Will the World Like the US Better Under Obama?

Do you not call RGS out on the same shit you're putting forth here? Trolling people around the board just because?
He answered a comment that I made to SP. I'm not getting why that constitutes me trolling him. But then again, I'd never want to hazard a guess as to how your mind works.

He answered a comment that I made to SP. I'm not getting why that constitutes me trolling him. But then again, I'd never want to hazard a guess as to how your mind works.


Just sayin... Pot. Kettle. Black.

Do carry on, tho. :eusa_whistle:
I don't think it's a no win situation. But it definitely is a hard to fix situation. I'd say the best place to start is locally. Don't let the non-conservatives win local or state elections. Eventually the faux-cons will get flushed out of the system.

Republicans act like the Democrats are the same democrats of the 80's. They actually think we want to take their guns away, for example. Meanwhile they ignore the fact that Bush sent Blackwater into New Orleans, declared marshall law and confiscated guns.

They also believe the Republican party is more fiscally responsible and better at defense and national security, just because that was true 20 plus years ago.

They don't realize that both parties adjust. And they get sucked along into being anti choice, pro torture, anti labor when you yourself are labor, etc.

I'm amazed how many people are still on the GOP bandwagon. It is amazing. Voters are dumb. What can I say.
Republicans act like the Democrats are the same democrats of the 80's. They actually think we want to take their guns away, for example. Meanwhile they ignore the fact that Bush sent Blackwater into New Orleans, declared marshall law and confiscated guns.

They also believe the Republican party is more fiscally responsible and better at defense and national security, just because that was true 20 plus years ago.

They don't realize that both parties adjust. And they get sucked along into being anti choice, pro torture, anti labor when you yourself are labor, etc.

I'm amazed how many people are still on the GOP bandwagon. It is amazing. Voters are dumb. What can I say.
That reminds me. I wonder if Bush told Perry in Texas that Bush should be able to take over the Texas National Guard before giving any federal aid for the recent hurricane like he did in Louisiana?
Republicans act like the Democrats are the same democrats of the 80's. They actually think we want to take their guns away, for example. Meanwhile they ignore the fact that Bush sent Blackwater into New Orleans, declared marshall law and confiscated guns.

They also believe the Republican party is more fiscally responsible and better at defense and national security, just because that was true 20 plus years ago.

They don't realize that both parties adjust. And they get sucked along into being anti choice, pro torture, anti labor when you yourself are labor, etc.

In general I agree with a lot of this.

No one wants to take my gun away, as far as I can tell. Hunting is good for the environment (less impact on environment to feed family, reduce deer etc which reduces lyme disease etc, etc).

Democrats have adjusted their choice platform this time too, it is more centrist than before and emphasizes the importance of enabling women who cannot afford to carry a baby the resources to actually have the baby.

Republicans are taking away liberties right and left, putting more power in the executive office, and allowing the balances to become very uneven.

The democrats have been more fiscally responsible over the past 25 years than republicans. The republicans have socialized the risk of investment, which means that altho they don't raise taxes per se, when they bail out a financial institution the taxpayer does indeed pay for it.

Them's my thoughts anyway.

It's screwed up.
In general I agree with a lot of this.

No one wants to take my gun away, as far as I can tell. Hunting is good for the environment (less impact on environment to feed family, reduce deer etc which reduces lyme disease etc, etc).

Democrats have adjusted their choice platform this time too, it is more centrist than before and emphasizes the importance of enabling women who cannot afford to carry a baby the resources to actually have the baby.

Republicans are taking away liberties right and left, putting more power in the executive office, and allowing the balances to become very uneven.

The democrats have been more fiscally responsible over the past 25 years than republicans. The republicans have socialized the risk of investment, which means that altho they don't raise taxes per se, when they bail out a financial institution the taxpayer does indeed pay for it.

Them's my thoughts anyway.

It's screwed up.

Bless you! Great post. Especially the part about the GOP not raising our taxes but instead raising the cost of living, inflation and lowering the value of the dollar. I've been saying that but no one paid attention.

