Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

Since you don't know I suggest that you research this on your own.

You don't know!!! :clap2::lol:

Or maybe I made you think it through and basically a Republcan is a phony conservative. A conservative is a social racist/bigot/ignorant/greedy/sexist/lying Republican?

And you just didn't want to admit it, so you didn't reply. Way to go, dishonest cockmail.
You don't know!!! :clap2::lol:

Or maybe I made you think it through and basically a Republcan is a phony conservative. A conservative is a social racist/bigot/ignorant/greedy/sexist/lying Republican?

And you just didn't want to admit it, so you didn't reply. Way to go, dishonest cockmail.
So you're an asshole as well as a dumbass. Anyone who says that The Glock doesn't know what a conservative is and how Republicans are lacking clearly hasn't been reading my posts. :cuckoo:
I found international travel (India and S. Africa) interesting in that 100% of the people I discussed America with told me that they like Americans in general... they just don't trust the American government. They question our 'democracy' and wonder how people that they find so likable can elect a government that is so arrogant.


Did you remind them that although close to 50% definitely support either party, that it is so odd that the republican - built electronic machines seemed to make errors that favored republicans 95% of the time in 2004? And that Gore actually won the popular vote and the elctoral vote (had the recount been completed) in 2000.

I am surprised that the US is painted with a black and white brush when the elections themselves are so muddy.
What do the Europeans have or do that make people here want to emulate them or need their approval on anything?
Example; The English just implemented partial Sharia Law takeover of their court system, who want's that? Seriously?

Ya, the sharia law is a strange turn of events, this should be interesting.

As far as emulating europe, I dunno - They seem less divided in general than our population and that would be nice. I could be wrong about that thouch.
At the moment the US has a huge PR problem. People outside its borders generally don't like it. Why? George Bush and a bullying "do as we tell you, not as we do" big stick being waved. I think Obama has the ability to make the US back into one of the most well liked nations again. It'll take a while, and a lot of hard work, but he can do it. His biggest problem will be whether he kowtows to certain lobby groups within the US political system.

:clap2: I can agree with your statement.
What are the differences between republicans and conservatives? What happens to the liberals?

Michael Williams: Republicans have dropped the banner of conservatism | Athens Banner-Herald

Today's Republican is not conservative. Conservatives do not intervene in personal medical matters such as the Terry Schiavo case. Conservatives do not borrow more money from foreign countries than the previous 42 administrations combined. Conservatives do not create the three largest budget deficits in our history, almost doubling our national debt and resulting in interest payments that have totaled $377.3 billion for just the first nine months of this fiscal year. Conservatives do not take money from their children's futures to pay for their tax cuts today.

Conservatives reduce spending. Conservatives hold people accountable for their deeds. Today's Republican has no problem turning a blind eye to the corrupt criminal and immoral behavior in the party, from Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens being indicted on accepting gifts totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars to Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pleading guilty in the infamous bathroom scandal.

Conservatives do not imprison people indefinitely without their day in court. Conservatives do not torture people. Conservatives respect the separation of powers in our government and would never attempt to politicize our Justice Department.

Put plain and simple, conservatives cherish, respect and honor our Constitution and would never drag it through the mud the way the current Republicans have. If you want to vote conservative in this year's election, you will have to look somewhere other than the Republican Party.

Michael Williams - Danielsville

Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Michael Williams: Republicans have dropped the banner of conservatism | Athens Banner-Herald

Today's Republican is not conservative. Conservatives do not intervene in personal medical matters such as the Terry Schiavo case. Conservatives do not borrow more money from foreign countries than the previous 42 administrations combined. Conservatives do not create the three largest budget deficits in our history, almost doubling our national debt and resulting in interest payments that have totaled $377.3 billion for just the first nine months of this fiscal year. Conservatives do not take money from their children's futures to pay for their tax cuts today.

Conservatives reduce spending. Conservatives hold people accountable for their deeds. Today's Republican has no problem turning a blind eye to the corrupt criminal and immoral behavior in the party, from Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens being indicted on accepting gifts totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars to Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pleading guilty in the infamous bathroom scandal.

Conservatives do not imprison people indefinitely without their day in court. Conservatives do not torture people. Conservatives respect the separation of powers in our government and would never attempt to politicize our Justice Department.

Put plain and simple, conservatives cherish, respect and honor our Constitution and would never drag it through the mud the way the current Republicans have. If you want to vote conservative in this year's election, you will have to look somewhere other than the Republican Party.

Michael Williams - Danielsville

Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Tuesday, September 02, 2008
And yet conservatives can't seem to resist voting for these idiots.
the reason most countries dont like us, is because they are jealous. and 1 thing that obama brings to the table is, the other countries wont have anything to be jealous of any more. when he breaks us down to where everyone has nothing, then the rest of the world will like us. I DONT GIVE A SHIT IF THEY LIKE US!!!
it's a no win situation isn't it?

picking the lesser of two evils while holding one's nose is American politics today.
I don't think it's a no win situation. But it definitely is a hard to fix situation. I'd say the best place to start is locally. Don't let the non-conservatives win local or state elections. Eventually the faux-cons will get flushed out of the system.
Since you are one of the idiots I didn't expect an answer from you. Thanks anyway.

Despite the fact that you two insist on trolling each other throughout the ENTIRE board, Glock (and I hate to say it) actually gave you a legitimate answer. Is there anyones ass you WON'T try to crawl up just to hear yourself speak?
I don't think it's a no win situation. But it definitely is a hard to fix situation. I'd say the best place to start is locally. Don't let the non-conservatives win local or state elections. Eventually the faux-cons will get flushed out of the system.

Libertarians do better locally and I vote for them whenever possible but it does feel like shoveling shit against the tide.
Libertarians do better locally and I vote for them whenever possible but it does feel like shoveling shit against the tide.
I've never actually had a chance to vote for a libertarian. Though I tend to think they are nuts, I actually think they bring a lot of balance to many issues.
Despite the fact that you two insist on trolling each other throughout the ENTIRE board, Glock (and I hate to say it) actually gave you a legitimate answer. Is there anyones ass you WON'T try to crawl up just to hear yourself speak?
Are you my nanny?
Michael Williams: Republicans have dropped the banner of conservatism | Athens Banner-Herald

Today's Republican is not conservative. Conservatives do not intervene in personal medical matters such as the Terry Schiavo case. Conservatives do not borrow more money from foreign countries than the previous 42 administrations combined. Conservatives do not create the three largest budget deficits in our history, almost doubling our national debt and resulting in interest payments that have totaled $377.3 billion for just the first nine months of this fiscal year. Conservatives do not take money from their children's futures to pay for their tax cuts today.

Conservatives reduce spending. Conservatives hold people accountable for their deeds. Today's Republican has no problem turning a blind eye to the corrupt criminal and immoral behavior in the party, from Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens being indicted on accepting gifts totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars to Idaho Sen. Larry Craig pleading guilty in the infamous bathroom scandal.

Conservatives do not imprison people indefinitely without their day in court. Conservatives do not torture people. Conservatives respect the separation of powers in our government and would never attempt to politicize our Justice Department.

Put plain and simple, conservatives cherish, respect and honor our Constitution and would never drag it through the mud the way the current Republicans have. If you want to vote conservative in this year's election, you will have to look somewhere other than the Republican Party.

Michael Williams - Danielsville

Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Tuesday, September 02, 2008

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Which is one more reason the Palin Pick destroyed what little hope I had that a McCain victory would be a move back to conservative values.

This is not my father's republican party. It's not his democratic party either for that matter.
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