns the US to the "all give no take" policy we had before, the "world" might make a little less noise, but that's about it.The world has been villifying and blaming everything on the US since it no longer needed us to protect it from communist aggression. It hasn't mattered who was President at the time.

This is merely another bunch of junk laid on Bush by the left that started way before him.

As far as Obama goes, he's from one of the most corrupt political systems in this nation and the people around him are crooks or kooks. It doesn't even matter if the lobbies own his ass because they own Congress.

can you remind me...exactly when this was...thanks?

Any International Development stat...will show you that the US has been consistently bottom of the AID giving table since records began...Republican or Democrat.


I hope everybody understands that if we let the world influence who we choose for President we have given away our rights to be a soverign nation. And as for our electing a black president to make Europe happy? They should show us theirs. They have been countries for thousands of years. Never once had a black President, Chancellor, Prime Minister, Queen or King. So Europe should just shut up.

I agree, the reason to vote for Obama is not to make Europe happy.

It's to make America happy. :)
The standard response from an untravelled american jesus freak is...

"who cares what the rest of the world thinks."

and of course they are desperately wrong.

The US is weak economically... the EU is far more powerful....FACT.

however whilst the rest of the world....EU, China etc have been growing..the US has stagnated ..because it is controlled by the Defence industry...and is desperately trying to persuade jesus freak america..that Military power is still important.

when of course anyone with a brain knows that even the US ...who spend a hilarious amount on their military...cant even control a joke nation like Iraq...imagine them trying to invade Pakistan...now that would be funny......


We should just let the rest of the world get along without us for a while.

Close the gates, lock the doors, the bank of the American tax payers is closed. Go get your charity somewhere else. Earthquake; too bad call France. Tsunami; tough luck call Russia, floods; we're helping our own first. The US government should not be sending the money that it confiscates from its citizens to any foreign nation. Call the Red Cross not Uncle Sam.

Yep. AND! If you have a brutal dictator abusing your people, or your neighbors - sorry, we'll have nothing to do with it.

I agree, we need to take care of THIS country and not worry about the rest of the world. We have enough problems!
when of course anyone with a brain knows that even the US ...who spend a hilarious amount on their military...cant even control a joke nation like Iraq...imagine them trying to invade Pakistan...now that would be funny......

Iraq is a joke nation? I thought it was only war-mongerers that thought in those terms?
Iraq is a joke nation? I thought it was only war-mongerers that thought in those terms?

IN us JESUS freak language... militarily...Iraq is a joke nation

They spent 0.0001% of what the US does on Defence....and yet after 5 years the US is still nowhere .

The US defence budget is the single biggest joke in the history of mankind....shame only the likes of Cheney are laughing.
can you remind me...exactly when this was...thanks?

Any International Development stat...will show you that the US has been consistently bottom of the AID giving table since records began...Republican or Democrat.




How much does the U.S. spend on foreign aid?

The annual Foreign Operations appropriations bill, seen as the most reliable way of assessing how much the United States spends on foreign assistance, is $20.7 billion for fiscal year 2006. President Bush has asked for $23.7 billion for 2007. If approved, that would mark a near doubling of foreign assistance since 1997. In 2004, official development assistance (ODA) from the United States was 0.16 percent of its GNP.

The ODA, which involves grants or loans a government gives to a development country to promote economic development and welfare, excludes military assistance that makes up a major portion of U.S. foreign aid appropriations—from $3 billion to $6 billion annually during the past ten years, according to the Congressional Research Service.

How does U.S. aid spending compare with other nations?
Although the latest Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) figures, from 2004, show the United States as the leading donor among the world's top twenty-two industrial nations in terms of volume, it was near last in terms of aid as a percentage of gross national income. As part of the Millennium Development Goals set out by the United Nations, many developed states have pledged to commit 0.7 percent of their gross national product (GNP) to official development assistance. The United States has never committed to that figure. Five nations—Norway, Luxembourg, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands—exceeded the goal of expending .7 percent of GNP on development aid.

Defenders of U.S. aid levels say the 2004 figures do not fully represent the major new projects under MCC and the HIV/AIDS account. They also stress the high level of U.S. private sector donations not included in ODA and the role of the U.S. military which was a critical source of relief supplies after the Indian Ocean tsunami hit at the end of 2004.
The standard response from an untravelled american jesus freak is...

"who cares what the rest of the world thinks."

and of course they are desperately wrong.

The US is weak economically... the EU is far more powerful....FACT.

however whilst the rest of the world....EU, China etc have been growing..the US has stagnated ..because it is controlled by the Defence industry...and is desperately trying to persuade jesus freak america..that Military power is still important.

when of course anyone with a brain knows that even the US ...who spend a hilarious amount on their military...cant even control a joke nation like Iraq...imagine them trying to invade Pakistan...now that would be funny......



It's a false economy. Tax payers fund the military and defense, so it is not the ideal industry as far as the economy goes. Manufacturing cars, now there is an industry.

The rich in America are now even being affected by Bushanomics too. They can't even shift their money to overseas investments because our bad economy is even affecting other economies. Even McCain is flipping on the idea that we need less regulations. Now he's admitting we deregulated too much. Way to go John. Too little too late. We warned you 8 years ago. The GOP was denying we had a problem as recent as January during the Michigan primaries. They said Michigan was in a one state recession and things were fine everywhere else.

We used to be the largest creditor nation. We manufactured and we sold our goods to the rest of the world. All of the sudden we are the largest debtor nation?

I want to apologize for the right wing of our country. They are an embarrassment no doubt. They ran the country for the last 8 years. They stole the last two elections. They are the rich and powerful people of our country. And trust me, rich europeans and chinese and russians and indians are all doing great too. They are buying up America too. So in the end, it isn't about muslims, non americans, women, gays, anti abortion, global warming, etc. It's rich vs. poor. I have more in common with a middle class european than I do with the rich people in America. They have divided us into two Americas. Made the gap wider. Made it harder for all of us.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

This is the oath of office for President of the United States....it talks about preserving, protecting & defending the Constitution of the United States.....here is what that means.....OUR LAWS, OUR SOCIETY, OUR COUNTRY.....I am sorry if Bush pisses you off, but his oath to uphold the Constitution sometimes requires him to do things that the rest of the world does not agree with...no where in that simple oath does it mention "the world" or "global society" or any other such nonsense....

If you believe the time of the conservative is long past, then explain why France chose a conservative or why Germany has a conservative woman chancellor.....both countries see the failure of the socialist democratic model.....

No, he did stuff that 70% of the USA disagreed with, and he trashed the constitution. Drinking too much of the GOP coolaid.

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