Actually, it turns out the GOP was paying attention to my talking points, because they flipped it on me. Today they say if the dems get into office, they won't raise your taxes, but they will tax corporations, who will in turn pass on the costs to the consumer.

It's funny how smart republicans are until they get into power, and then they can't see how their misguided policies are ruining the economy until it is way toooooo late.
Did you remind them that although close to 50% definitely support either party, that it is so odd that the republican - built electronic machines seemed to make errors that favored republicans 95% of the time in 2004? And that Gore actually won the popular vote and the elctoral vote (had the recount been completed) in 2000.

I am surprised that the US is painted with a black and white brush when the elections themselves are so muddy.

The people I interacted with, business people for the most part, would not question American technology. It must be the human factor. Some were surprised to hear that our elections and government are so skewed by money.

Sad, I know, but we have a reputation for having our shit together.

That reminds me. I wonder if Bush told Perry in Texas that Bush should be able to take over the Texas National Guard before giving any federal aid for the recent hurricane like he did in Louisiana?

No..............what happened in Louisiana was that the Govenor had to declare a State of Emergency so that the US military could be used in the US for that disaster.

The Govenor of MS did that, the Govenor of Alabama did that.............two states that were actually hit by the heart of the storm unlike New Orleans. And yes other parts of Louisiana were hit by the brunt of the storm...........yet New Orleans was only a glancing blow by the out part of the storm named Katrina.

BTW ever since the drawdown started in Bush 41 and really gutted and jumped on by Clinton...............the National Guard and the Air National Guard are part of the US military. This was put in place to augment the standing military for the forces they were losing. So yes the president needs no permission to take over the Guard................he just needs a disaster claimed to do so....................oh wait he doesn't really need that now, all because of the IDJIT Blanco wasting so much time in doing so.
No..............what happened in Louisiana was that the Govenor had to declare a State of Emergency so that the US military could be used in the US for that disaster.

The Govenor of MS did that, the Govenor of Alabama did that
No, sorry, I know this is a common misconception. Blanco asked Bush to declare a Federal State of Emergency before the storm hit, by letter, in fact, and Bush did declare it. Before the storm hit. She did nothing wrong in that regard. She followed proper procedure.
Oh, and if you are going to argue that a president should have the power to direct a states national guard for activity inside the United States, then you need to have your head examined.
Oh, and if you are going to argue that a president should have the power to direct a states national guard for activity inside the United States, then you need to have your head examined.

Pay attention.

The President may take over the guard and make them Active at any time he wishes.
Oh ya--they kicked some ass in the pacific !!!! Cmon Grump

Well, when the Soviet Union entered the war (as they promised, the agreement at Jalta was to attack Japan within 3 months of Germanys capitulation) they handed a complete Smackdown to the Japanese, the 1 million Kwantung army ceased to exist in a manner of weeks.

Incidently, Japan lost a battle against the Soviets of 37 (Kalkhin Gol incident), the Soviets of 45 beat them worse than Germany beat France.

For Khalkin Gol:
Battle of Khalkhin Gol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Concerning August Storm:
Leavenworth Papers No. 7 (August Storm: The Soviet 1945 Strategic Offensive in Manchuria)
Considering Obama:

To me, diplomatic skill means the ability to do what you want without beeing hated by others. Clinton was very diplomatic, and he, in my opinion, did ruthlessly pursue American interests. However, he did not need 30.000 Policemen to guard his visits to allied states.

Do you remember the time where the Le Monde claimed "We are all Americans!"?
The people who went for spontaneous pro American demonstrations at 9/11 were, to a large amount, the same that later protested against the Iraq War.
I cannot recall another example where so much foreign sympathy was lost in a so short time.
Of course, having foreign sympathy is not the most important thing to have, but it is a resource and Bush squandered a lot of it.
You guys continue to run around with the wool over your eyes. Nobody likes conservative America. They are from a time long gone past. The rest of the world has moved on. And to be honest, most of us non-Americans wouldn't give two hoots if your arses wanted to stay conservative, as long as it didn't affect the rest of us. Unfortuntely, that isn't the case.

Moved on to things like lack of personal accountability, big government, high taxes and dependance? Sounds wonderful

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