Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

The US is weak economically... the EU is far more powerful....FACT.

however whilst the rest of the world....EU, China etc have been growing..the US has stagnated ..because it is controlled by the Defence industry...and is desperately trying to persuade jesus freak america..that Military power is still important.

when of course anyone with a brain knows that even the US ...who spend a hilarious amount on their military...cant even control a joke nation like Iraq...imagine them trying to invade Pakistan...now that would be funny......




"I wouldn’t talk about a recession, but I would talk about a technical recession," Mr. Juncker told the European Parliament. "Regardless of the technical nature of this, the situation needs to be classified as being a serious one."

The European Commission, the executive arm of the European Union, predicted that the 27-nation bloc would grow 1.3 percent this year, sharply less than the 1.7 percent that it had hoped for in April.

Among the countries that use the euro, a group that excludes big economies like Britain, Sweden and Poland, growth is expected to be 1.4 percent, off from a 2 percent estimate in April.

"The way the European economies will start 2009, according to this forecast, will not be very good," said Joaquín Almunia, the commissioner for economic and monetary affairs.


With consumer spending holding up much better than anyone had expected, the American economy grew at a 1.4 percent annual rate in the fourth quarter, the Commerce Department reported yesterday in a sharp upward revision of its original estimate.
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You're a fucking joke. People like you don't deserve to live in the US.

Actually, if you are going to be for free speech, that has to also mean he can say what he wants to say. And if I want to burn a flag in protest of my government, I should be able to. But I can't, because you guys don't really believe in free speech.
At the moment the US has a huge PR problem. People outside its borders generally don't like it. Why? George Bush and a bullying "do as we tell you, not as we do" big stick being waved. I think Obama has the ability to make the US back into one of the most well liked nations again. It'll take a while, and a lot of hard work, but he can do it. His biggest problem will be whether he kowtows to certain lobby groups within the US political system.

Popularity contests are for high school class president elections.

Can Obama work more effectively with allies, and have more credibility on the world stage? Without a doubt. Bush is a total joke and no one listens to him, or to his NeoCon allies, like McCain.

And that will be a good thing.
IN us JESUS freak language... militarily...Iraq is a joke nation

They spent 0.0001% of what the US does on Defence....and yet after 5 years the US is still nowhere .

The US defence budget is the single biggest joke in the history of mankind....shame only the likes of Cheney are laughing.

Hmmmm - that isn't how it sounded when you first said it. Then you said pakistan is stronger.

Are YOU a "Jesus freak?" Because you seem to be using some of their arguments as your own....
Actually, if you are going to be for free speech, that has to also mean he can say what he wants to say. And if I want to burn a flag in protest of my government, I should be able to. But I can't, because you guys don't really believe in free speech.
Thank you for demonstrating that you only believe in Liberal hate speech. :badgrin:
Thank you for demonstrating that you only believe in Liberal hate speech. :badgrin:

I don't want to burn a flag. That wasn't my point. My point is that you don't really want people to have free speech.....unless you agree with it....which does no good.

Or do you mean free as in I don't have to pay you to speak? I can speak for free.

And I'm sorry if I don't side with you because we are both Americans. The foreigner is right. You guys are disgusting.

The Palin's of the world actually think there are demons in other parts of the world and that THEY are good, godly, the richous ones. That's a joke. I bet you buy into that too. Iran is evil, WE are good. Right? :cuckoo:

There is good and evil everywhere. Bush and Amadenijad, and their radical followers.....They all deserve each other. You included.
I don't want to burn a flag. That wasn't my point. My point is that you don't really want people to have free speech.....unless you agree with it....which does no good.

Or do you mean free as in I don't have to pay you to speak? I can speak for free.

And I'm sorry if I don't side with you because we are both Americans. The foreigner is right. You guys are disgusting.

The Palin's of the world actually think there are demons in other parts of the world and that THEY are good, godly, the richous ones. That's a joke. I bet you buy into that too. Iran is evil, WE are good. Right? :cuckoo:

There is good and evil everywhere. Bush and Amadenijad, and their radical followers.....They all deserve each other. You included.

Wow are you a dumbass. Thank you again for demonstrating that you only believe in Liberal hate speech, as well as your inability to comprehend the written word beyond the 6th grade level. So just so this doesn't continue, I'll spell it out to you as simply as possible.

MichaelCollins wrote "THE US IS A JOKE." I wrote "People like [MichaelCollins] don't deserve to live in the US", and its only MY speech that you have a fucking problem with.
You're the one who stated that it would be good to have a black man President simply because he is a black man. I simply pointed out this plain truth. Perhaps the one who is upset by the truth should grow up. :D

It would be a giant leap forward for mankind, racist jerk.

PS. We should have a one party system. Since clearly the Democrats are responsible for all our problems and the Republicans can do no wrong. At least in your eyes.

If that's not true, what did the Republicans do wrong between 2000-2006?
It would be a giant leap forward for mankind, racist jerk.

PS. We should have a one party system. Since clearly the Democrats are responsible for all our problems and the Republicans can do no wrong. At least in your eyes.

If that's not true, what did the Republicans do wrong between 2000-2006?

So you're a racist along with editec. No surprise, y'all being Democrats and such.

Upon the demise of the Democrat Party I see a continuation of the two party system: Republicans, and Conservatives. :D
At the moment the US has a huge PR problem. People outside its borders generally don't like it. Why? George Bush and a bullying "do as we tell you, not as we do" big stick being waved. I think Obama has the ability to make the US back into one of the most well liked nations again. It'll take a while, and a lot of hard work, but he can do it. His biggest problem will be whether he kowtows to certain lobby groups within the US political system.

I found international travel (India and S. Africa) interesting in that 100% of the people I discussed America with told me that they like Americans in general... they just don't trust the American government. They question our 'democracy' and wonder how people that they find so likable can elect a government that is so arrogant.

I found international travel (India and S. Africa) interesting in that 100% of the people I discussed America with told me that they like Americans in general... they just don't trust the American government. They question our 'democracy' and wonder how people that they find so likable can elect a government that is so arrogant.


That would put them in the same camp with conservatives, who mistrust government, and opposite of liberals, who love it.
So you're a racist along with editec. No surprise, y'all being Democrats and such.

Upon the demise of the Democrat Party I see a continuation of the two party system: Republicans, and Conservatives. :D

What are the differences between republicans and conservatives? What happens to the liberals?
What do the Europeans have or do that make people here want to emulate them or need their approval on anything?
Example; The English just implemented partial Sharia Law takeover of their court system, who want's that? Seriously?

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